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Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa. Causes and Risk Factors - Common for women in their teenage years. - Participation in occupations or activities where.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa. Causes and Risk Factors - Common for women in their teenage years. - Participation in occupations or activities where."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa

2 Causes and Risk Factors - Common for women in their teenage years. - Participation in occupations or activities where you need to be thin such as ballet or modelling. - Parents who are over controlling and care a lot about their childs appearence. - Puberty, relationship problems, and other stress going on can cause anorexia nervosa. - Siblings with anorexia have a greater chance of getting it as well. - Low self-esteem. - Social influences such asTV actresses who are as thin as twigs.

3 Signs and Symptoms - Dramatic weight loss with no medical cause - Feeling fat, even though your under weight. - Denial that your to thin. - Strange or securative food rituals. - Pretending to eat, or lying about eating. - Throwing up after eating. - Conpulsive exercising. - Using diet pills. - Reading diet books and looking at labels constantly.

4 Effects - Severe mood swings. - Lack of energy. - Slow thinking and poor memory. - Dry, yellowish skin and brittle nails. - Constipation and bloating. - Tooth decay and gum damage. - Dizzyness, fainting, and headaches. - Growth of fine hair all over the body and face.

5 Treatment - Admit you have a problem - Talk to someone - Stay away from people, places, and activities that trigger your obsession with being thin - Seak professional help *Call Helpline* 1.877.746.1963

6 Eating Disorders Bulimia Nervosa

7 Causes and Risk Factors - Low self-esteem. - History of trauma or abuse. - Major life changes. - Apperance professions that pressure image, like ballet dancers, models, or gymnasts. - Genetic factors. (may run in the family) - Depression can cause Bulimia. - Family influences.

8 Signs and Symptoms - Obsessing with your body and weight. - Food is dominating your life. - Not being able to stop eating when you start. - Eating until you are sick. - Depression after eating. - Vomiting to control your weight.

9 Effects - Weight Gain - Abdominal pain, bloating. - Swelling of the hands and feet. - Weakness and dizziness. -Broken blood vessels in the eye. - Swollen cheeks and salivary glands. - Tooth decay and mouth sores. - Acid reflux or ulcers. - Chronic sore throat.

10 Treatment - Changing unhealthy thoughts and patterns. - Solving emotional issues. - Get help from a physician. *Call Helpline* 1.877.746.1963

11 Eating Disorders Venn Diagram


13 Eating Disorders Binge Eating

14 Signs and Symptoms - No ability to stop eating or control over what you're eating. - Rapidly eating large amounts of food. - Eating when your full. - Feeling tensed or stressed and having relief while eating. - Never feeling satisfied, no matter how much you eat. - Desperation to control weight and eating habits. - Eating normally when with others, but greedily when by themselves. - Hiding food to eat later.

15 Effects - Type 2 diabetes. - Gallbladder disease. - High Cholesterol. - High blood pressure. - Heart disease. - Certain types of cancer. - Joint and muscle pain.

16 Treatment - Manage stress. - Eat 3 meals a day plus healthy snacks. - Avoid temptation - Exercise. - Stop dieting. - Fight boredom. - Get enough sleep. *Call Helpline* 1.877.746.1963

17 Eating Disorders By: Heena Bains and Jayline Sandhu

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