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Processors Menu  INTEL Core™ i5-4670 Processor INTEL Core™ i5-4670 Processor  INTEL Core i5-3570 Processor INTEL Core i5-3570 Processor  AMD A10 6800K.

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Presentation on theme: "Processors Menu  INTEL Core™ i5-4670 Processor INTEL Core™ i5-4670 Processor  INTEL Core i5-3570 Processor INTEL Core i5-3570 Processor  AMD A10 6800K."— Presentation transcript:


2 Processors

3 Menu  INTEL Core™ i5-4670 Processor INTEL Core™ i5-4670 Processor  INTEL Core i5-3570 Processor INTEL Core i5-3570 Processor  AMD A10 6800K Processor AMD A10 6800K Processor  Clock speed. Clock speed.  Cores in a processor Cores in a processor  Cache Cache  Quick Sort. Quick Sort.  What’s the best processor? What’s the best processor?

4 INTEL Core™ i5-4670 Processor  LGA 1150  3.4 GHz  Turbo boost; 3.8 GHz  Quad Core  6 MB cache

5 INTEL Core i5-3570 Processor  LGA 1155  3.1 GHz  Turbo boost: 3.8 GHz  Quad core

6 AMD A10 6800K Processor  FM2  4.4 GHz  4 MB L2 cache  Quad-Core

7 Clock speed.  Clock speed is the amount of instructions the processor can do in a second. The best processor has the highest clock speed, for example the AMD A10 6800K Processor has 4.4GHz clock speed, meaning it is better than the INTEL Core i5- 3570 Processor which has a clock speed of 3.8GHz.

8 Cores in a processor  Cores in a processor is the number of brains the processor has. This is the amount of things it can do it once. For example a single core working at 10GHz is faster than a quad core working at 1GHz. This is because although the quad core can do 4 things at a time, I t is only doing 4GHz a second. Where as the single core with 10GHz can only do 1 thing at once but is still doing a lot more GHz a second than quad core does. But more cores are generally faster than a single core.

9 Cache  A cache is memory that is similar to RAM but it is much FASTER and therefore more expensive than RAM.  Registers are fast memory locations inside the processor.  Buses are used to transfer data and signals between components.  ALU is the Arithmetic and Logic Unit.

10 Quick Sort.

11 What’s the best processor?

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