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Y12 Introduction to Theory 12/9/13. Learning Objective LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language How to read The Language.

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Presentation on theme: "Y12 Introduction to Theory 12/9/13. Learning Objective LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language How to read The Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Y12 Introduction to Theory 12/9/13

2 Learning Objective LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language How to read The Language of Advertising Other Languages Form, Genre, Conventions, Style and Language

3 Denotation, connotation and ideology Denotation – what it is, literal, ‘common sense’ Connotation – what it could mean, suggests, symbolic, interpretive Ideology – the overall message, the dominant view Myth – hidden values that dictate what we see e.g. Thin = beautiful 2 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language

4 Denotation, connotation and ideology Look at these sets of images and identify: Each image – what it is and what it suggests All four – what is the overall message What ‘hidden values’ might be influencing our reading? 8 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language













17 Advertising Look at the advert you have been given and ‘read’ it using the DCIM structure you have been given. Annotate around the sugar paper what you can see, what it suggests, the overall message and the hidden values. 10 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language

18 Advertising 10

19 What is the ‘language’ of advertising? It is: Visual – figures, props, setting, colour, graphological (fonts), contrast, juxtaposition, design/style, composited Verbal – language (informative, persuasive, argumental, denotative/connotational) 2 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language

20 Other languages What, then, is the ‘language’ of: photography newspapers film Use visual and verbal – think about sound and movement, too. 5 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language

21 Form, Genre, Conventions, Style and Language What is the relationship between language and other categories? Form – a house Genre – detached, domestic dwelling Conventions – front/back door, windows, roof Style – different types of front door (solid, glass/panels in half or quarter etc), mock-tudor (black beams, white walls, brick upper floor), materials Language? 10 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language

22 Form, Genre, Conventions, Style and Language What is the relationship between language and other categories? Draw and label this diagram: Form – a house Genre – detached, domestic dwelling Conventions – front/back door, windows – at waist height, roof - sloping Style – different types of front door (solid, glass/panels in half or quarter etc), mock-tudor (black beams, white walls, brick upper floor), materials Language – colour, texture, external design, organisation of elements, patterns, lines/curves 10 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language

23 Form, Genre, Conventions, Style and Language Language – colour, texture, external design, organisation of elements, patterns, lines/curves If this is the language, what is it trying to say? Serious/important Expensive/exclusive Playful Personal Now complete the sheet. 2 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language



26 Media Language Your final task is to design a poster than illustrates the media language for a specific medium. You could: Screen capture a still from a film/music video/tv programme and label it Screen capture an advert/page from a newspaper and label it You need to demonstrate both DCIM and Form/ Genre/Conventions and Style 30 LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language

27 Evaluation Look at each others’ work and evaluate its: Design Ability to clearly communicate what it was meant to do Usefulness for media students Academic rigour LO: to understand and apply knowledge about the concept of Media Language 10

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