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PSY241 ‘Cognitive Psychology’ MO: Tom Stafford

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1 PSY241 ‘Cognitive Psychology’ MO: Tom Stafford

2 Cognition Definition: mental processes Cognition is invisible – So what is the aim of cognitive psychology? Methods and concepts central to whole of psychology


4 Structure of the course Lectures Lab classes Study groups Wiki

5 Structure of the course: Lectures Rod NicolsonNikki Hunkin Jim Stone Yan Jing Wu Megan Freeth Maria Panagiotidi Stuart Wilson Tom Stafford

6 Study groups Thursday of week 2, psychology computer lab 9am, 10am, 11am, 12am (see wiki for your group) Self-structured, topics etc on wiki Discuss in preparation for individual contributions to the wiki

7 Wiki Information (groups, tasks, FAQ) Topic content (user created!) Everyone has the task of adding to the wiki every week

8 Wiki Uses markup: ` ` fantastic ``  fantastic == heading ==  heading

9 How to learn Hyde, T. S., & Jenkins, J. J. (1973). Recall for words as a function of semantic, graphic, and syntactic orienting tasks. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 12(5), 471–480. 68% 39% 69% 43% Incidental learningIntentional learning Rate Pleasantness Check Letters

10 Use of wiki statistically shown to improve your grade on 241!




14 Stafford, Elgueta & Cameron (under review) ‘Wiki users get higher exam grades’


16 How to learn 2 Spaced vs blocked practice Dempster, F. N. (1989). Spacing effects and their implications for theory and practice. Educational Psychology Review, 1, 309-330. doi:10.1007/BF01320097 Bad Better Easier

17 How cognitive psychology works – Experiments – Theory building – Paradigms/frameworks Vital to distinguish evidence (data) and theory (claims about what data means) Theories: abstract, predict

18 Kinds of questions Mechanism Computation Evolution

19 How to get a first Organise, not memorise Practice writing Answer a specific questions… ….by making a specific argument … ….about psychological theories… ….supported by evidence Read: for background, and for extra information Critical perspective on question

20 Web resources Resources: Wiki – – Username: (e.g.) pca10aa, Password: 01/01/1993 – Contact me if your logon doesn’t work

21 Questions?

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