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Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability 1 OMAO Marine Operations Center – Pacific Transfer of Function.

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Presentation on theme: "Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability 1 OMAO Marine Operations Center – Pacific Transfer of Function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability 1 OMAO Marine Operations Center – Pacific Transfer of Function Briefing for OMAO MOC-P Wage Mariners (Excepted Service employees) Presented by Carolyn Riley-Payne NOAA Workforce Management Office August 25, 2009

2 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability 2 Overview Outline  Transfer of Function  Employee Entitlements  Accept Transfer  Decline Transfer  Proposed Timeline

3 3 NOAA’s OMAO MOC-P Site after July, 2011 Newport, OR

4 4 Newport, OR Information Port of Newport, Newport, OR (Dock 2) Driving to Newport, OR- 309 miles - 5 hours 18 minutes 2 hours 35 minutes from Portland, OR – 134 miles using I-5 1 hour 51 minutes from Salem, OR – 88.6 miles 2 hours 2 minutes from Eugene, OR – 101 miles Population in July 2007: 9,852 Web sites: Chamber of Commerce:

5 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Opportunity to 1.Support NOAA and OMAO mission from a new location 2.Move to a smaller, scenic community with a lower cost of living 3.Move to a location with extensive outdoor recreation both land and sea 4.Good values on home purchases 5.Opportunity to rent current home for additional income 6.Opportunity to sell current home – Seattle real estate is still attractive 5 Advantages of Moving with MOC-P

6 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Opportunity to 7.Get away from Seattle traffic 8.Relocation expenses paid by NOAA 9.Keep your current benefits 10.Have up to two years from effective date of transfer to submit your reimbursement request for relocation expenses to NOAA so you can take your time looking for the right home. 6 Advantages of Moving with MOC-P (Continued)

7 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Important Considerations Every current OMAO, MOC-P permanent Wage Mariner employee with a duty station of Seattle, WA will be offered a reassignment to their position in the new duty station of Newport, OR Every current OMAO, MOC-P Wage Mariner employee will be offered an opportunity to change to a different duty station instead of Newport, OR Proposed Effective Date of the Reassignment: July 3, 2011 7

8 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Employee Entitlements MOC-P Relocation of work site and functions is a Transfer of Function All the functions/duties of the MOC-P will transfer to the new location. Permanent MOC-P Employees –Will receive a Directed Reassignment memo –Will have a minimum of 30 calendar days to reply –Who accept will receive Permanent Change of Duty Station (PCS) –Who decline will have an opportunity to change to another duty station under WM Quality of Life Initiative. 8

9 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Entitlements for Employees Accepting the Transfer WHAT IS A TRANSFER OF FUNCTION? The transfer of the performance of a continuing function from one competitive (commuting) area to another competitive (commuting) area. NOAA Competitive areas are established for each NOAA Line and Staff office for their employee(s) with a duty station in the same commuting area. 9

10 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Entitlements for Employees Accepting the Transfer The relocation of MOC-P to a geographic location outside the “competitive area” constitutes a “transfer of function.” In this situation the competitive area for MOC-P is defined as all OMAO employees with a duty station of Seattle, WA. 10

11 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Steps for Employees Accepting the Transfer Briefings Planned and Handouts –on new location –Permanent Change of Station Informal interest survey in Fall, 2009 Group & Individual PCS planning meetings Official notice of reassignment -early 2011 Thirty days to reply Reassignment Personnel Action effective July 3, 2011 11

12 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Entitlements for Employees Accepting the Transfer –Shipment and storage of Household Goods (HHG) –Mileage for the entire family –Miscellaneous Expense Allowance –Real Estate Expenses –Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA) –House Hunting Trip –Temporary Quarters 30 Days 12

13 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability PCS Requirements Before you incur any relocation expenses, you must have A completed and signed CD-150, “Request for Authorization of Travel/Moving Expense” The CD-150 must be completed first and serves as your service agreement to remain in Government service for at least twelve months, and a A completed “Relocation Expense Worksheet” Along with an authorized Travel Order Employees must use the NOAA Relocation Travel Form which includes all three required forms 13

14 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Severance Pay –Employees are eligible for Severance pay when they are separated because of declining a Transfer of Function outside the local commuting area –Wage Mariners, because of the Quality of Life Initiative, have the option of choosing another duty station, therefore, Wage Mariners will not be separated because of declining a Transfer of Function. –Severance Pay does not apply in this situation to OMAO Wage Mariners. 14

15 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Timeline - Proposed 15 Aug SeptNovJanFebDecOct 20092010 Announce Location Information Briefings Survey of Interest

16 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability Timeline - Proposed 16 Jan FebAprJunJulMayMar 2011 Official Notice* Reply Due* Reassignment Effective Date* Current lease expires New lease begins Official Reassignment or Separation Notice* *Subject to change.

17 Superior Customer Service A Commitment to Excellence Personal and Organizational Accountability 17 QUESTIONS?

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