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The Principal Parts of Verbs Infinitive Present Participle Past Past Participle.

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Presentation on theme: "The Principal Parts of Verbs Infinitive Present Participle Past Past Participle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Principal Parts of Verbs Infinitive Present Participle Past Past Participle

2 Infinitive Definition: a verb form that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Infinitives begin with to! –Examples: No one wants to stay. To leave now would be rude. Her goal is to win.

3 Present Participle Helping verbs is or are + the –ing form of the verb –Examples: Mrs. Bedell is reading a good book. The students are studying grammar. He is playing baseball this season.

4 Past Participle Helping verbs have, has or had + the past form of the verb *Irregular verbs have a separate past participle form of the verb –Examples: My family has gone to Disney World. The students have studied grammar. He has run a five minute mile.

5 Principal Parts of Regular Verbs: Infinitive Form Present Participle PastPast Participle 1.[to] traveltraveled[have] traveled 1.[to] watch[is] watching[have] watched 1.[to] protect[is] protectingprotected [is] learninglearned[have] learned

6 Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs: Infinitive Form Present Participle PastPast Participle 1.[to] becomebecame[have] become 1.[to] draw[is] drawing[have] drawn 1.[to] swim[is] swimmingswam [is] breakingbroke[have] broken 1.[to] cutcut[have] cut 1. [to] leave[is] leaving[have] left 1.[to] spring[is] springingsprang

7 Al Capone shines my shoes. shines

8 Past Tense Al Capone shined my shoes.

9 Future Tense Al Capone will shine my shoes.

10 Present Participle Al Capone is shining my shoes.

11 Past Participle Al Capone has shined my shoes.

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