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Fakebook Thomas Jefferson Image

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1 Fakebook Thomas Jefferson Image
Wall Info Write something… Share View photos of Thomas Send Thomas a message 1802, Congress reduces the size of the U.S. army to its 1796 limits. Information 1803, I cut the taxing on whiskey. #Your welcome Presidential Number: 3rd Political Party: Republican State Elected From: Virginia Date of Presidency: Vice President(s): Aaron Burr & George Clinton 1802, A convention between the United States and Britain regarding the treaty of 1794 is concluded. 1802, President Jefferson signs the Enabling Act, establishing procedures under which territories organized under the Ordinance of 1787 can become a state. 1776, I constructed my mountain top home. 1776, I drafted the Declaration of Independence. #Easy

2 Fakebook Thomas Jefferson Wall Image
Info Basic Information Birthday: April 13, 1743 Hometown: Shadwell, Virginia Relationship Status: Married to Martha Jefferson Family Members: daughters 6 sisters 3 brothers Following Personal Information Education: I attended the college of William and Mary Activities/Interests: Fishing, Horticulture, Riding, Walking, Violin Pets: Mockingbirds Previous Jobs Ambassador of France, Lawyer, Secretary of State, Vice President BassProShop MockingBirdsRock Fun Facts Cars, yah right I traveled by carriage or horseback. EverybodyMakes Mistakes WritingLettersIs Rad What is a text message? I communicated by letter. I became Vice President through a flaw in the Constitution. I thought that the Constitution was perfect? Constitution Writers OldPeopleAre Cool When I left office there were 17 stars on the U.S flag. How did we get 50 stars?

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