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Matters of the Heart Life Issues and the Gospel. Matters of the Heart Crisis Pregnancy Abortion Post-abortion Syndrome Assisted Suicide Euthanasia.

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Presentation on theme: "Matters of the Heart Life Issues and the Gospel. Matters of the Heart Crisis Pregnancy Abortion Post-abortion Syndrome Assisted Suicide Euthanasia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matters of the Heart Life Issues and the Gospel

2 Matters of the Heart Crisis Pregnancy Abortion Post-abortion Syndrome Assisted Suicide Euthanasia

3 Matters of the Heart Crisis Pregnancy Abortion Post-abortion Syndrome Assisted Suicide Euthanasia Political Hot-Button Controversial

4 Matters of the Heart “Heart” – Inmost self – soul Joy – “leaping heart” Grief – “evil of the heart” Guilt – “struck by the heart” Comfort – “speak to the heart”

5 “Heart” – Inmost self – soul Joy – “leaping heart” Grief – “evil of the heart” Guilt – “struck by the heart” Comfort – “speak to the heart”

6 “Heart” – Inmost self – soul Joy – “leaping heart” Grief – “evil of the heart” Guilt – “struck by the heart” Comfort – “speak to the heart”

7 “Warfare Ended” “Iniquity Pardoned” “Double for All Sins”

8 Matters of the Heart “Warfare Ended” “Iniquity Pardoned” “Double for All Sins”

9 Matters of the Heart

10 “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All of these come from within, and they defile a person” (Mark 7:20-23).

11 Matters of the Heart “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” (1 John 3:17)

12 Matters of the Heart Political? Matter of the Heart?

13 Matters of the Heart Political? Matter of the Heart? 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S.

14 Matters of the Heart Political? Matter of the Heart?

15 Matters of the Heart Political? Matter of the Heart?

16 Matters of the Heart Political? Matter of the Heart?

17 Matters of the Heart 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S. Matters of the Heart

18 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S. The Gospel of Jesus Christ

19 Matters of the Heart 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S. The Gospel of Jesus Christ

20 Matters of the Heart 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S. The Gospel of Jesus Christ

21 Matters of the Heart 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S. The Gospel of Jesus Christ

22 Matters of the Heart 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S. The Gospel of Jesus Christ

23 Matters of the Heart 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S. The Gospel of Jesus Christ

24 Matters of the Heart “Warfare Ended” “Iniquity Pardoned” “Double for All Sins”

25 Matters of the Heart “Comfort, comfort my people.” Be informed Speak to matters of the hearts:

26 Matters of the Heart “Comfort, comfort my people.” Pray Speak to matters of the hearts:

27 Matters of the Heart “Comfort, comfort my people.” Speak in word and deed Speak to matters of the hearts:

28 Matters of the Heart “Comfort, comfort my people.” How You Can Speak Speak to matters of the hearts:

29 Matters of the Heart 3,000 Abortions/Day in the U.S. The Gospel of Jesus Christ

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