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Argonne National Laboratory is managed by The University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy P0 Feedback Project: Merging EPICS with FPGA’s Nicholas.

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1 Argonne National Laboratory is managed by The University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy P0 Feedback Project: Merging EPICS with FPGA’s Nicholas P. DiMonte June 2006

2 2 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 P0 Feedback Project Transverse beam stabilizer Turn-by-turn horizontal kick of the ‘P0’ bunch Monitors X-plane, Sum, ( Y-plane near future ) ALTERA ColdFire CPU Network Console serial Port Timing Event System

3 3 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 P0 Feedback Project Project given to me with the following criteria: –Use Coldfire CPU –Use RTEMS –Use Altera’s DSP Development Kit –Use Altera’s SOPC Never used any of the above Never worked on a DSP project And, by the way, they want to install it in 6 months. Oddly enough, an opportunity like this wasn’t coming from the RF Group. –Why change analog to DSP when up-time is around 99%?

4 4 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 P0 Feedback Project However, this project was accomplished in two months in light of my other priorities. Why –because of SOPC –because of ASYN –because of the DSP kit –because of the Coldfire CPU –because of EPICS R3.14.8 –and support from Eric Norum

5 5 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 P0 Feedback Algorithm: (For single P0 bunch) –Read horizontal beam position ADC. –Remove ‘DC’ component, selectable HPF. –Apply programmable 32-tap FIR filter. –Apply programmable delay (up to 1 turn). –Write value to DAC. Filter coefficients, control bits, raw ADC waveforms are needed as EPICS process variables.

6 6 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 Hardware Altera Stratix II DSP Kit –Two 12 bit 125 MHz A/D –Two 14 bit 165 MHz D/A –288 DSP 9-bit blocks ( 64 used ) –12 PLLs (2 used) Arcturus UCDIMM ColdFire 5282 CPU module (64 MHz) –16 Megabyte SDRAM, 32-bit data path –4 Mb Flash (App), 0.5 Mb Flash (bootstrap) –Ethernet, Serial –5 Interrupt lines ColdFire transition module APS Event Receiver High Resolution A/D module ( for Y-plane addition ) –Two 14-bit 105 MHz A/D

7 7 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 Hardware ColdFire IOC Transition Board Network Serial Two 14-bit DACs Two 12-bit ADCs Altera’s DSP Development KitStratix II (FPGA) APS Event Receiver Connection High Res A/D Module Connection

8 8 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 Block Diagram of the P0 Feedback System ADC DAC Programmable 32tap FIR Bucket Control Programmable Delay #0, 4, 8, …1296 Total = 324 X plane To Amp ADC DAC Programmable 32tap FIR Bucket Control Programmable Delay Y plane To Amp Scope PLL x 2 = 88 MHz P0 Sync & Control 44 MHz Clk P0 Clk Sum APS Event Receiver Inhibit Ctl Event Signal Coldfire CPU Network Serial FPGA Code (Flash) Flash Port Bucket Select 0.4 to 53Hz

9 9 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 How to connect? ColdFire FPGA What will the device support look like? Do you create a large memory/register map?

10 10 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 FPGA side, use Altera’s Avalon Components for SOPC ColdFire Bridge P0 Sync Coefficients for FIR High Pass Filter Scale Digital Delay Coefficient Scale Sel. FPGA Compile time 16 Mbytes Flash Master Component Slaves Components: Each slave has ASYN device support. Avalon Bus Scope Function APS Event Receiver

11 11 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 FPGA Altera Quartus II 5.1 with SOPC builder SOPC creates a system.h file that defines all the devices on the Avalon Bus. This is used for all the ASYN & GTR device support. Multiple DSP cores –e.g. the P0 feedback computes ~3×10 9 multiply-accumulate operations per second – Using less than 1/4 of the available multiplier (DSP) blocks. –This will double to ~6×10 9 once the Y plane is added. More than half of the DSP blocks will be available. Originally designed for a single bunch, P0 –but, the FPGA performs the algorithm in parallel, so the ‘P0 feedback’ can also be ‘P0, P4, P8, …. P1296’ feedback. (324)

12 12 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 IOC side: Device Support RTEMS 4.7 EPICS R3.14.8.2 VME like ( devLib ) –devReadProbe, etc. asynDriver: Asynchronous Driver Support –FPGA components asynInt32 – ai, ao, bo, longin, longout, mbbiDirect asynInt32Array – waveform asynFloat64Array – waveform asynOctet - stringin GTR: Generic Transient Recorder –For the Oscilloscope functions in the FPGA. Minimal device support when adding more FPGA components of the same type. (system.h)

13 13 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 Difficulties Mostly with the FPGA tools –Altera’s SOPC builder Problem with spurious interrupts. Made ASYN more difficult than it was –no record types defined

14 14 Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EPICS Collaboration Meeting, June 2006 Conclusion…. Using Altera’s Avalon bus reduced the FPGA development time. Simply drop in a new component and SOPC will automatically add it to the system. Components can be reused. Altera’s Development Board eliminated the need to lay out a complex printed circuit board. ASYN and GTR greatly simplify device support. –This is really the way to go. The Coldfire CPU can be easily integrated with an FPGA. Only difference between VxWorks and RTEMS is how they are configured and how they download EPICS. In all, the tools from both EPICS and Altera helped produce a project ahead of schedule.

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