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… for a world without hunger An overview of FAO: Its Programme and Priorities Office of Support to Decentralization (OSD)

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Presentation on theme: "… for a world without hunger An overview of FAO: Its Programme and Priorities Office of Support to Decentralization (OSD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 … for a world without hunger An overview of FAO: Its Programme and Priorities Office of Support to Decentralization (OSD)

2 Supporting Decentralized Offices

3 The Food and Agriculture Organization is born out of the idea of freedom from want... Freedom from want... means the conquest of hunger and the attainment of the ordinary needs of a decent, self-respecting life… Knowledge about better production methods, better processing and distribution, and better use of foods is available and can be spread fairly readily. How to get it put into practice on the necessary scale is the problem... FAO: the Historical Context - 1945

4 Supporting Decentralized Offices Post WWII Creation of the Organization and definition of its objectives 1950/1960 Having completed the reconstruction in Europe, FAO’s mandate aquires a global dimension 1970/1980 Food crises and the number of actors increase 1990/2000 The international context changes subtantially and so does the competitive pressure on less developed and developing countries FAO: The historical context

5 Supporting Decentralized Offices Today Over 870 millions people live a conditions of food insecurity Over 800 millions of these live in countries where FAO implements most of its projects 75% of the world poor live of agriculture The World Bank devotes between 13% and 17% of its investments to this sector

6 Supporting Decentralized Offices As a result, FAO continues to: Disseminate scientific information To develop specific projects. In 2010, the National Programmes for Food Security should reach almost 80 million people To underline the importance of agriculture as a development tool To play a lead role for those organization working to fight hunger both in the private and public sector

7 Supporting Decentralized Offices Mandate Contribute to the growth of world economy Raise levels of food security Increase agricultural productivity Better the lives of rural populations

8 Supporting Decentralized Offices Three global goals 1.Reducing hunger 2.Social development 3.Sustainable management of natural resources

9 Supporting Decentralized Offices Food security Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. 1996, World Food Summit

10 Supporting Decentralized Offices 1.Physical AVAILABILITY of food 2.Economical and physical ACCESS to food 3.Food UTILIZATION 4. STABILITY of the other three dimensions over time For food security objectives to be realized, all four dimensions must be fulfilled simultaneously. The four dimensions of food security An Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Food Security

11 Supporting Decentralized Offices FAO’s Planning Framework 2014-15 Member Global Goals Strategic Objectives Organizational results Planning Framework Strategic Framework 10-15 Years Medium-term plan 4-Years Programme of Work and Budget 2-Years Workplans Results chain Impact Focus Areas Strategic Planning Operational Planning Core Functions & Functional Objectives Products/activities (BUDGETED) Unit results (BUDGETS)

12 Supporting Decentralized Offices 1.Contribute to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition 2. Increase and improve provision of goods and service from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner 3.Reduce rural poverty 4.Enable more inclusive and efficient agriculture and food system at local, national and international levels 5.Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crisis Additional objective: Technical quality, knowledge and services FAO strategic objectives 2014-17

13 Supporting Decentralized Offices FAO Governing Bodies The Governing Bodies ensure that FAO's vision and policies are carried out in an effective and transparent way so that the Organization fully complies with its mandate to help build a world without hunger.

14 Supporting Decentralized Offices FAO Governing bodies Conference (191 members) Determines policy and approves the Programme of Work and Budget Reviews the Strategic Framework and Medium Term Plan Adopts the rules of the Organization Reviews the State of Food and Agriculture Council (49 members) Draws up agenda for the Conference Recommendations to the Conference on: Programme of Work and Budget Budget level Reviews programme and budgetary matters Regional Conferences New Governing bodies Regional priorities

15 Supporting Decentralized Offices Funding How is FAO funded? The total FAO Budget planned for 2012-13 is USD 2.4 billion. Of this amount, 42 percent comes from assessed contributions paid by member countries, while 58 percent will be mobilized through voluntary contribitions from Members and other partners.

16 Supporting Decentralized Offices How does FAO allocate its assessed and voluntary contributions? FAO's overall programme of work is funded by assessed and voluntary contributions. The assessed contributions are Member countries' contributions, set at the biennial FAO Conference. The FAO regular budget for the 2012-13 biennium is USD 1,005.6 million.The voluntary contributions provided by Members and other partners support technical and emergency (including rehabilitation) assistance to governments for clearly defined purposes linked to the results framework, as well as direct support to FAO's core work. The voluntary contributions are expected to reach approximately USD 1,4 billion in 2012-13. This overall budget covers core technical work, cooperation and partnerships, leading to Food and Agriculture Outcomes; Core Functions; the Country Office Network; and Capital, Security and Administration expenditure.

