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Viruses, Antiviruses & Spyware Kimberly Bolanos Ayesha Fatima Asfiya Khatoon.

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Presentation on theme: "Viruses, Antiviruses & Spyware Kimberly Bolanos Ayesha Fatima Asfiya Khatoon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viruses, Antiviruses & Spyware Kimberly Bolanos Ayesha Fatima Asfiya Khatoon

2 A B rief H istory of C omputer V iruses, B ugs, & W orms Kimberly L. Bolanos

3 The First "Computer Bug“ In 1947 Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper discovers a moth trapped between relays in a Navy computer. She calls it a "bug," a term used since the late 19th century to refer to problems with electrical devices. NEWS FLASH...BUG CRASHES COMPUTER!!!!


5 Differences between a virus and a worm Viruses  Need a host file.  Make their presence known by presenting text, video, and audio messages.  Typically take up computer memory used by legitimate programs, causing erratic behavior leading to system crashes. Worms Program that replicate itself from system to system without the use of a host file. They generally exist inside of other files, often Word or Excel documents. Worm releases a document that already has the "worm" macro inside the document.

6 Viruses 1975Pervade1 st Commercial Computer Virus UNIVACs 1982Elk Cloner1st Apple Virus Apple II 1983Fred CohenDefined Computer Virus 1986Brain1s t PC Widespread Boot Sector Virus 1995Concept1st macro virus that spread through Microsoft Word WORMS 1999MelissaFastest spreading virus 2000LoveLetterSteals your information and sends it off to the Philippines. 2001Anna Kournikova First “Do – It – Yourself” virus toolkit. 2001NimdaMulti-dimensional attack 2003MicrosoftThe newest bounty hunters. The first, the fastest, the most ferocious.

7 It all started as a popular game! “Animal” 1975 by John Walker Animal was a computer program that would try to guess the animal you were thinking of by asking series of twenty questions. While you were answering the questions the virus Pervade was quietly running in the background. BACK Think of an animal…..

8 Early Cloning Created in 1982 by Rich Skrenta, Elk Cloner was the first computer virus to affect personal computers, namely the Apple II. This was the first "boot sector" virus. BACK

9 Who: Fred Cohen What: Coins the term "computer virus" When: 1983 Where: University of Southern California Back

10 1986 One of the first PC viruses ever created, "The Brain," is released by programmers in Pakistan. Back

11 In August 1995, Concept The worm circled the globe in only a month and until September 1998 was listed as one of the most prevalent viruses reported. BACK

12 1999 The infamous "Melissa" virus, infects thousands of computers with alarming speed, causing an estimated $80 million in damage and prompting record sales of anti-virus products. NEXT

13 2001 Melissa author, David L. Smith, 33, is sentenced to 20 months in federal prison. BACK

14 The "I Love You" virus infects millions of computers virtually overnight, using a method similar to the Melissa virus. But this virus also sends the usernames and passwords stored on infected computers back to the virus's author. NEXT

15 BACK Feeling the “Love” Onel de Guzman and his sister, Irene de Guzman.

16 BACK The "Anna Kournikova" virus, promised digital pictures of the young tennis star. What you got was the chance to send the virus to EVERYONE in your Outlook address book!

17 BACK On September 18, 2001, the "Nimda" virus infects hundreds of thousands of computers around the world. At the time, with up to four methods of infecting systems and replicating itself, Nimda appeared to be the most sophisticated, yet troublesome, virus of its type. admin = nimda

18 BACK The "Anna Kournikova" virus, promised digital pictures of the young tennis star. What you got was the chance to send the virus to EVERYONE in your Outlook address book!

19 In 2003 Microsoft announces a $5M reward program to help catch virus authors. Is Bill Gates the Millennium's New Bounty Hunter???

20 Credits This presentation would not have been possible without the kindness and generosity of the following persons and/or Websites. End of Section

21 Company name Ayesha Fatima Antivirus


23 What is Antivirus Antivirus software is a class of program that searches a hard drive and floppy disk for any known or potential viruses Antivirus program runs in the Random Accesses Memory of a computer Anti-virus software typically uses two different techniques to accomplish this: Examining files to look for known viruses by means of a virus dictionary Identifying suspicious behavior from any computer program which might indicate infection Most commercial anti-virus software uses both of these approaches, with an emphasis on the virus dictionary approach.

