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Training Health Workers for Ebola Chandrakant Ruparelia MD, MPH Sr. Technical Advisor Jhpiego-an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Health Workers for Ebola Chandrakant Ruparelia MD, MPH Sr. Technical Advisor Jhpiego-an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Health Workers for Ebola Chandrakant Ruparelia MD, MPH Sr. Technical Advisor Jhpiego-an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University

2 Key Take Away Messages  Need to train large healthcare providers and train them soon  Use of technology to quickly disseminate minimum must know information and skills demonstrations.  Use in-country facility based staff who can supervise/coach other staff members as they practice specific skills. 2

3 Outline  Key competencies and components of training health care workers (HCWs) for Ebola  Challenges to training HCWs in affected countries  Approaches to training HCWs  Resources for training HCWs

4 Environment in which HCW Function During Ebola Outbreak  Stress  Burnout  Fears  Unfavorable attitudes  Stigma and discrimination  High work load  Inadequate supportive supervision  Lack of resource and safe work environment

5 Essential Competencies for Health Workers for Ebola  Early detection and management of a case of Ebola Virus Disease  Protect others and self from accidental exposure to blood and body fluids from a case of EVD by following appropriate IPC practices

6 Key Components of Training  Ebola basics and clinical case management  Infection prevention and control for Ebola  Hand Hygiene  Screening and isolation for Ebola  PPE  Cleaning and disinfection  Linen processing  Waste management  Safe handling of human remains 6

7 Challenges  Train more HCWs, fast, repeatedly  Deploying staff for training  Availability of trainers  Well defined training strategies and approaches  Travel policies

8 General Guidance to Design Training for HEWs in Ebola Affected Areas  Determine appropriate techniques for training  Determine how many opportunities you have to train the HCWs  Plan how you can reach the number of HCWs needed to be trained, at the same time maintaining quality and speed. 8

9 More Specifically  Use blended learning approach. 9 Knowledge Demonstration of Skills Skills Practice Skills Assessment Knowledge Assessment Final Skills Evaluation Offered using technologySupported by clinical trainers Competent HCWs

10 Resources and Tools  Ebola resource center  Technical resources (,  Tools for offering online courses:,  Tools for authoring e-Learning materials  Examples of e-learning courses

11 Thank You 11

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