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Learning Support Centers in Libraries and Resource Centers Susan Deese-Roberts

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2 Learning Support Centers in Libraries and Resource Centers Susan Deese-Roberts

3 Issues in Academic Libraries  Funding  End-user Services  Information Literacy  Print vs. Electronic Resources  Staffing  Politics  Space  Future????

4 Why learning support centers and libraries ? Students Students STUDENTS

5 Similar Purposes/Connections Support of academic mission of institution Out-of-classroom learning Lifelong/independent learning skills Faculty contacts Class assignments Broad definition of community Use of technology Measures of effectiveness

6 UNM Experience Freshman students who use learning center services make significantly better grades and retain at significantly higher rates than those freshman who do not use services AND the two groups of freshman (users vs. non-users) do not differ significantly on predictors of college success. The learning center experience produces a positive effect. Institutional Research

7 Learning Support Center Models  Centralized/De-centralized  Academic Affairs/Student Affairs  Departmental  Developmental Education  Reading & Study Skills-based/Course-based  Peer Tutoring/Professional Tutors  Comprehensive/Target Populations

8 Library Organization  Academic Affairs  Public services, technical services, development, fiscal/personnel  Instruction coordinator/team  Professional development/training

9 LSC Professional Associations College Reading and Learning Association National Association for Developmental Education National College Learning Center Association Regional Associations Council for Advancement of Standards in Higher Education

10 Library Associations American Library Association Association of College and Research Libraries Instruction Section State Associations of ALA and ACRL Association of Research Libraries (ARL) College and Research Libraries (News) Research Strategies

11 LSC and Library Instruction Principles  Learning vs. Teaching Paradigm  Student-centered  Independent Learning  Active Learning  Measurable Outcomes

12 Collaborations  Term Paper Clinics  Class Assignments  English 102  Organic Chemistry  Communications and Journalism  Peer Tutoring  Online Catalog, Periodical Indexes, Browsers/Search Engines, Email

13 Collaborations  Term Paper Clinics--Coordination  Class Assignments--Coordination  Peer Tutoring--Training & Coordination  Library--Training “Course” Content/Services  Tutoring Program-- Training Tutoring Process/Services/Infrastructure

14 Tutor Training College Reading and Learning Association  Certifies Tutor Training Programs  500+ Programs Currently Certified 

15 Peer ‘Tutor’ Duties  One-on-One appointments  Assist with BI sessions  Assist in Reference/Internet areas--”Rovers”  Information Desks/Help Desks

16 Use of Peers in Libraries Downing, Karen E., Barbara MacAdam, and Darlene P. Nichols. 1993. Reaching a multicultural student community: A handbook for academic librarians. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. MacAdam, Barbara, and Darlene P. Nichols. 1989. Peer information counseling: An academic library programs for minority students. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 15(September):204-209. Klavano, Ann M. and Eleanor R. Kulleseid. 1995. Bibliographic instruction: Renewal and transformation in one academic library. In Library instruction revisited: Bibliographic Instruction comes of age, edited by Lynne M. Martin. New York: Haworth Press. Stelling, Prue. 1996. Student to student: Training peer advisors to provide BI. Research Strategies 14(Winter):50-55 Special Issue of Research Strategies (17:2)

17 Location/Integration Shared resources Noise Highlight learning activities Security Flexible use Tenant or owner Discipline-specific connections

18 Why learning support centers and libraries ? Students Students STUDENTS

19 Library Instruction: A Peer Tutoring Model Susan Deese-Roberts & Kathleen Keating Libraries Unlimited, Englewood, CO 2000

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