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1 Opinions about Tourism in Antarctica. 2 Many people thought that tourism should continue (but not everyone! LM) But with great care Make notes using.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Opinions about Tourism in Antarctica. 2 Many people thought that tourism should continue (but not everyone! LM) But with great care Make notes using."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Opinions about Tourism in Antarctica

2 2 Many people thought that tourism should continue (but not everyone! LM) But with great care Make notes using a few bullet points of those reasons that you think make the strongest case

3 3 Alex thinks… I think that only a limited number of people should be allowed to go and visit Antarctica each year. It is a wonderful place and it should be protected. The number of ships visiting the Antarctic is growing; and that brings an increasing risk of accidents that could pollute the coastline and the Southern Ocean. Antarctica is the planet's last great wilderness; yet even that far-away region is becoming increasingly overcrowded, by fishing vessels and tourist ships. Over the last few years there have been several shipping accidents in Antarctic seas resulting in pollution and out of control vessels. We are at risk of permanently damaging this beautiful white continent.

4 4 Alex thinks… However I believe people should have a right to visit Antarctica as it is such a wonderful place. But there should be no large cruise ships because these can damage the ice sheet and the number of people who can go on land at one time should be a maximum of 75, so that the flora and fauna are protected. If you get the opportunity to visit Antarctica you will see some of the most beautiful scenery that the planet has to offer, seascapes, icescapes and landscapes that you only dream about. On your trips ashore you will see Antarctic wildlife up close and personal. So yes, I think you should have the opportunity to visit Antarctica but do it as part of an official tour where regulations protecting the environment are considered.

5 5 Amelia thinks … I think people should be able to visit Antarctica and tourism there should go ahead because it will help generate money and also show people parts of the world they haven’t seen. Although it does contribute to pollution and also with the recession people won’t want to spend lots but I think it is very important to know what the world has to offer and it would be a waste if you couldn’t go on a cruise out there and experience true nature and be part of it. Getting to see all the different types of animals would be breath taking. Eventually the world will be completely different if not gone. At the rate of global warming and damage to the earth is going you might as well go out and experience the true wonders of the world before it’s too late. People may want to protect it but at the end of the day our world is changing rapidly whether it’s being ruined or not we can’t stop all of it so why not take a holiday and go to Antarctica.

6 6 Jade’s Opinion on Antarctic Tourism: “I believe Antarctica is a very unique place and everyone should be given the privilege of visiting this special land and its mesmerising landscape.” – Jade, Y9 Caracals. I believe after people pay a visit to Antarctica (the world’s most unpolluted continent) and its native inhabitants from albatrosses and penguins to seals and whales, they will see the world in a different – more special – way and will treasure their once in a lifetime experience. In addition, tourists only spend a short period of time on landings compared to researchers and scientists. Even though this is considered ‘high-impact’ time and it is difficult to compare the effects of tourists and scientists, I believe long-term researchers do more damage to this precious place.

7 7 Kane thinks that ….. I believe that tourism in Antarctica should continue. I have many reasons for this decision and I will elaborate on each one them with separate paragraphs. (Although I will pick a few as you didn’t want this to be too long). The views and scenery – One of my points is that the scenery within Antarctica is excellent and it’s completely isolated from the rest of the world. Quoting from one of the sites you linked, “First of all you will cross some of the most excitable seas there are…” In my opinion it would be a shame if it wasn’t opened up so people could at least see it. In addition as well, in the high summer in Antarctica you can get 20+ hours of daylight including extremely warm weather; so it’s not the most inhospitable place in summer!

8 8 … and Kane thinks that ….. The regulations are safe – When the immediate aftermath of the M/S Explorer happened, the treaty was modified to limit the amount of cruise ships sailing around in the Antarctica. I think this really helps tourism as any potential tourism by boat now won’t damage the scenery nor will it cause any major congestion within the surrounding sea. Quoting from the BBC article, “Antarctic visits have risen from 6,700 in 1992-93 to over 45,000 last season”. This in itself wasn’t good but when it was announced that there would be a limit for cruise liners I think made the destination a lot more appealing.

9 9 … and Kane thinks that ….. Raising awareness – As the UN topic explains, the sudden surge of sightseers visiting the Antarctica trying to see the scenery while they can has also drastically increased the awareness of what’s actually happening to the environment. “The newfound eco-consciousness has caused a surge in eco-tourism, particularly to the Antarctic.” Not only does the tourism benefit the economy and the people, it also raises lots of awareness of the conservation efforts which are happening as we speak in endangered parts of the planet.