24 How Antivirus Software Works: Source System Interception Disinfection Alert Destination System Video

25 Types of Antivirus software: AVG : AVG Free provides you with basic antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows and is compatible with Windows XP and Vista. Norton Antivirus: Well known antivirus software, use for protection against spyware, worms and viruses. MacFee Virus Scan : It is a leading brand name when it comes to antivirus software. It offers easy and quick download The shield Deluxe: It is simple to use and is vista compatible, offers automatic updates and weekly virus scans. It cost about $29.99. CA Antivirus : This is user friendly updates and scans are available at a click of mouse. Automatic file scanning, automatic email scanning, automatic live updates, scheduled and on-demand hard drive scanning, archive scanning, interactive virus detection messages, threat outbreak warning system, file exclusion lists, file quarantine

26 Bit Defender : Easy to install and download processes, Real-time protection from spyware, malware and viruses, automatic hourly updates, Minimal use of system resources, Anti-phishing tools. Kaspersky Antivirus: Kaspersky includes important anti-virus software functions such as real-time email, file and web scanning, as well as the ability to remove spyware NOD32: The NOD32 anti-virus software by ESET is a novel virus program that provides real-time protection against worms, Trojans, spyware, malware, phishing and hackers Panda Antivirus: Download and install process is smooth and fast. Panda's Antivirus software comes with an virus and spyware protection. Panda allows you to block, delete, clean, and quarantine infected files and does not slow your pc down during virus scans which is helpful to those constantly on your PC Trend Micro: It is anti-virus plus Anti-spyware now gives its customers the tools it needs to battle malicious spyware, amongst things like trojans, hackers, worms, and adware.

27 History of Antivirus Back in 1988 viruses grabbed the mass media attention and some of the best researchers in the antivirus world begun their work before 1989. So 1988 was the year in which antivirus comerciants emerged By 1990 the following antivirus products were available on the market AntiVirus Plus (Iris) Certus (Certus International) Data Physician (Digital Dispatch) Turbo Antivirus (Carmel) ThunderByte (ESaSS) Vaccine (Sophos) Vaccine (World Wide Data) Virex-PC (Microcom) Virucide (McAfee's Pro-Scan) (Parsons) Virusafe (Elia Shim) ViruScan (McAfee) Prot (Frisk Software) V-Analyst (BRM) Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit (S&S) Vet (Cybec) VirusBuster (Hunix) Virscan (IBM) Vi-Spy (RG Software

28 Sources: desktop-firewalls-video.htm

29 Spyware Asfiya Khatoon

30 ANTISPYWARE In order to understand antispyware, we need to understand spyware first. What is Spyware? –Spyware is a technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge.

31 What is Spyware? (contd.) Spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties. Spyware can get in a computer as a software virus or as the result of installing a new program.

32 How does it get installed on user ’ s PC? Often installed without the user's consent, as a –drive by download, or –as a result of clicking some option in a deceptive pop up window.

33 Similarity between spyware & cookie cookie is well-known for storing information about an Internet user on their own computer. If a Website stores information about you in a cookie that you don't know about, that cookie can be considered a form of spyware.

34 What spyware developers say? While according to the privacy policies of the companies, there will be no sensitive or identifying data collected from your system and you shall remain anonymous It still remains the fact, that the internet user have a "live" server sitting on his PC that is sending information about him and his surfing habits to a remote location.

35 Effects of Spyware Excessive pop-ups. Slow performance of user’s computer Misuse of data: your privacy and personal information are at risk Security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software

36 How to remove or block spyware? Its very simple. Use Anti spyware software. Identifies, Prevents and safely eliminates potentially unwanted and malicious programs. There are a number of anti spyware softwares that are available on the Internet.

37 Anti Spyware Many programmers and some commercial firms have released products designed to remove or block spyware. Programs such as Ad-aware SE, Spybot –Search & Destroy rapidly gained popularity as effective tools to remove, and in some cases intercept, spyware programs. More recently Microsoft acquired the Windows AntiSpyware beta and releasing it as a free download for Genuine Windows XP and Windows 2003 users. Later, Microsoft renamed the beta software to Windows Defender, and it was released as a free download and is included as standard with Windows Vista.

38 Different Anti spyware softwares Other well-known commercial anti-spyware products include: –Webroot software’s Spy Sweeper. –PC Tools’ Spyware Doctor. –Drive Sentry. –SUPER Anti Spyware. –Sunbelt Softwares’ Counterspy. –Trend Micro’s Hijack This.

39 Anti Spyware Major anti-virus firms such as Symantec, McAfee and Sophos have come later to the table, adding anti- spyware features to their existing anti-virus products.

40 References Web sites:

41 References Text Books: 1.Blocking spam and spyware for Dummies by Peter H. Gregory and Mike Simon. 2.PC Magazine Fighting Spyware, Viruses and Malware by Ed Tittel. 3.Securing your information in an insecure world: what you must know about hackers and identity thieves by Hassan Osman.

42 Disclaimer and Copyright Information While most of it is the work of this Author, some of the information or short excerpts are or might be from (a) the Public Domain, and/or (b) compilation of information from "other sources available on the Internet“. Therefore where applicable, ALL respective credits, and respective benefits of Copyright for such works remain with the respective original authors and/or Owners of applicable Copyrights. Copyright © 2008 by Kimberly L. Bolanos & Ayesha Fatima & Asfiya Khatoon All rights reserved. All rights reserved. The End


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