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Cultures of Europe I Session 1 Welcome to Hungary! Hungary through the Arts.

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1 Cultures of Europe I Session 1 Welcome to Hungary! Hungary through the Arts

2 Nationalities in Hungary

3 The coronation insignia of Saint Stephen the foundation of the Hungarian state with the coronation of Stephen on 25 December 1000 or 1 January 1001

4 Romanesque architecture The Ják Abbey, built around 1220 o round arches o thick walls o tall pillars o small openings

5 The facade of the Ják Abbey o lush decoration o richly covered, decorated stripes

6 Gothic architecture o pointed arches and windows o tall pillars o thin columns o vaulted ceilings o colourful interior Interior of the second cathedral at Gyulafehérvár End of the 12th, middle of the 13th century Matthias Church, 13th century

7 o Gothic architecture: symbolic of the divine order o the spirit strives towards divinity

8 The Renaissance in Hungary The Court of King Matthias Corvinus o King Matthias (1458-1490), a patron of art o married Beatrice of Aragon  influence of the Italian Renaissance o Royal Palace in Buda  first appearance of Renaissance art in Hungary o marble statues and reliefs The Renaissance o new relation to classical antiquity → the ancient past, especially the times of the Greeks and Romans o discovery of perspective, new modes of depicting three- dimensional space o harmonious arrangement of shapes, careful study of proportion and stance o interest in mythology, pagan and secular themes o monumental works of art Laocoön and His Sons, early 1st century

9 Funeral Oration, 12th century The Royal Library of King Matthias Corvinus, Bibliotheca Corviniana  richly ornamented codeces Codex Marlianus, Bibliotheca Corviniana o the oldest unbroken Hungarian textual relic o the text of the prayer is fixed: it is the word by word translation of the Latin prayer o made for people, who did not speak Latin, but had basic theological knowledge

10 Renaissance architecture and painting in Hungary Painting: Portraiture o the art of portraiture became independent only gradually in Hungary o 17th century: depictions of high- ranking nobility o full figure portrait o frontal view o attributes of role and power Architecture in the Kingdom of Hungary: forts and fortified castles o emphasis on building new fortifications o regular ground plan of pentagonal bastions enclosed by four sides o new castles also fortified: bastions and towers at the corners o unornamented exteriors, low-built structures o quadrangular blocks enclosing courtyards Portrait of Kristóf Thurzó, 1611 Courtyard of the Nádasdy castle

11 Ottoman Turkish architecture in Hungary o mosques o djamis o mausoleums o bath houses Djami of Ghazi Kassim Pasha, 1550-1560 (Pécs) o century and a half long Turkish occupation o buildings had been erected o after the reconquest → mosques turned into Christian churches o the oriental features of the Ottoman Turkish buildings were re-established only in the 20th century o weapons and oriental carpets in the Turkish style remained in use without change in their original structures Interior of the djami Hassan Jakovali Pasha (Pécs)

12 References: Gábor Bellák et. al, A Thousand Years of Art in Hungary. Budapest: Corvina, 2012 Birth of literature, Funeral Oration and Prayer. Retrieved from Budapest Tourist Guide. Retrieved from Study Art History. Retrieved from

13 Home assignment: Please, look up the following words in an English-language dictionary: Baroque Classicism Romanticism

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