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District Salary Committee Update 2004-05 March 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "District Salary Committee Update 2004-05 March 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Salary Committee Update 2004-05 March 2005

2 History Spring of 2003  No steps  Small percent increase Agreed to form Salary Committee Review our schedules vs. similar districts

3 History (cont.) 2003-04  Reviewed existing district salary schedules  District budget comparison  Staffing comparison  School finance in-service  Reviewed other types of salary schedules Findings  Starting salaries competitive  Ending salaries 8% to 15% low  Special Areas (Psych., Speech, O.T., P.T.) Non- competitive  700K spent on Purchase Services

4 History (cont.) Awarded step increases only Increased Special Area schedules

5 Next Steps Stakeholder Buy-In  Employee Associations  Governing Board Researched Options  Reviewed Salary Schedules Nationwide  Reconvened Salary Committee in the Fall

6 Committee Formed  October 27, 2004 – 32 member main committee representing all groups of employees

7 Purpose of Committee v District Funding – ∙ 2.0% increase plus growth in students v Current Schedules - ∙ Annual cost of built-ins 2.5% to 2.8% v Other ∙ Increases in ASRS – 45% increase to 8.2% ∙ Increases in Health Insurance – 1 st quote 29.7% v Future – Proposition 301 ∙ 2.0% thru 2021 ∙ 3 million decrease in funding for excess utilities

8 Set Benchmarks – Board Policy DBD  Adopt a district philosophy on salaries/benefits  Allocate a pre-determined portion of M&O budget to salary and benefits

9 Characteristics of Salary Schedule  Competitive  Equitable to all employee groups  Encourages Professional Growth  Incorporates performance/rewarding  Fundable/No lock-ins  Understandable  Lasting  Flexible

10 Components of Salary Schedule  Beginning  Initial Placements  Ending  Ability to Increase Flat Percent  Professional Growth  Performance Component

11 Sub-Committees  Each group developed salary schedules using the common components.  Individual components vary by group to meet the needs of that group.

12 Summary - Certified  Beginning amount - $31,000  Entry – Initial placement Hiring Schedule

13 Summary - Certified  Ending – No top  Changes to individual salaries and/or schedule ∙ Determined by IBN ∙ Funds available distributed as follows: 1. **Professional growth paid first 2. 40% of available funds goes to a flat amount to all staff 3. 60% of available funds goes to a % increase to all staff ** see next slide for Professional Growth explanation

14 Summary – Certified (cont’d.)  Professional Growth 1. The maximum number of credits accepted (cap) for salary increase is 90 credits above highest degree earned 2. Starting with the 2006-07 school years, all hours turned in by January 31 st will be paid at the rate of $50 per credit hour on the following years contract. This amount will be added to your base annually. 3. The maximum number of credits paid per year will be 18. 4. OT’s/PT’s, Psychologists, Nurses and SLP’s will use the same professional growth plan.

15 Summary – Certified (cont’d.)  Increases to the beginning and entry level schedule will be limited to the lesser of the “flat” increase or $500.  Hard to Fill positions – Language has been added to define hard-to- fill and how much their starting pay is.

16 How This Will Work for Each of You! Example (Sample Only – These numbers are NOT the actual numbers) 04/05 salary $44,000. Which is the sum of your base salary, Prop. 301 (20% base amount), Prop. 301 (menu) and longevity stipend. New Contract for 05/06 04/05 Amount$44,000 Add Prof. Growth (6 credits) (starting 06/07) 300 @ $50 per credit hr. Flat Amount ($500) 500 Percent Increase (2%) 880 Extra Day – (05/06 is the last year) 215 Other New Contract Amount$45,895 Base for 06/07$45,895

17 How This Will Work for Each of You! (cont’d) Note: A performance pay component will be funded for those who qualify. The Performance Pay amount is not added to your salary to find the following year’s base. Prop. 202 (Indian Gaming) will be in addition to the base, but will not be added to the following year’s base. (if approved) Performance Pay and Indian Gaming will be paid after the end of the school year. (will not be part of the balance of contract payments) Role of IBN: Salary proposal must go to IBN. A certified salary committee will be chosen each year to prepare a recommendation for the IBN team. Changes to language will be done in IBN with consultation of the Human Resources department.

