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Ligthning Velocity FREE

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Presentation on theme: "Ligthning Velocity FREE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ligthning Demo @ Velocity FREE Download @

2 Last year at Velocity we … announced dynaTrace Ajax Edition 2 and analyzed the FIFA World Cup Website in Internet Explorer

3 Earlier this year we … announced FULL Support for Firefox 3.6 and 4 and got some great testimonials from people you probably know

4 Today I tell you about Cross Browser Testing Web 2.0 Awareness Automation Support Compare yourself against your Industry

5 But before that – some reminders FREE Download 15 YouTube Video Tutorials

6 Learn more on Our Blog – http://blog.dynatrace.com

7 Ask Questions on The Community Portal – http://community.dynatrace.com

8 Lets launch the rocket

9 Cross Browser Testing See EVERYTHING that happens in the Browser Resources, JavaScript, XHR, Layouting, Paints, User Interaction, Timers, …

10 Cross Browser Testing Full JavaScript Tracing including DOM Access, XHR Calls, Timers and Rendering Activity

11 Cross Browser Testing Compare Across Browsers Firefox 3.6, 4 Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 (experimental) More Information on our dynaTrace Blog

12 Web 2.0 Awareness Most tools only focus on Initial Page Load Time More Information on our dynaTrace Blog Ajax Edition analyzes all end-user actions

13 Automation Integrate with any Testing Tool that drives a real browser Set Custom Markers for custom timings Get Performance Data right after the test More Information on our dynaTrace Blog

14 Compare yourself against your Industry How fast is fast in my industry? How fast is my site compared to the Industry Index?

15 Premium Extensions End-To-End Analysis: From Browser to Database Automatically Detect Regressions More Information on our dynaTrace Blog

16 Learn more … Follow our Blog Follow us on Twitter @AloisReitbauer, @grabnerandi, @dynaTrace Download dynaTrace Ajax Edition 15 Tutorial Videos on Ajax Edition VISIT OUR BOOTH!!

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