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Quantitative Languages Krishnendu Chatterjee, UCSC Laurent Doyen, EPFL Tom Henzinger, EPFL CSL 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantitative Languages Krishnendu Chatterjee, UCSC Laurent Doyen, EPFL Tom Henzinger, EPFL CSL 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantitative Languages Krishnendu Chatterjee, UCSC Laurent Doyen, EPFL Tom Henzinger, EPFL CSL 2008

2 Languages L(A)  Σ ω A language can be viewed as a boolean function: L A : Σ ω → {0,1}

3 Model-Checking Model A of the program Model B of the specification does the program A satisfy the specification B ? ² A B ? Question: Input: Model-checking problem

4 Automata & Languages Input: finite automata A and B Question: is L(A)  L(B) ? Model-checking as language inclusion ² A B ?

5 Automata & Languages Input: finite automata A and B Question: is L A (w)  L B (w) for all words w ? Languages are boolean Model-checking as language inclusion

6 Quantitative languages A quantitative language (over infinite words) is a function L(w) can be interpreted as: the amount of some resource needed by the system to produce w (power, energy, time consumption), a reliability measure (the average number of “faults” in w), a probability, etc.

7 Is L A (w)  L B (w) for all words w ? Quantitative languages Quantitative language inclusion L A (w) peak resource consumption Long-run average response time L B (w) resource bound a Average response-time requirement Example:

8 Outline Motivation Weighted automata Decision problems Expressive power

9 Automata Boolean languages are generated by finite automata. Nondeterministic Büchi automaton

10 Automata Boolean languages are generated by finite automata. Nondeterministic Büchi automaton Value of a run r: Val(r)=1 if an accepting state occurs  - ly often in r

11 Automata Boolean languages are generated by finite automata. Nondeterministic Büchi automaton Value of a run r: Val(r)=1 if an accepting state occurs  - ly often in r Value of a word w: max of {values of the runs r over w}

12 Automata Boolean languages are generated by finite automata. Nondeterministic Büchi automaton L A (w) = max of {Val(r) | r is a run of A over w}

13 Weighted automata Quantitative languages are generated by weighted automata. Weight function

14 Weighted automata Quantitative languages are generated by weighted automata. Weight function Value of a word w: max of {values of the runs r over w} Value of a run r: Val(r) where is a value function

15 Some value functions


17 Outline Motivation Weighted automata Decision problems Expressive power

18 Emptiness Given, is L A (w) ≥ for some word w ? solved by finding the maximal value of an infinite path in the graph of A, memoryless strategies exist in the corresponding quantitative 1-player games, decidable in polynomial time for

19 Language Inclusion Is L A (w)  L B (w) for all words w ? PSPACE-complete for Solvable in polynomial-time when B is deterministic for and, open question for nondeterministic automata.

20 Language-inclusion game Language inclusion as a game Discounted-sum automata, λ=3/4

21 Language-inclusion game Tokens on the initial states Language inclusion as a game

22 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Challenger constructs a run r 1 of A, Simulator constructs a run r 2 of B. Challenger wins if Val(r 1 ) > Val(r 2 ). Language inclusion as a game

23 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Language inclusion as a game

24 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Language inclusion as a game

25 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Language inclusion as a game

26 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Language inclusion as a game

27 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Language inclusion as a game

28 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Language inclusion as a game

29 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Language inclusion as a game

30 Language-inclusion game Challenger: Simulator: Challenger wins since 4>2. Language inclusion as a game However, L A (w)  L B (w) for all w.

31 Language-inclusion game The game is blind if the Challenger cannot observe the state of the Simulator. Challenger has no winning strategy in the blind game if and only if L A (w)  L B (w) for all words w.

32 Language-inclusion game The game is blind if the Challenger cannot observe the state of the Simulator. Challenger has no winning strategy in the blind game if and only if L A (w)  L B (w) for all words w. When the game is not blind, we say that B simulates A if the Challenger has no winning strategy. Simulation implies language inclusion.

33 Simulation is decidable

34 Universality and Equivalence Is L A (w) = L B (w) for all words w ? Language equivalence problem: Universality problem: Given, is L A (w) ≥ for all words w ? Complexity/decidability: same situation as Language inclusion.

35 Outline Motivation Weighted automata Decision problems Expressive power

36 Reducibility A class C of weighted automata can be reduced to a class C’ of weighted automata if for all A  C, there is A’  C’ such that L A = L A’.

37 Reducibility A class C of weighted automata can be reduced to a class C’ of weighted automata if for all A  C, there is A’  C’ such that L A = L A’. E.g. for boolean languages: Nondet. coBüchi can be reduced to nondet. Büchi Nondet. Büchi cannot be reduced to det. Büchi (nondet. Büchi cannot be determinized)

38 Some easy facts and cannot be reduced to and and can define quantitative languages with infinite range, and cannot.

39 Some easy facts For discounted-sum, prefixes provide good approximations of the value. For LimSup, LimInf and LimAvg, suffixes determine the value. and cannot be reduced to cannot be reduced to and

40 Büchi does not reduce to LimAvg “infinitely many ’’ Deterministic Büchi automaton Assume that L is definable by a LimAvg automaton A. Then, all -cycles in A have average weight  0.

41 Büchi does not reduce to LimAvg Hence, the maximal average weight of a run over any word in tends to (at most) 0 when “infinitely many ’’ Deterministic Büchi automaton

42 Büchi does not reduce to LimAvg LetWe have where for sufficienly large “infinitely many ’’ Deterministic Büchi automaton

43 where for sufficienly large Hence, Büchi does not reduce to LimAvg LetWe have and A cannot exist ! “infinitely many ’’ Deterministic Büchi automaton

44 (co)Büchi and LimAvg cannot be reduced to By analogous arguments, cannot be reduced to “finitely many ’’ Deterministic coBüchi automaton

45 (co)Büchi and LimAvg Det. coBüchi automaton L 2 is defined by the following nondet. LimAvg automaton:

46 (co)Büchi and LimAvg Det. coBüchi automaton L 2 is defined by the following nondet. LimAvg automaton: Hence, cannot be determinized.

47 Reducibility relations



50 What about Discounted Sum ?

51 Last result cannot be determinized. λ=3/4

52 Disc λ cannot be determinized Value of a word : disc. sum of ’s

53 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

54 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

55 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

56 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

57 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

58 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

59 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

60 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

61 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let

62 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let If then

63 Disc λ cannot be determinized Let If then

64 Disc λ cannot be determinized


66 How many different values can take ?

67 Disc λ cannot be determinized How many different values can take ? infinitely many if for all

68 Disc λ cannot be determinized How many different values can take ? infinitely many if for all By a careful analysis of the shape of the family of equations, it can be proven that no rational can be a solution.

69 Last result cannot be determinized. λ=3/4

70 Reducibility relations

71 Conclusion Quantitative generalization of languages to model programs/systems more accurately. LimAvg and Disc λ : deciding language inclusion is open; Simulation is a decidable over-approximation. Expressive power classification: DBW and LimAvg are incomparable; LimAvg and Disc λ cannot be determinized.

72 Thank you ! Questions ? The end


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