17 Supporting Decentralized Offices Organigramme

18 Supporting Decentralized Offices Forestry Department (FO) Development, maintenance and sustainable utilization of forests Integrating resource management with industrial processing, including contributions towards food security Development of forestry to reconcile social, protection and production factors

19 Supporting Decentralized Offices Fisheries Department (FI) Promotion of Responsible Fisheries Management at the Global, Regional and National Levels Increased Contribution of Fisheries and Aquaculture to Food Security Global Monitoring and Strategic Analysis of Fisheries Resources

20 Supporting Decentralized Offices Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department (AG) Animal and plant production Plant and animal protection (EMPRES)EMPRES Conservation of genetic resources Nutrition and consumer protection

21 Supporting Decentralized Offices Economic and Social Department (ES) Policy assistance International negotiations and deliberations Policy analysis Mainstreaming of gender and population issues

22 Supporting Decentralized Offices Natural Resources Department (NR) Sustainable livelihoods, people's participation Agrarian transformation and institutional reform Natural resource monitoring and management. Coordination of UNCED follow-up (Agenda 21)

23 Supporting Decentralized Offices Technical Cooperation Department (TC) Operational activities of the Organization, including emergencies. Oversight of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) Processing requests for assistance from Member Countries Monitoring of the Field Programme

24 Supporting Decentralized Offices Corporate Services Department (CS) Human resources management Staff development Financial services Administrative services Procurement

25 Supporting Decentralized Offices FAO around the world 5 Regional Offices 9 Sub-Regional Offices 5 Liaison Offices 75 Country Offices 36 Countries with multiple accreditation 1 Partnership and Liaison Office 2 FAO Offices for information/liaison with CPLP (in Portugal) and with Spain 4 countries in which the host country agreement is currently being renegotiated FAO is present in over 130 countries

26 Supporting Decentralized Offices How does FAO operate? a.Field projects : To increase the level of food security and fight rural poverty b.Neutral Forum : To discuss and agree on norms for the agricultural sector c.Policy assistance : To provide policy advice on technical and social issues to members governments d.Information : To collect, elaborate and disseminate statistical data on world agriculture

27 Supporting Decentralized Offices To address the real needs of rural communities, FAO can count on : Staff in 131 countries Competences on a global scale International experts Specialized skills Action mechanisms a. Field Programme

28 Supporting Decentralized Offices Distribution of projects FAO field programme by region, 2010

29 Supporting Decentralized Offices From the Organisation (Regular Programme) From bilateral and multilateral donors TCP, SPFS Funds 10% of projects Funds 90% of projects GCP, UTF Extrabudgetary resources Central budget Project funding

30 Supporting Decentralized Offices Emergency FAO works alongside other partners in the wake of natural catastrophes or other man-made emergencies. It helps rural populations to restart food production following an emergency FAO does not provide food aid

31 Supporting Decentralized Offices Assistance is aimed at re-establishing the local food production and reduce dependence on food aid FAO provides technical assistance to affected communities Emergencies don’t become large scale catastrophes A vital function so that…

32 Supporting Decentralized Offices b. Neutral Forum Macro dimension: Debate at the policy level Micro dimension : Methodologies and techniques Tripanosomiasis programme Rotterdam convention on trade of Pesticides (1998, revised in 2011)Rotterdam convention on trade of Pesticides International treaty on Genetic Resources for food and agriculture (2004)International treaty on Genetic Resources for food and agriculture Code of conduct for responsible fisheries Codex alimentarius

33 Supporting Decentralized Offices c. Policy assistance Capacity building Collecting, analysing and disseminating information on country, regional and global developments in agriculture Formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of strategies for sustainable agriculture, rural development and food security Mobilization of funds for projects and programmes within developing countries

34 Supporting Decentralized Offices Knowledge Forum Library Technical publications Country profiles d. Information Country briefs Awareness raising campaigns Special initiatives Public Information Technical Information

35 Supporting Decentralized Offices Facebook Fans page Twitter FAO News FAO News YouTube FAO Video Channel Photos and images FAO on Flickr FAO mediabase Connect with us… Social Media

36 Supporting Decentralized Offices Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Food Production Social Development

37 Supporting Decentralized Offices

38 FAO at work 2008/2009 “Hunger and crisis” The State of Food and Agriculture 2009 The State of Food and Agriculture 2012 The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2010 FAO Reform, a vision for the twenty-first century FAO: The challenge of renewal: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Organizations, Vol.1, No 1 ( Feb., 1947) pp.121-123. World development report 2008: Agriculture for development Reference material

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