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RABIES By: Howard Klingbeil and Steve Symons What is Rabies? Rabies is an acute and Deadly viral infection of the central nervous system.

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2 RABIES By: Howard Klingbeil and Steve Symons

3 What is Rabies? Rabies is an acute and Deadly viral infection of the central nervous system.

4 What Animals Carry Rabies? Raccoons Skunks Foxes Bats Ferrets Dogs Cats

5 The Symptoms of Animals Very excitable Vicious attacks Biting Drooling Lack of fear Aggressiveness Muscular dysfunction Death

6 The Symptoms of Humans Low grade fever Pain at the bite sight Swallowing difficulty Restlessness Irritability Convulsions Drooling

7 Reported Cases of Rabies, 1999

8 Animal Rabies by Year in North Dakota 1989-2001

9 Treatment of Rabies Immediate thorough cleansing of animal bite or scratch wounds with liberal amounts of soap and water or flushing the mucous membranes with warm water A vaccine which is a series of five shots. The shots are given of days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28 after exposure.

10 Prevention of Rabies Make sure your pets and other domesticated animals regularly get animal rabies shots. Keep your dog on a leash when its outside of the yard and do not chain it inside the yard. Avoid contact with wild or unfamiliar animals, and don’t touch them even when they are dead. Seal basement, porch, and attic openings and cap chimney to prevent animals from entering your home. Report strays or animals acting strangely or sick to your local animal control authorities.

11 Bibliography Epidemiology. CDC. 6 June 2001. 6 pag. Online: Internet Explorer. Yahoo. Internet. October 30, 2001.…/ North Dakota Rabies Stats. Division Disease Control. 16 August 2001. 8 pag. Online: Internet Explorer. Yahoo. Internet. October 31, 2001. Rabies. Electric Library. 1 pag. Online: Internet Explorer. Yahoo. Internet. October 31, 2001. Rabies. NIAID Fact sheet. 13 January 2001. 5 pag. Online: Internet Explorer. Yahoo. Internet. October 31, 2001.

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