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Nanotechnology and its Application in Medicine

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1 Nanotechnology and its Application in Medicine
By: Connor Sloan

2 What is Nanotechnology?
As defined by the US Government “Nanotechnology is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers” Nanotechnology is used in almost all commercial goods I.E. Composite plastics, Clothing, Cosmetics, Sunscreen, Motorcycle helmets…

3 History of Nanotechnology
1959 Famous physicist Richard Feynman gives an after conference discussion about the possible benefits of machines capable of atomic precision 1977 At MIT Dr. Drexler begins to research the possibilities of nano-scale machines 1987 First man made protein is synthesized leading to the development of micro-scale machines 1990 IBM unveils a microscopic logo created from individual atoms This helped fuel the race in developing further tech between private corporations

4 History Continued 1991 Japan’s MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry) dedicates $200 million towards nanotechnology research Six months later carbon nanotubes are discovered Carbon nano-tubes are the fundamental building blocks for current nano-machines 1995 US military begins research into military application 1996 NASA begins research into nano-technology 1998 First time DNA was manipulated with man made nano-machines This was the first medical application 2008 Nano machines are successfully able to “walk” along DNA paths and manipulate structure

5 Current Applications in Medicine
Nanotechnology is currently used to deliver drugs more efficiently Vaccines are filled with nano-particles of iron and gold to ensure sterility and to help uptake into the human blood stream Used to coat surgical equipment Using a “shark scale” design, this coatings prevents bacteria from sticking to medical instruments keeping them sterile


7 Future Applications In Medicine
Nanotechnology has shown promise in future treatments of various forms of cancer Using nanotechnology cancer cells can be targeted and destroyed with extreme accuracy At least 10+ years for human trials and public use Active nanotechnology is currently in development This refers to complete remote control of man made particles Machines capable of travelling through the body with cameras, sensors, and the ability to target viruses and bacteria within the body

8 References

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