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Brian Tiffee Taimur Khan Natasha Brandt Stephen Rogan Brandon Pomerenke Jimmy Williams John Quisenberry Matthew Olszewski.

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Presentation on theme: "Brian Tiffee Taimur Khan Natasha Brandt Stephen Rogan Brandon Pomerenke Jimmy Williams John Quisenberry Matthew Olszewski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brian Tiffee Taimur Khan Natasha Brandt Stephen Rogan Brandon Pomerenke Jimmy Williams John Quisenberry Matthew Olszewski

2 Originator Chemical Drugs GenericsOTC Drugs Active Pharma Ingredients ExcipientsBiologicalsBiosimiliars The U.S. pharmaceutical industry is defined by the census as companies engaged in researching, developing, manufacturing, and marketing drugs and biologicals for human or veterinary use.



5 The world’s largest pharmaceutical market. Estimated at $300 billion in 2009 Growth has decreased due to an increase in the number of drugs losing patent protection U.S. generic drug market is estimated at $34 billion (41% of global sales)


7 CompanyLocationSales (in billions) TevaIsrael$11.03 SandozGermany$8.52 MylanUS$4.99 ActavisSwitzerland$2.52 HospiraUS$2.35 WatsonUS$2.27 SanofiFrance$2.04 GreenstoneUS$1.72 StadaGermany$1.50 Dr Reddy’sIndia$1.16


9 29.4 12.5 12.9 6.2 6.4 2.2 2012 2013 2014 2015 20162017 The Patent Cliff is an event in which a large number of patents lose their protection and become available to Generic Pharmaceuticals. At the end of 2011, roughly 30 billion dollars lost their patent protection. (US) Billions






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