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Earth Science Rocks!!. How Igneous Rock Is Formed  They are formed by the crystallization of magma or lava  Igneous rocks may form deep inside the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Science Rocks!!. How Igneous Rock Is Formed  They are formed by the crystallization of magma or lava  Igneous rocks may form deep inside the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Science Rocks!!

2 How Igneous Rock Is Formed  They are formed by the crystallization of magma or lava  Igneous rocks may form deep inside the Earth or at the Earth’s surface when a volcano erupts.

3 Intrusive Rocks GRANITE GRANITE is a coarse to medium-grained rock that forms from the cooling of magma deep within the Earth.

4 Extrusive Rocks Ryolite is an example of an igneous rock that cooled quickly at the surface. Ryolite is an example of an igneous rock that cooled quickly at the surface.

5 Obsidian Pumice

6 How Sedimentary Rock Is Formed These rocks are formed when sediment grains are compacted and cemented together.

7 Types of Sediment *Check out sedimentator…What do you see?* Silt, Clay, Sand, Gravel, Pebbles Plant Material Shell Pieces

8 Sandstone Shale

9 B Y C RYSTALLISATION F ROM D ISSOLVED M INERALS Sedimentary Rock Formed by …. Forms salt

10 Salt Flats in Utah

11 Organic Sediments Coal – forms from decayed plant remains. Coquina – This rock is created from shells.

12 Chalk- Limestone Rock White Cliffs in Dover, England

13 Limestone is also made from the remains of coral.

14 Metamorphism is the process of changing one rock to another through heat, pressure, and chemical change. Forms deep in the earth’s crust Metamorphic Rocks

15 Contact Metamorphism- Types of Metamorphism Regional Metamorphism


17 Heat and Pressure Shale (Sedimentary Rock) Slate (Metamorphic Rock) Sandstone (Sedimentary Rock)Quartzite (Metamorphic Rock)

18 Limestone (Sedimentary Rock) Marble (Metamorphic Rock) Heat and Pressure

19 The Rock Cycle

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