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The Client- Worker Relationship. RELATIONSHIP: the emotional interaction between people – the emotional bond.  “Relationships never end, they just change.”

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Presentation on theme: "The Client- Worker Relationship. RELATIONSHIP: the emotional interaction between people – the emotional bond.  “Relationships never end, they just change.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Client- Worker Relationship

2 RELATIONSHIP: the emotional interaction between people – the emotional bond.  “Relationships never end, they just change.”  “Relationships are always in the process of change.”

3 How might we describe our relationships?  CasualClose  Uncomfortable Good  BadDistant  All are based on our feelings and our emotional investment with another person.

4 Why is a “good” relationship important to you in Social Work?  Provides “safe environment” for client to share feelings, problems, etc.  Provides an atmosphere of trust and respect = good environment for change.  Establishes environment that is non- threatening and non-judgmental.

5 Please define:  Empathy  Warmth  Genuineness

6 Personality  Clients indicated the following as the top four personality characteristics important to them in a social worker.  UNDERSTANDING  SYMPATHETIC (EMPATHIC)  PLEASANT  ABILITY TO PUT ONE AT EASE

7 Personality  Other important characteristics are:  Warmth  Acceptance  Interest in Client

8 Components of a Positive Relationship  The kind of relationship we have with someone is based on our feelings and our emotional investment with the other person.

9 Components of a Positive Relationship  “A positive relationship is not as good as a negative relationship is bad.”  Qualities of a positive relationship?  Responsive, polite, considerate, friendly, respectful, honest…  Qualities of a negative relationship?  Impersonal, inconsiderate, unfriendly, belittling, condescending, critical, rejecting…

10 Components of a Positive Client-Worker Relationship  Positive Client-Worker relationships are characterized by:  1. Allowing the client the right of self- determination.  Work WITH the client  Show confidence in client  Believe in the client

11 Components of a Positive Client-Worker Relationship  2. Genuine interest in the client  Listening  Reflecting feelings  Warmth  Respect  Trust

12 Components of a Positive Client-Worker Relationship  3. Respond to the client as a unique individual  Do not stereotype  =av2e =av2e

13 Components of a Positive Client-Worker Relationship  Acceptance  Non-judgmental attitude  Compassionate  Gentle

14 Components of a Positive Client-Worker Relationship  Empathic understanding  Social worker feels with the client – “the conscious awareness of another’s feelings”

15 Components of a Positive Client-Worker Relationship  Genuineness and Authenticity  Be real  Be human  Be honest

16 Components of a Positive Client-Worker Relationship  Confidentiality  Social Work Code of Ethics  “Respect the privacy of clients and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional service.”

17 Why have a good/positive working relationship with your clients?  It will better faciliate the purpose of the interview  It will facilitate effective interviewing  It is not about “being liked”

18  As a social worker, you will be working with serious social problems and people who are severly mentally ill, child abusers, domestic abusers, rapists, criminals, chronic substance abusers, etc. These people may be viewed as manipulative, overly demanding, hostile, resistant, or overly dependent.  Since it is not possible to truly like everyone, it is our behaviors rather than our attitudes and feelings that become crucial. We will not condone unhealthy or abusive behaviors, but we must accept the person and her/his right to receive services.  Your goal as a professional social worker is to be responsible to basic human rights by employing genuineness and compassion in your efforts to understand others…you must strive not to be “phony”.

19 Preparatory Empathy

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