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Stalin and the U.S.S.R.. War Communism Campaign to extract “surplus” wheat Campaign against “Kulaks” Results – –Grain decline from 78 million tons (1913)

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Presentation on theme: "Stalin and the U.S.S.R.. War Communism Campaign to extract “surplus” wheat Campaign against “Kulaks” Results – –Grain decline from 78 million tons (1913)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stalin and the U.S.S.R.

2 War Communism Campaign to extract “surplus” wheat Campaign against “Kulaks” Results – –Grain decline from 78 million tons (1913) to 48 million (1920) –Kronsdat Naval Base mutiny 1921 –Famine kills 5 million plus –Helps success of Civil War

3 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

4 Post Civil War challenges Famine Reluctance of peasants to collectivize Industrial backwardness

5 Lenin’s Policies New Economic Policy Comintern


7 Joseph Stalin 1879-1953 Djugashvili Head of communist party secretariat

8 Leon Trotsky

9 Stalin’s Ascension How did Stalin achieve power? –General Secretary of Party –Party “nomenclature” –Isolates Trotsky –Isolates Kamenev and Zinoviev

10 Competing Visions Trotsky Communist International (Comintern) Stalin “Socialism in One Country”

11 Lenin’s concerns: “Stalin is too rude, and his fault… becomes unbearable in the office of General Secretary. Therefore, I propose to the comrades to find a way to remove Stalin from that position and appoint it to another man.”

12 “Socialism in One Country” What would Stalin need to do to strengthen the Soviet Union?

13 Collectivization End of New Economic Policy 1928 …join a kolkhoz or face deportation or death...

14 Results Destruction of animals / crops Targetting kulaks / others 14 million dead 28 - 32 Ukrainian famine 1933

15 Industrialization: The 5 year plans “We are 50 to 100 years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in 10 years…or we shall be crushed”

16 5 year plans What would be the most important goals for industrial development? How could the Soviet Union achieve them?

17 Propaganda

18 Aleksei Stakhanov

19 Gulags

20 Degree of Success of 5 year plans / collectivization Take notes on plans Write a paragraph expressing an opinion TWE the policies were successful /15 Due:

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