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Lasciviousness Galatians 5:19.

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1 Lasciviousness Galatians 5:19

2 Lasciviousness The Text in Context—
Paul is contrasting two lifestyles―one “after the Spirit” and the other “according to the flesh.” These two lifestyles are differentiated by what each produces―the fruit of the Spirit versus the sinful works of the flesh (5:19–21). What is this sin? What should we do to avoid being entangled in it?

3 Lasciviousness What Is Lasciviousness?
The Greek word is variously translated in the KJV as “lasciviousness” (Galatians 5:19), “wantonness” (Romans 13:13) and “filthy” (II Peter 2:7). The NASV prefers the word “sensuality” and the RSV uses “licentiousness” consistently. Lasciviousness signifies someone preoccupied with the arousal and gratification of the sexual appetites; they are lewd and unchaste (

4 Lasciviousness The Bible Is Not Vague About This Sin―
It is frequently associated with the sexual sins of adultery, fornication and uncleanness (Romans 13:13–14; II Corinthians 12:21; II Peter 2:7). While it is not the same as the others, it is associated with these sins; it is of the same kind and class. Ephesians 4:19 suggests those who have yielded to lasciviousness are on a declining path. It is the point of departure for excess (I Peter 4:3–4).

5 Lasciviousness The Bible Is Not Vague About This Sin―
It is associated with filthy, vile thoughts, words, and actions (Mark 7:20–23). Notice that lasciviousness proceeds out of the heart (cf. Matthew 12:35; Luke 6:45). It is often conjoined with wicked, lustful speech (Ephesians 4:29; 5:4; Colossians 3:5–9). Whether or not this speech is itself the sin of lasciviousness; it prepares for it (II Timothy 3:13).

6 Lasciviousness What Are Factors that Contribute to It? Pornography–
Television, movies, print media, music & the internet promote lust through lewd words and images. There is no doubt that pornography is a sin (Matthew 5:28; Romans 1:27; 13:14; Ephesians 2:3). It deceives (Ephesians 4:22) and enslaves (II Peter 2:18–19; II Timothy 3:6). It encourages filthy and wanton behavior (James 1:14).

7 Lasciviousness What Are Factors that Contribute to It? Immodesty―
When our personal standards of modesty begin to slip; we ought to be concerned that we are preparing the heart for lasciviousness. The two essential components of modesty are “shamefastness” (I Timothy 2:9; Genesis 3:11) and “sobriety” (Titus 2:2, 4; Proverbs 11:22). Lasciviousness is a real result of immodesty.

8 Lasciviousness What Are Factors that Contribute to It? Ignorance―
It is not ignorance of lasciviousness, but that of the word of God that results in the sin (Psalms 119:11). Since lasciviousness, as all sin, arises in the heart, we must take care to guard the heart (Proverbs 4:20–27). The spiritually aware and wise will protect himself and others from this horrible sin (I Timothy 2:9; 5:2; Job 31:1; Matthew 5:28; Titus 2:1–6).

9 Lasciviousness How to Avoid the Sin of Lasciviousness―
Be careful in your speech. Choose righteous entertainment. Dress appropriately. Monitor computers, phones & cable TV. Be accountable to your spouse or parents. Avoid people, places and activities that are likely to afford opportunity for temptation & sin.

10 Where & When Preached Russellville, AR (04/12/2015 PM) El Dorado, AR

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