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KEEP YOUR LAWYER ON A LEASH Is the Tail Wagging your Litigation Dog?

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Presentation on theme: "KEEP YOUR LAWYER ON A LEASH Is the Tail Wagging your Litigation Dog?"— Presentation transcript:

1 KEEP YOUR LAWYER ON A LEASH Is the Tail Wagging your Litigation Dog?

2 MYTH VS. FACT  Using a litigation plan will always save you time and money because it plots an organized approach and timely handling of litigation issues.

3 MYTH VS. FACT  Pre-suit, or early mediation, is useless unless you already know you want to settle a case.

4 MYTH VS. FACT  Any attorney can defend any case.

5 MYTH VS. FACT  Settling cases only encourages the local plaintiff bar to file more cases.

6 MYTH VS. FACT  High dollar attorneys are always better than less expensive attorneys.

7 MYTH VS. FACT  You should never pay two attorneys to try a case representing one defendant.

8 MYTH VS. FACT  You should regularly assess your attorneys’ performance and gauge the assignment of additional work based upon performance.

9 MYTH VS. FACT  Discovery must be completed prior to an attempt to resolve a questionable claim.

10 MYTH VS. FACT  Adjusters shouldn’t do any investigation once a case is given to an attorney after suit is filed.

11 MYTH VS. FACT  Some defense firms succumb to internal pressures to “take the slow boat” toward a case evaluation and decision point, because they feel the need to use every case to train their associates, or because they feel the case isn’t “financially mature”.

12 MYTH VS. FACT  “Fee-shifting” cases are particularly dangerous because some plaintiff attorneys will resist serious settlement negotiations while they build their fees.

13 MYTH VS. FACT  Politics has no place in Litigation Management.

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