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Unit 6 Vocabulary Food Town People.

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1 Unit 6 Vocabulary Food Town People

2 modern town young people
Work in groups, find out the adjectives going along with food, town, and people Ex: delicious food modern town young people

3 junk food /'dʒʌηk fu:d/ food that is high in calories but little nutritional value. Ex: Eating lots of junk food is bad for your health. junk food

4 home-grown food / ‘hǝʊm'grǝʊn fu:d / food that is grown or originating in a particular place Ex: Are these home-grown potatoes or did you buy them at the market? Home-grown food

5 vegetarian food /,vedʒi'teəriən fu:d/ food that doesn’t include meat or any animal products
Ex: You’re so fat. You should eat more vegetarian food to lose your weight. vegetarian food

6 Cosmopolitan town /,kɔzmə'pɔlitən taʊn/: town that has people from several countries with different cultures living in it. Ex: Paris is a cosmopolitan town/city. Cosmopolitan town

7 Historic town /his'tɔrik taʊn/ town that is in accordance with history Ex: Hoi An is one of historic towns in Viet Nam Hoi An Historic town

8 Sociable people /'sǝʊ∫əbl 'pi:pl/: people who are willing to talk and engage in activities with others. Ex: Sociable people always feel happy in their life. Sociable people

9 Outgoing people /'aʊtgǝʊiη 'pi:pl/: people who are friendly and confident outgoing people # shy people Ex: Outgoing people can make friend easily. Outgoing people

10 junk food Eating lots of junk food is bad for your health. home-grown food Are these home-grown potatoes or did you buy them at the market? vegetarian food You’re so fat. You should eat more vegetarian food to lose your weight. Cosmopolitan town Paris is a cosmopolitan town/city. Historic town Hoi An is one of historic towns in Viet Nam Sociable people Sociable people always feel happy in their life. Outgoing people Outgoing people can make friend easily.

11 Work in groups, find out 4 adjectives which can not go with the noun

12 Work in groups, find out 4 adjectives which can not go with the noun

13 Work in groups, find out 4 adjectives which can not go with the noun

14 Complete the conversations with adjectives from exercise 1.
When necessary, use the comparative or superlative form.

15 Nick’s really quiet and _______. He never says a word.
Yeah, his brother is much______ ________. shy more out going

16 A. What’s Carrie’s boyfriend like?
B. Well, he’s ______, dark, and handsome, but he’s not very polite. In fact, he’s even _______than Carrie! tall ruder

17 A. How was your lunch? B. Ugh! It was awful. The pizza was __________. We were really _________, but we still couldn’t eat it. disgusting starving

18 A. Hmm, These tomatoes are really _________
A. Hmm, These tomatoes are really _________. Did you grow them yourselves? B. Yes, we did. All your vegetables are ___________. delicious home-grown

19 A. Did you have a good time in London?
B. We had a great time. There’s so much to do. It’s a really _______city. And there are so many people from all over the world. I think it’s nearly as ____________ as New York. exciting cosmopolitan

20 Listen and check Let’s practice

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