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Major Fundraising Initiative. Memorial University launched its largest fund- raising effort to date, The Opportunity Fund, in 1997. The goal was to raise.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Fundraising Initiative. Memorial University launched its largest fund- raising effort to date, The Opportunity Fund, in 1997. The goal was to raise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Fundraising Initiative

2 Memorial University launched its largest fund- raising effort to date, The Opportunity Fund, in 1997. The goal was to raise $50 million to increase student scholarships and fellowships, to improve student services facilities, and to support innovative teaching and research initiatives. When the campaign ended in December 1999, close to $60 million had been pledged, including government matching funds.

3 The Opportunity Fund During the Opportunity Fund, a percentage of the funds raised supported infrastructure: significant funding went towards infrastructure: the Field House; Smallwood Centre; and the Student Annex at SWGC. But other infrastructure needs remain significant. However, all aspects of need must be addressed.

4 Memorial looks to launch its next major campaign A total $200 million investment prospectus, which includes a $100 million bond issue There is a need to address all aspects of need in the upcoming campaign, but infrastructure requirements are significant These facilities are necessary for the University to maintain an environment suitable for the delivery of current programs, to expand our capability of attracting new students and faculty, and to expand our capabilities in research

5 Projects of significant need have been identified Residences Upgrade/New (in St. John’s and at SWGC) $58 M Sciences Research Building$45 M Academic Building Expansion at SWGC$10 M Business Building Expansion$5 M Medical Research/Service$10 M Health Sciences Medical Research/Service$2 M Library Expansion (in St. John’s and at SWGC) $12 M Parking Facilities$8 M $150 M

6 Supporting our Mission: Excellence in Teaching OverviewCampaign PrioritiesFunding Business Building Expansion Expansion is planned based upon the need to educate more business leaders within the province; the demand for business programs nationally and internationally; the need to research business development strategies; the residual economic development that will result. 45,000 square feet of new space is needed $5 M Expansion of Ferriss Hodgett Library at SWCG Increased shelf space and an information commons will support west coast students $2 M Expansion of QE II Library Expansion of Newfoundland Studies collection, considered a cultural treasure to the province, and which attracts students to the university Addition of group learning space to support excellence in learning $10 M Continued...

7 Supporting our Mission: Excellence in Teaching (continued) OverviewCampaign PrioritiesFunding Improving on-campus services To support increased number of graduate students and part-time students who will need transport to be flexible in their class schedules $8 M Expanding residence space: attracting the brightest students from around the province and around the world. Residence Project: An adequate supply of high- quality, competitively priced on-campus housing is an essential part of Memorial’s ability to recruit students domestically and abroad. The residence project combines renovation of existing residences on the St. John’s and SWGC campuses along with construction of new housing. St. John’s Campus: $52 M SWGC: $6 M TOTAL FUNDING $83 M

8 Supporting our Mission: Excellence in Research & Scholarship OverviewCampaign PrioritiesFunding Innovation and Research are inextricably linked in Memorial’s culture. Research grants have increased from $35 million in 1999 to $74 million in 2004-05. A new goal of $100 million is being contemplated for 2010. Reaching this challenging but realistic goal will require new laboratory infrastructure. Sciences Research Building This space will be designed to:  Improve research productivity  Encourage collaborative research  Provide research opportunities for senior undergraduate and graduate students  Facilitate recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty and graduate students $45M Health Sciences Teaching & Research Space Expand Research and Teaching Space in Health Sciences  Faculty of Medicine  Family Medicine Clinic  Consolidation of Applied Research Space  Expansion of School of Pharmacy  Expand School of Nursing offerings and increase efficiency of delivery $10M TOTAL FUNDING $55 M

9 Supporting our Mission: Putting Knowledge to Work Supporting the Community OverviewCampaign PrioritiesFunding SWGC has plans to increase its enrollment through recruitment of students to existing and new programs Increase program offerings at SWGC in several key areas:  Environmental education and research  The Centre for excellence in environmental education, research, technology and development  Business Development Centre  Information Technology Centre  Centre for land-use research To support these initiatives, new infrastructure is required $10 M HSC Research Space ExpansionProving opportunities for research into health issues : supporting better health and the recruitment & retention of specialist physicians in NL $2 M TOTAL FUNDING $12 M

10 These projects will also significantly impact the provincial economy The growth of our non-resident (e.g., outside Newfoundland and Labrador) student body Increased research capabilities which will have significant economic impact Securing a source of professionals for the local economy, including our health and social sectors Providing construction activity and knowledge transfer

11 The other $50 million... As shown, of a $200 investment prospectus, $150 million has been targeted for projects to support the university’s infrastructure needs in meeting its strategic objectives

12 The other $50 million... Proposals are encouraged for projects that meet the following criteria: Does the project: –Support the overall strategies of the university (growth, ingenuity)? –Support the unit’s strategic direction? –Build on current strength of unit and/or its unique capacity? –Engender a willingness in the unit to assist in raising funds? –Contribute to an increased endowment?

13 The Process: Asking for proposals –This meeting –Discussion with your units –A form for Dean/Director to complete and submit Deadline for submission: Oct. 14 Selecting proposals –A small committee including Eddy Campbell, Dale Foster, Michael Collins, Glenn Collins, Paul Chancey, Jack Strawbridge, Roxanne Millan and possibly others will make recommendations to Senior Executive. –Decisions expected to be communicated by the end of October.

14 Words of caution... Even if a project is accepted as a priority by the university, there is no guarantee that the project will be funded –Tested at feasibility stage –No donor, no interest, no money Even if the project is not accepted as a priority, it may be funded –An interested donor –Circumstances change

15 Trends in University Fund Raising Individual giving is key to success Organizational vision must be clearly articulated Government matches remain popular “Exceptional” Stewardship a must Strategic use of volunteers “Permanent” campaigns in sector Transparency & accountability critical Investment in Advancement team

16 Planning Study Being conducted by KCI (Ketchum Canada Inc.) The report, due at the end of January 2006, will advise us on –our competitive positioning, –on potential supporters and volunteers, –on the feasibility of the campaign goal, –and on the readiness of the external community and the university itself for the campaign.

17 Planning Study Establish Priorities Develop a Statement of Need –Positions campaign priorities within the university’s overall strategic goals –Will be circulated to external and internal constituents to gauge support Identify Key Internal and External Constituents for interviews Identify Key Alumni for dialogue sessions

18 Interview Phase 40-50 personal and confidential interviews 4-5 Focus Groups 3 Alumni Dialogue Sessions

19 External stakeholder list includes... Individuals and representatives of corporations and foundations –with capacity to give or influence the giving of major, pacesetting gifts and –who may form the nucleus of a group of leaders who will be recruited to participate in the appeal

20 Key Dates 14 OctProposals due 21 OctCampaign priorities refined 31 OctStatement of Need finalized 1 Nov - 9 Dec Interviews conducted 23 JanFinal Report

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