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BRAWLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL 2012-13 Conducting Peer Observations with the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) BRAWLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL 2012-13.

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Presentation on theme: "BRAWLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL 2012-13 Conducting Peer Observations with the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) BRAWLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL 2012-13."— Presentation transcript:

Conducting Peer Observations with the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) BRAWLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL

2 Purpose: To ensure that Peer Observers are prepared to conduct the 2nd or 3rd cycle of the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation process for those teachers required to have a peer observation. 2

3 Session & Follow-Up Outcomes:
Peer Observers will understand: Their role in the Evaluation process The 4 components of the of the peer observation process Accessing and using NCEES Observable differences between performance ratings Peer Observers Follow-Up: Review and become familiar with content of Standard 2a and 4a-h

4 Why the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process?
To support and promote effective leadership, quality teaching and student learning. To improve instruction and enhance professional practice through a growth model Based on the Framework for 21st Century Learning and the Standards it is a vehicle to positively impact graduation rates and support student’s 21st century readiness

5 You might ask yourself: How did I get here? What are the benefits?
Selection process Your role as a teacher leader Benefits to Peer Observer Further development of personal professional capacity Opportunity to further assume role of teacher leader A practice that supports higher performance ratings related to teacher leadership on the teacher evaluation rubric Benefits to Learning Organization Quality faculty, and high performing students

6 Continuing Education Units
To receive 1.0 CEUs for observation process Register for course #1886 in TNL Complete the peer observation training and observations Sign the Peer Observation Completion of Assignment form Administrator has it Form is submitted by June 3rd, 2013 to Teresa Shade

7 Frequently Asked Questions:
Which Teachers Need a Peer Observation? Those teachers with a Probationary Teacher Status (Your Administrator will inform you) When is the Peer Observation conducted? Either for the 2nd or 3rd cycle of observations 2nd cycle: 10/12/12 – 12/21/12 3rd cycle: 12/21/12 – 2/15/13 Who do I contact if I have questions about the evaluation process or NCEES management system? Your site-based NCEES Coach

8 What is the relationship between Mentors & Peer Observers?
A peer observer does not have to be a mentor to conduct a peer observation Mentors are to conduct peer observations on teachers other then their Mentee Recommend that peer observers conduct peer observations on no more then 2 teachers per year

9 Overview of the teacher observation process conducted by peer observers
4 components to peer observation process: 1. Preparation Familiarization with Standards/Elements 2a, 4a-h, process, performance ratings and NCEES platform 2. Pre-Conference Authentication not required on Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities form (NCEES) 3. Classroom Observation Entered into NCEES during observation or paper process utilized and then entered into NCEES 4. Post-Conference Discuss Observation At conclusion complete digital signature process in NCEES

10 1. Before Conducting Peer Observation:
Review Standard 2a Standard 4 Elements a-h (Could use your own self-assessment rather then print a rubric, or Condensed Peer Observation Rubric.) For each Element What is the main idea(s)? What are the observable teacher behaviors? What does being Proficient look like for each Element? How is Proficient different from Accomplished? Coaching Point: Know your Rubric! Decide if you will use paper or digital process during observation Become familiar with accessing and using NCEES (Addressed later in power point)

11 2. Pre-Conference Scheduled prior to classroom observation
Duration ~1/2 hour Intent for the: Peer-Observer is to communicate their role and what to expect during the classroom visit Teacher is to convey a contextual setting of what the peer evaluator can expect during the observation Do not need to sign off in NCEES that it took place

12 Pre-Conference Peer Observer Communicates: Teacher Communicates:
Role Conduct & follow process Expectations of the observation Focus Standards/Elements 2a & 4 a-h Process Teacher Communicates: Any pertinent information to prepare peer-evaluator for structure of class/lesson: Context of the lesson Challenges/strengths Demographics Assessment data Instructional approach Collaboratively schedule observation time. Coordinate with administration.

13 Pre-Conference “Possible Questions”
What subject will I be observing? Time of day? Duration? Have you reviewed Standards/Elements 2a 4 a-h? Any questions? Classroom make up? Context of lesson? How is data being used to inform instruction? What does the data tell you? What instructional strategies are being used? Why? How do you communicate learning objective to students How often do you change the methodology during a lesson? Any new practices you are using that I might see? Any concerns/ issues you have about your classroom or lesson? Discuss approach/questions to use with your administrator

14 3. Classroom Observation
Peer-observers schedules with teacher Coordinates with administrator Lasts 45 minutes or duration of lesson Focus is on Standard/Elements 2a & 4 a-h, and all supporting Descriptors Use either: Digital process and NCEES platform Paper process with condensed peer observation rubric then enter into NCEES Might need to get additional information during post-conference to assign a performance rating

15 Paper template can be accessed:
Peer Evaluators can utilize paper version “Condensed Rubric” during Observation. However, Observation needs to be entered into NCEES. Paper template can be accessed: Sign in to iss-schoolwires from ISS homepage Click “Departments Click Human Resources Click Evaluation Resources Click Teachers Click Condensed Peer Observation Rubric

16 So How Do I Determine and Document Performance Ratings?
Made with professionalism & objectivity Are confidential Ratings supported by observable data within the context of the classroom observation through the lens of the Evaluation Rubric (Criteria in Standard, Element and Descriptors) Capture a supporting comment/note for each Element Might need to verify or clarify supporting evidence for a given descriptor before rating at post conference (i.e. 4a)

17 Performance Rating (cont.)
Teachers’ performance will be noted on one of five levels: Not Demonstrated, Developing, Proficient, Accomplished or Distinguished. These levels are cumulative across the rows of the rubric. The developing teacher may exemplify the skills expected of a teacher who is new to the profession or an experienced teacher who is working in a new content area or grade level, or who needs a new skill in order to meet the standard.

