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ENGAGING GOD’S MISSION IN THE 21 ST CENTURY. 2012 GC Resolution C095 Establish task force to present to 78 th General Convention plan for reforming Church’s.

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2 2012 GC Resolution C095 Establish task force to present to 78 th General Convention plan for reforming Church’s structures, governance, and administration 24 appointed members reflecting diversity of church, including those with critical distance Hold churchwide gathering with representatives of each diocese

3 Movement and Structure Structure developed to support Jesus movement Today’s primary challenges are spiritual, theological, cultural, not organizational Practicing Way of Jesus more deeply at all levels Forming Christian community with neighbors Practicing Christian witness in society where culture no longer supports Christian identity/belonging From “doing mission” to connecting communities, individuals for mutual support, learning, collaboration Fostering innovation, ongoing adaptation

4 Three Key Practices (Luke 10:1-11) Follow Jesus together Renewing identity through practicing Way of Jesus more deeply Into the neighborhood Testifying to God’s reign of healing & reconciliation through deep listening to neighbors; forming & restoring community Travel lightly Going in vulnerability, discerning what to hold onto and what to let go of

5 Key Themes from Engagement Process Focus more deeply on local mission and community-building Make better decisions more effectively and allocate resources more wisely Make more space for innovation to emerge from all parts of church

6 Rationale for Structural Proposals Clearer responsibility Greater accountability Faster and more effective decision-making Greater expertise in supporting decision-making More responsiveness to local needs and mission in use of collective resources Clarifying roles while maintaining polity

7 Reimagination Agenda Restructure for spiritual encounter (A001) Reimagine dioceses, bishops and General Convention (A002) Restructure assets in service of God’s mission in future (A003, A004)

8 Proposed Changes: General Convention Unicameral General Convention Presiding Bishop elected by lay, clerical and bishops Presiding Deputy elected by lay and clerical orders Retired bishops no longer have vote Three lay and three clerical deputies per diocese Mission convocation alongside legislate body (wider participation, networking, peer learning)

9 Proposed Changes: PB and PD Clarifications of authority of Presiding Bishop as chief executive of churchwide organization as president of DFMS and chair of Executive Council PB has ultimate management authority for DFMS staff Presiding Deputy: VP of church, vice chair of Executive Council, VP of DFMS PB appoints (with concurrence of PD) General Manager, Treasurer, Secretary, General Chancellor Mutual ministry reviews among PB, PD, EC

10 Proposed Changes: Executive Council Role clarified as governance, not operational Reduced in size from 42 to 21, retaining proportionality of orders Membership: PB and PD ex officio 11 at large (elected by GC) 9 nominated provincially, elected at GC

11 Proposed Changes: CCABs Eliminate all Standing Commissions except Liturgy and Music, Constitution and Canons No changes to commissions called for in Rules of Order (Nominations, PB&F) Presiding Officers charged with appointing task forces specific to work of each triennium; dissolve at end Encourage use of expertise of DFMS staff or consultants as needed to study issues, develop proposals to address GC priorities

12 Conclusion Innovation, adaptation already underway in many places We must recognize loss amidst change Leadership is key enabler


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