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Welcome to Third Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade

2 Kristina Klauser Margaret Mollenhour Carla Lard Lanette Rafferty Wendy
Margaret Mollenhour Carla Lard Lanette Rafferty Wendy Davenport Laura Martinez

3 Tonight, we will… view a snapshot of the third grade curriculum.
know ways that I can be involved with my child’s classroom and school. understand the expectations of a Third Grader at Roanoke Elementary.

4 Mission Statement

5 Third Grade Mission Statement
3rd Grade will be a safe place for all learners to take risks and be successful at learning, while performing in a challenging environment where there is a shared responsibility between all teachers and families.

6 Roanoke Elementary School Teacher/Parent/Student Compact
Commitments for each party Distributed & signed during parent conferences Empowering children to achieve their dreams.

Provide high quality instruction in a way that will motivate and encourage all children. Attend and implement staff development regarding best teaching practices. Hold parent-teacher conferences at least twice per school year, and be accessible by phone, , and school planner for consultations regarding the child’s achievement. Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress, including 3-week progress reports, 6-week report cards, and on-going assessment of daily work as reflected in the “Friday Folder”. Provide parents with opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s classroom and observe classroom activities. School Compact

Make sure my child is rested, on time, and prepared for school each day. Know how my child is doing in school by communicating with teachers by planner, phone, or . Monitor my child’s homework and make sure study time is in a quiet place. Limit TV viewing and read together daily with my child. Be an active participant in my child’s education. School Compact

Come to school rested and ready to learn with the necessary supplies. Make a total effort to do schoolwork and homework in a quality manner, and ask for help when I need it. Share papers, school planner, and Friday Folder with my parents, and return signed papers & notes to my teacher. Read on my own and with my family every day. Be respectful of myself and all members of Roanoke Elementary School. School Compact

10 Planner for grades 3-5 This planner is designed to assist children with their organizational skills as well as aide in the communication between school and home. Students will be asked to write down lessons and assignments completed each day in class as well as assignments that need to be completed at home. We ask that parents or guardians look at the planners each night and discuss with their child events that occurred during the day as well as what homework needs to be completed. Each child is expected to keep and use a planner during the school year. The cost to replace a damaged or lost planner is $5.00.

11 Volunteers Volunteers are ALWAYS welcome at Roanoke Elementary and in our classroom. You may volunteer services, time or supplies. You may volunteer here at school or in the comfort of your own home. Friday Morning Group at 8:30 a.m. in the Teacher’s workroom. Watch D.O.G.S.-Dads, Uncles, Grandpas Background check

12 Homework Will be assigned Monday-Thursday. (We will begin next week.)
Homework should take no more than 30 minutes Read at least 20 minutes each night. Math-Practice and repetition of what has been taught here at school. Spelling Words If homework is not completed your child may need to attend ZAP –Zeros aren’t Permitted- after school on Friday.

13 Daily Schedule 7:50- 8:00 Assembly 8:00-8:40 Science
8:45-9:40 Specials 9:40-9:50 Snack 9:50-10:50 Writing Workshop 10:50-11:50 Reading Workshop 11:50-12:25 Tier Time 12:30-1:15 Lunch and Recess 1:15-2:45 Math 2:50 Dismissal

14 TAKS Testing Dates Math April 26, 2011 Reading April 27, 2011

15 Field Trip Plans UNT Elm Fork Science Center Nutcracker
September 16th River Legacy Center Field Trip #1 Nutcracker City of Roanoke

16 Field Trip Procedures All field trips are related directly to the curriculum and student learning. Parent supervision is imperative for instruction, supervision and safety of all students. Please find a babysitter for your younger children in order for the students to have the required supervision. We will invite parents to ride the bus only after the students have boarded the busses and if space permits. Thank you for your understanding.

17 Attendance Excellent attendance is strongly encouraged and recognized each six weeks. Whenever your child must be absent, we ask that you call the school office to report the absence at (817) and also send a note documenting their absence for the office. If you would like to pick up your child’s missed work, please call the school office prior to 9:15 am.

18 What do we want your children to know?

19 What do we want your children to know? Reading Workshop
Third Graders will read both independently and in small groups EVERYDAY! More Text and Fewer Pictures Increase Fluency (80 WPM-100 WPM) Independent Reading Stamina (20 minutes or longer) Determine Setting, Characters, Figurative Language & Symbolism Variety of Genres Comprehension Reading Reflection and Reading Log

20 What do we want your children to know? Writing Workshop
Third Graders will write independently EVERYDAY! Personal Experiences Respond to learning in Math, Science and Social Studies Write with a Purpose Proofread what they Write Use Correct Conventions (Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling) Increase Sentence Fluency

21 How will we know what your children know?
Guided Reading Reader’s Workshop Writing Workshop Tier Time (Targeted Focused Instruction) Reading Reflection Notebook Writer’s Interactive Notebook (W.I.N.) Read Aloud Author Studies (Seymour Simon) Journey’s (Reading Series) Clubs Before/After School Tutoring Mystery Reader

22 What do we want your children to know?
Math Understand the overlying concepts of math. Learn that they can be mathematical thinkers. Math is not just skill and practice. Focus on computational fluency. “Is that the most efficient way to solve that problem?” Provide lots of experience in geometry, measurement, data and early algebra. Provide connections between all parts of math. Engage the range of learners in understanding math.

23 What do we want your children to know? Science
Asking questions Using science tools Physical Science Force is a push or a pull Matter has physical properties Earth Science Nature can cause change Patterns of change in weather, metamorphosis and objects in sky Cycles and simple systems Life Science Habitats of animals Needs of living creatures Environmental changes How living creatures adapt and change environment

24 What do we want your children to know? Social Studies
People move from one community to another to improve their lives. People work together to shape their community. Individuals shape their community. Change impacts citizens individually and as a community.

25 Thinking Maps Circle Map Tree Map Bubble Map Double Bubble Flow Map
Multi-Flow Map Brace Map Bridge Map

26 Conferences We will have at least two parent/teacher conferences this year. One in the Fall and one in the Spring. Our Fall conferences will be completed on or before October 8th. Please look for a note home in the next couple of weeks.

27 What questions do you have for me?

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