18 Performance Rating (cont.)
A “proficient” teacher must exhibit the skills and knowledge described under the “developing” header as well as those under “proficient.” Likewise, a “distinguished” teacher exhibits all of the skills and knowledge described in the descriptors for that element, across the entire row.

19 Performance Rating (cont.)
Occasionally, a teacher might not demonstrate evidence of proficiency on a particular element. In that case the column: “Not demonstrated” would be selected. An observer would use this option if, during an observation, the lesson did not lend itself to demonstration of a particular skill or knowledge. If that column is chosen, then a comment must be made as to why it was selected. (Not Observed) “Not Looked For” must be checked for all Elements other then 2a and 4a-h in NCEES

20 4. Post-Observation Conference {no later than ten days after the observation (sooner the better)}
Purpose is to: Discuss the classroom observation and the associated performance rating through the lens of the rubric And to identify/verify areas of strength and those that could be strengthened Process is collaborative but final decisions on performance rating rests with the peer observer as the end of year summative performance ratings rests with the administrator

21 Post-Observation Conference (cont.)
After review, discussion and finalization of observation entered into NCEES Peer observer digitally signs then Teacher Teacher can attach comments if so desired after signatures are authenticated They login and add comments at end of rubric will be automatically sent notifying administrator that comments have been added

22 Performance Measures Discussions:
Not personal Evidence based Within the context of the rubric, “This is what I observed and my data (bulleted comments) to support it is…” Disagreement; you might ask: What data leads you to say that? Within the context of this observation

23 Post-Conference Conflict
You can table post-conference discussion and ask that the administrator mediate the process

24 Utilizing NCEES to complete Peer Observation process (Required)
Following slides provide direction on how to: Access peer evaluation rubric Fill out and complete rubric Digitally sign




28 *Select School should default to your school
*Select School Year *Select School should default to your school *Under “Select Teacher” Click on the name of the teacher you will be conducting a peer evaluation on. *Note: You will only be able to see the evaluations you have conducted. You will not be able to see other teachers self-assessments or the principal’s Evaluations.

29 Then Click If you select the wrong teacher you can delete by closing out of rubric. Clicking on teachers name again and then click on X in front of document’s name

30 Complete the top section of the rubric as outlined in next two slides

31 Obtain Status & Year from administrator.
Clicking on “Do not allow teacher to view this rubric.” will prevent teacher who is being observed from viewing rubric. When Peer Evaluator is ready to share rubric then uncheck this box.

32 At Anytime You Can: Save your work with SAVE icon at top of page
Spell check with icon at top of page Save and Log-out and return to complete rubric

33 In Preparation for Observation:
Click the “Not looked for” boxes on Elements 1a-e 2b-e 3a-d 5a-c These Elements are not part of the Peer Observation

34 You can uncheck a Descriptor by simply clicking on the box again.

35 (After Standard 2 and 4) Area to capture your bulleted comments to support performance ratings is located at end of Standard 2 and 4.

36 At conclusion of classroom observation Record end time of observation.
You can save work at anytime by using the Save icon

37 To Re-access the Peer Evaluation Rubric you are working on (after logging out):
Login to NCEES Enter NCEES Select “More” Select “Rubric for Observing Teachers Select Teacher’s Name Select “Peer Evaluation form…” under Observation Names

38 Editing Peer Evaluation Rubric;
You can edit comments, change performance rating up until you digitally sign the rubric at the Post-Observation Conference Once the Peer Observers signs the rubric it is locked and can not be edited

39 Ability of Teacher to View Observation
In order for teacher to be able to view Peer Observation Peer Observer must un-check box in front of “Do not allow teacher to view this form.”

40 Post-Conference Observation has been entered into NCEES
Top section of rubric completed as outlined earlier Failure to do so will generate a prompt from system to do so during digital signature process Appropriate “Not Looked for” boxes have been checked Content discussed and reviewed Digital signatures are authenticated First by Peer Observer then by Teacher You will need your passwords; UIDs will already be in signature box

41 Digital Signature Process
1st Peer clicks box under Peer Signature It will ask if you are sure… If you are then proceed When Authentication window opens; enter your password Click Authenticate Then Teacher repeats process

42 Last steps: Log out Have teacher login and ensure they can view observation Success? Wipe your brow, and smile at a job well done Problems or issues contact your site-based NCEES Coach Notify administrator that peer observation is complete

43 Know: As we, along with the rest of the districts in North Carolina move forward with the utilization of NCEES there will be challenges and issues that arise as we launch this new platform When or if they do, notify your NCEES coach If they cannot rectify issue or address question they will in turn contact Jed Stus If necessary he will contact McREL (NCEES vendor) or DPI

44 Thank You! For all you do for the students and teachers of Iredell-Statesville Schools!

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