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Media Planning and Buying Chapter 15 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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1 Media Planning and Buying Chapter 15 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Learning Objectives LO1: Describe how media planning has changed over the past decades, and what has caused the change. LO2: Discuss the important types of media objectives and identify the terms that define strategies for achieving these objectives. LO3: Identify the factors that influence media strategy and tactics. 15-2

3 Learning Objectives LO4: Describe the different types of advertising strategies and the purpose for each. LO5: Explain the role of the media buyer. 15-3

4 Media Planning: Integrating Science with Creativity Media Planning – The process that directs ad messages to the right people at the right place at the right time. Where should we advertise? Which media vehicles reach our target markets? When should we concentrate our advertising? How often should we run the advertising? What opportunities exist for integrating our advertising with other communication tools? 15-4

5 Media Planning: Integrating Science with Creativity The Challenge – Buy & plan media so effectively that the advertiser has an advantage – With greater complexity, media decisions have become more critical & clients more demanding. 15-5

6 Media Planning: Integrating Science with Creativity The Role of Media in the Marketing Framework Situation Analysis Marketing Plan Advertising Plan Set Media Objectives Determine Media Strategy Select Broad Audiences Select Media within Classes Media Use Decisions Print Broadcast Other Media 15-6

7 Defining Media Objectives Audience Objectives – Typically use Geodemographic to define the audience secondary research sources can facilitate this process – Select media vehicles according to how well the message to the audience that closely resembles the desired customer 15-7

8 Defining Media Objectives Message-Distribution Objectives – Audience Size & Message Weight research firms help estimate audience size message weight is the size of the audience for a set of ads or campaign – gross impressions = OTS*frequency ratings can be less cumbersome method 15-8

9 Defining Media Objectives Audience Accumulation & Reach – Reach: the number of different people exposed Exposure Frequency – Frequency: the intensity of the schedule Continuity – The duration of an advertising message over a given period of time 15-9

10 Defining Media Objectives Optimizing Reach, Frequency & Continuity – The art of media planning reach, frequency, and continuity have inverse relationships with each other effective reach describes the quality of exposures effective frequency is the number of times a person must be exposed to a message before its effective 15-10

11 Developing a Media Strategy: The Media Mix The Five Ms – Markets: targets of the media plan – Money: how much budget, where to allocate – Media: all communications vehicles available – Mechanics: time of broadcast, size of print – Methodology: overall strategy of media selection and scheduling 15-11

12 Developing a Media Strategy: The Media Mix Factors Influencing Media Strategy Decisions – Scope of the plan location& target audience – Sales potential of different markets brand development index indicates the sales strength of a brand in a specific market – Competitive Strategies & Budget Decisions competitors’ advertising share of voice considerations 15-12

13 Developing a Media Strategy: The Media Mix Nature of the Medium & Message Mood – How well a medium works for the tone of the message is important. – Some messages are simple (“Just do it”) while others have emotional or sensual appeals. 15-13

14 Media Tactics: Selecting & Scheduling Media Vehicles Cost Efficiency – The cost of reaching the target audience through a particular medium as opposed to the cost of reaching the medium’s total circulation. use target CPM (TCPM) instead of simple CPM 15-14

15 Media Tactics: Selecting & Scheduling Media Vehicles Scheduling Methods Continuous: run steadily with little variation Flighting: alternate periods of advertising and no advertising – good for products with fluctuating demand Pulsing: mixing continuous and flighting Bursting: running an ad every half hour during prime time Blinking: 15-15

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