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PCI-Express Network Sniffer Characterization Presentation Project Period : 2 semesters Students: Neria Wodage Aviel Tubul Advisor: Mony Orbach 17/12/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "PCI-Express Network Sniffer Characterization Presentation Project Period : 2 semesters Students: Neria Wodage Aviel Tubul Advisor: Mony Orbach 17/12/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCI-Express Network Sniffer Characterization Presentation Project Period : 2 semesters Students: Neria Wodage Aviel Tubul Advisor: Mony Orbach 17/12/2007

2 Motivation & Introduction The increasing demand for Internet requires a real-time monitoring & filtering system for the large amounts of data passing through the net. PCI-Express is the most common high- speed serial bus in PC computers with a performance of up to 2.5Gbps.

3 Project goals Developing a controlled hardware sniffer enables monitoring and filtering data on real-time and transport filtered data to the PC through the PCIe bus. Implementation of the system on Altera PCIe board with Stratix II GX FPGA.

4 System Environment Description Ethernet PC Stratix II GX PCIe board

5 Top Level Block Diagram Ethernet MAC To PC Extrnal Ethernet 10/100 Mbps 2.5 Gbps Sniffer PCIe Interface

6 Sniffer Abstract Diagram Sniffer Filter Control Ethernet Side Rx DATA 8-32 bit Tx DATA 8-32 bit PCIe Side Filtered Rx DATA Filter Required Parameters start\end _Packet

7 HW & SW Tools SW: Quartus II – Nios II – SoPC Builder - Megacore-IP library - HDL-Designer – HW: PCIe Development Board -

8 Tasks and schedule – part A 1. Studying basic net structure and Ethernet-TCP\IP protocols – done. 2. Learning the Altera Ethernet IP Core – in progress. 3. Learning NIOS II software environment – 20/12/07 4. Develop the Ethernet MAC block – 31/12/08 5. Execute logic simulation of the Eth. MAC – 3/1/08

9 6. Mid presentation 10-13/1/08 (according advisor coordination). 7. Sniffer logic design – 6/2/08 8. Performing simulation & elementary checks – 13/2/08 9. Final presentation of part A – 18-20/2/08 Tasks and schedule – part A

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