10 10 Melissa thinks …. I think they should keep Antarctica as a tourist place, because people seem to love it there and there is loads to do such as the wildlife and the scenery. It seems like a magical place and a great way to just escape and have some rest and relaxation. I found this which you may be interested in, it’s a webcam that takes you and shows you what’s going on their right at this very minute. Here is the link: There is also a VIP tour with the penguins where you can feed them and even heal them and hold them with supervisors of course So I say keep it…..its a wonderful, magic place

11 11 Riekert thinks … Antarctica is an extremely special place; everyone deserves one chance to see that place. why? because its one of the most beautiful places on earth, it has some of the most unique animals in the world, but everything is fragile and must be protected, but also people must be made aware that there is a place like this in the in the world, and letting them see it for them selves’ is the best way to do it.

12 12 In the textbox EVERYONE put down the most important reason for allowing tourism to continue I will copy them from the text box for later!

13 13 Some people thought it should not be allowed Make notes using a few bullet points of those reasons that you think make the strongest case

14 14 Helen thinks that …. "We should have the sense to leave just one place alone" I have to agree with the above quote that the idea that people should be able to visit everywhere in the world is a ridiculous notion. There is no reason to allow tourism other than for our own selfish desire to see a wonderful place like Antarctica, or for the greed of people who want to profit from such tourism. Tourism in Antarctica is a short term idea; it would never last, because the tourism would just ruin the beautiful land, which would mean it would no longer be a tourist destination, PLUS it would not be available for other uses! By simply not having tourism in Antarctica, you can save it for the other uses, such as scientific research.

15 15 Jonah thinks … I think that tourists should be banned as there is no guarantee that they will not pollute the local area even if they are only aloud in a certain area so I think what money you do gain from these tourists visits, isn’t enough to compensate for the damage they might cause. Maybe allowing tour flights over the Antarctic would be alright and the income made from these flights could go to bettering the welfare of Antarctica.

16 16 Robbie thinks … I don’t think people should be able to visit Antarctica because it should be for the animals that live there like leopard seals and all the other endangered animals that naturally live there. The only way people can go there is if there authorized and if it’s to research how to save their environment and make private Antarctic zoo for local animals to help repopulate them and keep them safe. Then after a little bit, they should be released back into the wild but so they can survive after being re-introduced to the wild they should think there always in the wild by simulating it.

17 17 Terry thinks … I think tourism should be stopped in Antarctica mainly because of transport. The amount of ships and planes taking the tourists to their destination is constantly adding to air and water pollution which is also heating the atmosphere, thus adding to global warming. This isn’t just Antarctica, but all over the world, but causing the atmosphere around Antarctica to rise will result in awful things, main one being the melting ice caps which will cause the sea level to rise. Another point is the tourists. Wherever there are people, there’s litter, usually. We don’t want Antarctica, a home to many species of beautiful creatures, to be vandalised in such a way that animals are forced out of their homes.

18 18 In the textbox EVERYONE put down the most important reason for allowing tourism to continue I will copy them from the text box for later!

19 19 But one of you thinks it is not up to one person at all….

20 20 Lauren thinks that …. I think tourism in the Antarctic should continue, in my opinion I think the risks are worth it for the gains, it’s an amazing untouched pure land and it should be appreciated, but I agree it should not be damaged in any way in the process, it’s really down to opinion, everyone’s opinions should be taking into account and then a vote should be taken and the ruling decision will not only be good for this magnificent land but also have its drawbacks! If its decided that it’s no longer open to the public then it will lose the money it gets from that, it will also mean millions of people will miss out on seeing this most peaceful land the gains are that the land will not be damaged by litter,plain,oil and planes themselves or anything else from human inhabitancy ! If its decided that it should stay open to the public then there may be catastrophic damage to the land and the wildlife within it but the funding from these will go towards more research on the barren land and its life within it plus not to mention the once in a life time view tourists will get, in conclusion i think there should be a worldwide vote!

21 21 The vote! I will read out the main ideas you cam up from on both sides. I will then use the polling facility to see which you think is the best result- Will it be different from the homework or will everyone stick to their original idea?

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