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KNIFE GATE VALVES FOR: BIOMASS WB Available sizes: DN 50 – DN 1600 Bi-directional sealing Full bore No cavity gives excellent flow characteristic Epoxy.

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Presentation on theme: "KNIFE GATE VALVES FOR: BIOMASS WB Available sizes: DN 50 – DN 1600 Bi-directional sealing Full bore No cavity gives excellent flow characteristic Epoxy."— Presentation transcript:

1 KNIFE GATE VALVES FOR: BIOMASS WB Available sizes: DN 50 – DN 1600 Bi-directional sealing Full bore No cavity gives excellent flow characteristic Epoxy coated Integrated flange sealings Modular design Also available with square flange connection Maximum differential pressure DN 50-DN 30010 bar DN 350-DN 4006 bar DN 450-DN 10004 bar DN 12002 bar One or two piece body design –Cast iron or nodular iron Gate –Stainless steel (< DN 300: 316L/1.4404/SS2348) Packing system –TwinPack TM Seat –EPDM –Nitril

2 WB/MV FEATURES WB features To guarantee bi-directional sealing the gate has extra support in the bore. Minimal cavity gives excellent flow characteristics. TwinPack TM is standard. Sealing profile in Nitril or EPDM molded onto a steel core. U- shaped sealing runs all the way to glandbottom in a machined groove to keep the seal in place. Integrated flange gaskets for simple installation. MV features TwinPack TM is standard. Scraper and double gland are optional. The gate has a bevel edge that effectively ”plows” through the biomass and the inner cavities of the valve body enable the valve to work with the media. he retainer ring system offers several seat material and easy maintenence. In closed position the gate is pushed onto the seat wich gives a secure sealing.

3 References, a quarter of all biogas plants in Germany have Stafsjö valves installed CompanyCountryCapacity Biogas MalchinGermany2 MW Güstrow ParkGermany Biogas-Park PenkunGermany Biogas KogelGermany1.416 kW + 511 kW BGA MidlumGermany1,9 MW BGA SödlerGermany716 kW BGA Bad-MeinsbergGermany1021 kW BGA Damsdorf I + IIGermany2 x 499 kW BGA WittenburgGermany3x 716 kW BGA BrokenlandeGermany500 kW Biogas AnkaraTurkey6 MW Giardini Giovanni Azienda AgricolaItaly UTSItaly Svensk Biogas AB (Norrkoping, Linkoping)Sweden Swedish biogas International AB (Lidkoping)Sweden Uppsala VattenSweden CellwoodSweden HaarslevDenmark ITB projects BVNetherlands OGINNetherlands Paques BVNetherlands Steegro energy BVNetherlands Host BVNetherlands Oosterhof Holman BVNetherlands Certified Energy BVNetherlands WinterthurNetherlands Qatar KompogasSwitzerland CambiNorway Cobden StreetUK Longley LaneUK

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