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‘intelligent openness’ The common objective of an RCUK data policy C4D workshop, Glasgow 12 July 2013 Gregor McDonagh NERC Research Information Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "‘intelligent openness’ The common objective of an RCUK data policy C4D workshop, Glasgow 12 July 2013 Gregor McDonagh NERC Research Information Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘intelligent openness’ The common objective of an RCUK data policy C4D workshop, Glasgow 12 July 2013 Gregor McDonagh NERC Research Information Manager

2 meeting – 5 July Last Friday and onwards: New ideas for taking forward RCUK data policy Research Outcomes harmonisation – UKRISS role explained RF/ROS options analysis

3 Interoperability – the UK Research Information Shared Service (UKRISS) ? HEI CRIS/ IR (e.g. PURE) HEI CRIS/ IR (e.g. Symplectic) ROS HEI CRIS/ IR (e.g Avidas) Research Fish HEBCI DataCite Dryad CrossRef FundRef PMC Gateway to Research UKRISS ORCID/ WOS, DCI, Scopus Publishers Repository Broker ORCID/ISNI People & Organisation Names Authority CrossRef Publication Names Authority DataCite Dataset Names Authority ???? Research Grant Names Authority See:

4 RCUK data policy Science as an open enterprise Six key areas for action: 1.Scientists need to be more open among themselves and with the public and media 2.Greater recognition needs to be given to the value of data gathering, analysis and communication 3.Common standards for sharing information are required to make it widely usable 4.Publishing data in a reusable form to support findings must be mandatory 5.More experts in managing and supporting the use of digital data are required 6.New software tools need to be developed to analyse the growing amount of data being gathered

5 RCUK data policy G8 Science Ministers, 12 June: “We are committed to openness in scientific research data to speed up the progress of scientific discovery, create innovation, ensure that the results of scientific research are as widely available as practical, enable transparency in science and engage the public in the scientific process.”

6 RCUK data policy G8 principles: i.To the greatest extent and with the fewest constraints possible publicly funded scientific research data should be open, while at the same time respecting concerns in relation to privacy, safety, security and commercial interests, whilst acknowledging the legitimate concerns of private partners. ii.Open scientific research data should be easily discoverable, accessible, assessable, intelligible, useable, and wherever possible interoperable to specific quality standards. iii.To maximise the value that can be realised from data, the mechanisms for delivering open scientific research data should be efficient and cost effective, and consistent with the potential benefits. iv.To ensure successful adoption by scientific communities, open scientific research data principles will need to be underpinned by an appropriate policy environment, including recognition of researchers fulfilling these principles, and appropriate digital infrastructure.

7 RCUK data policy The seven principles: 1.OA to data a public good management practices 3.metadata for discoverability 4.Constraints security, confidentiality, ethical, rigour 5.privileged use/embargos 6.acknowledgement/citation 7.funding

8 RCUK data policy Consensus between Councils: 1.Scrutiny of underlying data assures integrity of the scientific process 2.Reuse/repurposing offers new ways to combine data for inter-disciplinary or translational opportunities, ie supports fundamental research and generates new opportunities for impact 3.Data capture, labelling, archiving and access adds costs – need to be pragmatic about what is kept, where, for how long and with what accessibility

9 RCUK data policy Variations in individual Council policies: Diverse terminology Historic variation in curation practices by discipline Data Management Plans mandated with proposals by all Councils but EPSRC (onus more on HEIs) ESRC and NERC have Dedicated Data Centres (active migration of formats; help with selectivity and application of metadata; on expectation of more reuse and repurposing)

10 RCUK data policy Progress: Retaining 7 principles though seeking to take out repetition and overlap (cf G8 statements) More thought going into: A common vocabulary How to harmonise practices Strengthening metadata standards Sharing mechanisms during period of privileged use

11 RCUK data policy Influenced by Internal Audit recommendations: establish definition for Scientific Data (software out treating separately) develop data Assurance Framework review data retention requirements (min 10 years) what technical support can be offered to institutions

12 RCUK data policy Influenced by Codata: a forum for international co-ordination on: Policy and institutional Frameworks for Data Frontiers in Data Science and Technology Data Strategies for International Science

13 RCUK data policy Influenced by Codata: a forum for international co-ordination on: Policy and institutional Frameworks for Data co-ordination role setting policy agenda Frontiers in Data Science and Technology data citations standards Data Strategies for International Science infrastructure

14 RCUK data policy Influenced by UK data archive: comparison of metadata standards See Emerging thoughts: RCUK policy take up Gemini 2 standard to cover goespatial discovery needs Gemini 2 standard to add FunderName and GrantID Encourage Thomson-Reuters to broaden the metadata fields for its Data Citations Index to cover geospatial.

15 Further information 1.Royal Society Report: Science as an open enterprise 2.G8 Science Ministers Statement, 12 June 2013 3.Royal Society Report: Science as an open enterprise 4.RCUK Policy and Guidelines on Governance of Good Research Conduct 5.Codata strategic plan 2013-2018 6.RCUK data policy 7.NERC data policy 8.UKDA comparison of data metadata standards 9.NERC discovery metadata standard 10.NERC data value checklist

16 RCUK data policy The NERC data centres and their scientific disciplines are: British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) ‐ Atmospheric science National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) ‐ Earth sciences NERC Earth Observation Data Centre (NEODC) ‐ Earth observation British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) ‐ Marine Science Polar Data Centre (PDC) ‐ Polar Science Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) ‐ Terrestrial & freshwater science, Hydrology and Bioinformatics UK Solar System Data Centre – Solar ‐ terrestrial physics Archaeology Data Service (ADS)* ‐ Science ‐ based archaeology

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