18 Summary - Classified  Beginning amount – Current amounts  Entry – Initial placement – Beginning amount for that range  Ending Amount – 1.6 times the beginning amount for each job range. No one can exceed this cap.  Changes to individual salaries and/or schedule ∙ Determined by IBN  New Funds distributed as follows: 1. **Professional growth paid first 2. 50% of available funds goes to a flat amount to all staff 3. 50% of available funds goes to a % increase to all staff ** see next slide for Professional Growth explanation

19 Summary – Classified (cont’d.)  Professional Growth 1. The maximum number of credits accepted (cap) for salary increase is 75. (each credit is a minimum of 12 seat hours). 2. All credits recorded in Human Resources by January 31 st will be awarded on the following year’s contract at the rate of.10 for each group of five credits accepted and posted by the Human Resources department. (by June 30 th for Fiscal Year 05/06)

20 How This Will Work for Each of You! Example (Sample Only – These numbers are NOT the actual numbers) 04/05 salary is Range 20, Step 11 for $13.30 and you receive.35 for Professional Growth and for a total amount of $13.65 per hour. New Contract for 05/06 – The new amounts for Range 20 would be $10.75 to $17.20 04/05 Amount$13.65 Add new Prof. Growth (5 credits).10 Flat Amount.22 Percent Increase (1.5%).20 Other 05/06 Salary$14.17 Base for 06/07$14.17

21 How This Will Work for Each of You! (cont’d) Note: The beginning salary amount for each Range will increase each year by the % amount awarded. Therefore, the ending amount will be 1.6 times the beginning amount. (Now - 1.36, Avg. - 1.52) Current employees moving to a new Range will receive a 2% increase/decrease for each Range between their current Range and the new Range. i.e. A person moving from Range 21 to Range 26 would receive an additional 10% raise. A Performance Pay component will be funded for those who qualify. The Performance Pay amount is not added to your salary to find the following year’s base. Performance Pay will be a single check paid after the end of the school year. (but not part of balance of contracts)

22 How This Will Work for Each of You! (cont’d) Role of IBN: Salary proposal must go to IBN. A classified salary committee will be chosen each year to prepare a recommendation for the IBN team. Changes to language will be done in IBN.

23 Summary – Administrative & Exempt  The following three schedules, for Assistant Principals, Principals and Exempt staff show the beginning and ending amounts for each group of employees, also, the percent of increase from the beginning to the end of each range.  Entry – Initial placement is up to the discretion of the Human Resources department.  Assistant Principals – Range 1.25 Elementary (K-6) $57,500-71,875 K-8 58,400-73,000 MS *60,000-75,000 HS *64,000-80,000 *Reduced starting amount

24 Summary – Administrative & Exempt  Principals – Range 1.25 **Small School/Programs (less than 450 students) $59,200-74,000 K-6 65,000-82,000 K-8 66,400-83,000 MS *68,000-85,000 HS *73,600-92,000 *Reduced starting amount **Programs such as NEC or Crossroads, and Principal of a school less than 450 students

25 Summary – Administrative & Exempt  Exempt Staff Job Range 1 $25,000-34,000 Range 1.36 2 29,500-40,000 1.36 3 33,000-45,000 1.36 4 36,700-50,000 1.36 5 *44,000-60,000 1.36 6 *51,500-70,000 1.36 7 64,000-80,000 1.36 8 72,000-90,000 1.25 9 80,000-100,000 1.25 10 90,000-110,000 1.22 *Reduced starting amount

26 Summary – Administrative & Exempt  Change to individual salaries and/or schedules ∙ Determined by IBN ∙ Funds available distributed as follows: 1. Professional Growth paid first 2. 50% of available funds goes to a flat amount to all staff. 3. 50% of available funds goes to % increase to all staff.

27 Summary – Administrative & Exempt  Professional Growth 1. The maximum number of credits accepted (cap) for salary increase is 90 credits above highest degree earned. 2. Starting with the 2006-07 school years, all credits turned in by January 31 st will be paid at the rate of $50 per credit hour on the following years contract. 3. The maximum number of credits paid per year will be 18.  The beginning salary amount and the ending amount for each schedule will increase each year by the % amount awarded to employees.

28 How This Will Work for Each of You! New Contract for 05/06 – 04/05 Amount$72,000 Add new Prof. Growth Flat Amount 1,200 Percent Increase (2%) 1,440 05/06 Contract$74,640 Base for 06/07$74,640

29 How This Will Work for Each of You! Role of IBN Salary proposal must go to IBN An administrator/exempt salary committee will be chosen each year to prepare a recommendation for the IBN team. Note: A performance pay component will be funded for those who qualify. The Performance Pay amount is not added to your salary to find the following year’s base Performance Pay will be a single check paid after the end of the school year. High School principals will work 12 months. Other Principals and Assistant Principals will work 225 days.

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