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Vision To encourage mothers and daughters to grow alongside one another as sisters-in-Christ through studying God’s Word together.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision To encourage mothers and daughters to grow alongside one another as sisters-in-Christ through studying God’s Word together."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vision To encourage mothers and daughters to grow alongside one another as sisters-in-Christ through studying God’s Word together.

3 Mission Establish Christ at the center of the mother- daughter bond Equip Moms and Dots to successfully apply scripture to their lives Instill good Bible study habits Promote ownership of faith and spiritual growth And of course, have fun!

4 About Mom Dot Founded in 2012 Seeking Non-Profit Status 223 Participants Interdenominational, ~ 20 Churches Target Age Range - 10 to 18 Servants Team (Ambassadors)

5 Gina Sur

6 Meeting Schedule 6:00pm – Before Mom Dot (20 min) 6:20pm – Check-in (10 min) 6:30pm – Worship (15 min) 6:45pm – Activity / Game (30 min) 7:15pm – Refresher (30 min) 7:45pm – Small Groups (30 min) 8:15pm – Dot Devo (10 min) 8:25pm – Closing Song (5 min)

7 Mom Dot Etiquette Wear Badges – Store here Moms and Dots attend together Avoid bathroom breaks during Refresher and Dot Devos Minimize cell phone use Check email Temper Expectations

8 Study Philosophy Scalable Independence Scalable Intensity Steady Diet Repetition - (Refresher, Small Group, Games, Dot Devo)

9 Study Tips Pace Yourself Use a dictionary Look for context NIV and NLT Don’t stress Communicate Come as you are Catch-up Online Supplement your diet



12 Small Group Etiquette Confidentiality Focus on unity in Christ Stay on topic Holy Spirit is our Great Counselor Alert Ambassador of major issues


14 Mom Dot Get-Away!

15 Small Group Assignment Introduce yourselves - Share your favorite friend activity Signup for Facilitator and Snack Dingle Hopper - Pick Representative - Collaborate



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