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UCSD and UC: Minority Faculty Hiring, 1999-2005. General Campus - 10/05.

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Presentation on theme: "UCSD and UC: Minority Faculty Hiring, 1999-2005. General Campus - 10/05."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCSD and UC: Minority Faculty Hiring, 1999-2005

2 General Campus - 10/05

3 UCSD General Campus (10/04) MEN WOMEN

4 UCSD new hires, 1999-2000 to 2003-2005


6 Tenured Faculty, 10/04 6 areas significantly better than pool.

7 Tenured Faculty, 10/04 5 areas significantly worse than pool.

8 Tenured Faculty, 10/04 5 areas have no underrepresented minority faculty.

9 Tenured Faculty, 10/04 Total UCSD percentages slightly less than UC (-.5% worse than 2002). UCSD All UC

10 Tenured Faculty, 10/04 6 areas significantly better than pool. 5 areas significantly worse than pool. 5 areas have no underrepresented minority faculty. Total slightly worse than UC percentages (UCSD -.5% since 2002). What is the hiring trend for tenured faculty?

11 UCSD new hires, 1999-2000 to 2003-2004

12 New Tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 In Science and Engineering Divisions (52% of total UCSD tenured hires), underrepresented minority faculty hired: 4 (9.3%) of 43 (up from 3 of 46 or 6.5% in 2002).

13 New Tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 UCSD 9.3% compares to 9.9% UC-wide hiring in Science and Engineering Divisions (49% of total UC tenured hires).

14 New Tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 Humanities & Social Sciences represent bright spots as a whole.

15 New Tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 Percentages better than for total Tenured. New Tenured: Total Tenured:

16 New Tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 In Science and Engineering Divisions (53% of total UCSD tenured hires), underrepresented minority faculty hired: 4 (9.3%) of 43. UCSD 9.3% compares to 9.9% UC-wide hiring in Science and Engineering Divisions (49% of total UC tenured hires). Humanities and Social Sciences represent bright spots in the aggregate. Percentages better than for total Tenured. What about non-tenured ladder-rank hires?

17 Non-tenured Faculty, 10/04 7 of 17 areas with searches have hired no underrepresented minority non-tenured faculty. 4 areas have no minority non-tenured faculty at all.

18 Non-tenured Faculty, 10/04 3 departments provide 37.5% of all UCSD minority non-tenured faculty, 47% if Asians in Engineering and Computer Science are not counted. (Ethnic Studies accounts for 4 of 6 in Social Sciences.)

19 Non-tenured Faculty, 10/04 UCSD has a slightly lower % of underrepresented minority non-tenured faculty than does UC as a whole (improved since 2002). UCSD All UC

20 Non-tenured Faculty, 10/04 7 of 17 areas with searches have hired no underrepresented minority non-tenured faculty. 4 areas have no minority faculty at all. 3 departments provide 37.5% of all UCSD minority non-tenured faculty (47% without Asians in Engineering and Computer Science.) UCSD has a slightly lower % of underrepresented minority non-tenured faculty than does UC as a whole. What is the hiring trend for non-tenured faculty?

21 New Non-tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 7 of 16 areas with searches hired no underrepresented minority non-tenured faculty. 3 areas hired no minority faculty at all.

22 New Non-tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 3 departments hired 29% of all new UCSD minority non-tenured faculty (37% without Asians in Engineering and Computer Science). (ES = Social Sciences.)

23 New Non-tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 UCSD has hired a slightly lower % of minority non- tenured faculty than UC as a whole. UCSD All UC

24 New Non-tenured Faculty, 2000-01 to 2003-04 7 of 16 areas with searches hired no underrepresented minority non-tenured faculty. 3 areas hired no minority faculty at all. 3 departments hired 29% of all new UCSD minority non-tenured faculty (37% without Asians in Engineering and Computer Science). UCSD has hired a slightly lower % of minority non- tenured faculty than UC as a whole. Percentages significantly lower than total non- tenured.

25 Conclusion: CRISIS Hiring trends for UCSD will make UCSD less diverse at a rate greater than UC as a whole. UCSD is consistently not utilizing the availability of minority scholars in a significant number of areas. If present trends continue, in many units the gap between availability pools and UCSD hires of underrepresented faculty will grow larger.

26 UCSD faculty hires / availability ratios

27 UCSD faculty hires / availability ratios without Comm., ES, and History

28 Discussion: How do we change the trend? Ideas? Campus-wide?

29 Discussion: How do we change the trend? Ideas? Department or program based?

30 Discussion: How do we change the trend? Ideas? Search committees?

31 Some ideas: Campus-wide Collect hiring plans related to diversity consistently and integrate them into CTC planning. Create real-time online tracking system for search process from applications through selection. Provide positive incentives (eg. hiring UC Presidents postdocs). Expansion? Graduate student support? Include commitment to diversity criteria in the appointment of Chairs and Deans. Strengthen Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity (CAAD).

32 Some ideas: Department Engage consistently in discussing, including, and integrating hiring goals related to diversity in planning at departmental level. Provide historical (15 yr) departmental hiring information to every member of the faculty when searches are approved. Constitute search committees with hiring goals, including diversity plan, in mind.

33 Some ideas: Search cmte. Discuss departmental hiring history data as a part of the search committee hiring planning, and with campus equity & Chief Diversity Officer, prior to beginning the search. Charge search committee to: increase the depth and range of the pool; set selection criteria that encourage applications from underrepresented minorities. Train search committees about Proposition 209 as it relates to both preferences and discrimination (train chair, entire committee, affirmative action advocate?).

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