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KSIS Mid Year Training, 1/8/14 January 8, 2014 8:00 a.m. (CST)/9:00 a.m. (EST)

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Presentation on theme: "KSIS Mid Year Training, 1/8/14 January 8, 2014 8:00 a.m. (CST)/9:00 a.m. (EST)"— Presentation transcript:

1 KSIS Mid Year Training, 1/8/14 January 8, 2014 8:00 a.m. (CST)/9:00 a.m. (EST)

2 KSIS Mid Year Training, 1/8/14 Windy Newton, Systems Consultant IT Office of Next Generation Schools &Districts Division of Student Success

3  Resolutions mapped to the state code of SSP7: Restraint and SSP8: Seclusion have been added to the data standards and reporting for Safe Schools.  Data collection of Restraint and Seclusion custom tab must be completed for any incident resulting in Restraint or Seclusion.

4  Incidents with law or board violation selection from one of the following categories: ◦Assault or Violence ◦Guns or other weapons ◦Controlled substances (including alcohol or tobacco) ◦Bullying or Harassment  Incidents with state resolutions of one of the following: ◦Expulsion, with services – SSP1 ◦Expulsion, without services – SSP2 ◦Out of School Suspension – SSP3 ◦In School Removal – INSR ◦Restraint – SSP7 ◦Seclusion – SSP8

5  A list of the select law and board violations can be found in the 2013-14 Safe Schools Data Standards on the KDE Safe Schools website.KDE Safe Schools website  The data standards provide users with details as to what data must be entered into IC for safe schools reporting purposes. Descriptions and screenshots are part of the document.

6  KDE’s primary point of contact for Safe Schools data collection is the Safe Schools Coordinator for the district.  All notifications sent to Safe Schools Coordinators are also sent to the KSIS Point of Contact.  It is the district’s Safe Schools Coordinator’s responsibility to communicate important notifications regarding data entry and standards to the school users in their districts.

7  The data is reported to the Kentucky Center for School Safety  The Office of Education Accountability  Legislative requests  U.S. Department of Education  School Report Card > Learning Environment tab > Safety Tab

8  This data will be reported on your district and school report cards via Open House for 2013-14.  The 2012-13 data is populated currently for each school.  It is very important that schools and districts verify their data during the verification window for Safe Schools reporting and during the verification window for School Report Card.

9  If your district does not implement Corporal Punishment according to board policy, the resolution code should be end dated via Behavior > Admin > Resolution Types  This will prevent users from selecting as a resolution in error.

10  Scenario: ◦Student receives a resolution of In-School Removal ◦During serving of INSR, student receives an Out-of-School suspension before INSR has ended ◦INSR resolution must be end dated or end timed prior to the start of the SSP3

11  Require a selection of a law or board violation on the event detail  Require a start date and time  Require an end date and time

12  Why is this important? ◦This is the primary data element that will connect the data entered on the Restraint/Seclusion tab to the data entered on the Behavior Detail. ◦The student level custom report will not generate if the IDs do not match. ◦The data is required according to regulation.

13  The resolution ID field on the Restraint and Seclusion tab must be manually entered  Where do I find it? ◦The resolution ID is an auto-generated number assigned to a resolution when saved in the Behavior Management Tool. ◦Within the student’s Behavior Tab, click on the hyperlink to the appropriate incident (this will open the incident detail).

14  Click on the ID hyperlink within Incident Detail.  This will open up the incident within the Behavior Management Tool, the Resolution ID will be found within the Events and Participants section of the Incident.

15  Enter this resolution ID on the Restraint and Seclusion Tab in the Resolution ID field. The resolution ID on the R/S tab and the Behavior detail must match!

16  KDE has developed and posted a recorded WebEx session detailing the steps described in the previous slide.  This can be found on KDE’s Safe Schools Data Collection and Reporting website.KDE’s Safe Schools Data Collection and Reporting website

17  The Safe Schools Extract is located via KY State Reporting | Safe Schools.  The validation report should be run monthly and distributed to schools for clean up of error/warnings prior to the end of the school year.

18  Errors – Indicate problematic data that will NOT pull on the report  Warnings – Indicate problematic data that WILL pull on the report Districts should work throughout the school year to clean up errors and warnings.

19  Error 1: Resolutions – Missing Start/End Dates and/or Start/End Times This error will appear anytime a student has a state resolution without a resolution start/end date and/or start/end time.

20  Error 2: State Resolutions without a Law or Board Violation Selected This error will appear any time a student has a State Resolution without a selection of a Law or Board violation within the Event Detail

21  Error 3: Events without a Participant This error will appear anytime an event with a qualifying Law or Board violation does not have participant selected.  To resolve this issue: find behavior incident and add participant, if applicable; otherwise the incident should be deleted.

22  Error 4: Student Behavior Incident Date is not within Enrollment This error will appear for any student offender with a qualifying behavior incident date outside the student’s enrollment dates.  To resolve this issue, verify incident date as compared to enrollment start/end dates. If this is a non-reported incident, such as attendance letter for documentation purposes, the error can be disregarded.  A future update will change the logic of this error to compare the incident date to any district enrollment, not just the current school enrollment.

23  Warning 1: Out of School Suspension/attendance dates and/or times Inconsistent This warning will appear for students who received a state resolution of SSP3 and the start/end date/times of the behavior resolution are not consistent with the check-in/out date/time within the student’s attendance.  NOTE: the Suspension/Attendance Linkage report will assist.  Check-in/out date/times are the authoritative elements for this data.

24  Warning 2: Missing Demographic Data This warning will appear for students who are missing one or more of the following demographic fields: ◦State Student ID ◦First Name ◦Gender  This error should really never occur, if it does a ticket with IC Support should be open to resolve the demographic issue.  This warning will be removed in a future release.

25  Warning 3: Student Behavior Resolution Date not within Enrollment This warning will appear for students who have a behavior resolution start/end date outside of the enrollment start/end dates.  For validation purposes, users should verify the dates of the resolution are within the dates of an enrollment record.  A future update will change the logic of this error to compare the incident date to any district enrollment, not just the current school enrollment.

26  Warning 4: Overlapping State Resolution Start Date/Time and or End Date/Time This warning will appear anytime a student has two or more state resolutions (SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP5, INSR) which overlap by any span of dates or times.  To resolve this issue, open the behavior records and adjust the dates/times so they do not overlap with another state resolution record.  NOTE: most of these incidents involve an INSR and an SSP3 record. The SSP3 cannot start before the INSR has ended.

27  Begin cleaning up your errors/warnings NOW…  Once data exported in Excel, separate by school and send to your building principals for verification.  This data is reported publically via the School Report Card.

28  May 1 st – Official district verification window opens  June 30 th - District verification window closes  June 30 th – Superintendent verification due to KDE  July 1 st - KDE will extract data from IC state data warehouse  July 15 th (tentative) – District and school level data will be available for viewing in the 13-14 School Report Card Data Collection tool  July 31 st - School Report Card verification of behavior data ends (note: two weeks after availability in SRC)  August 30 th – Data provided to KCSS and OEA as mandated by KRS 158.444  End of September – Public release of School Report Card

29  Infinite Campus Behavior questions, contact  Behavior Programmatic questions, contact  Restraint and Seclusion Programmatic questions, contact  Have a Question? Post it in the Lync chat window.

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