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Poverty. Reflection I will admit that I do not know that much about poverty. Living in poverty means that you are lacking money or material possessions.

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty. Reflection I will admit that I do not know that much about poverty. Living in poverty means that you are lacking money or material possessions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty

2 Reflection I will admit that I do not know that much about poverty. Living in poverty means that you are lacking money or material possessions. I have seen many people that live in poverty. As you drive down many streets in Salt Lake City you will see homeless people asking for money. Last semester in one of my classes we went to Pioneer Park to interview the Protesters for Occupy Salt Lake, we found that the majority of people there were homeless and were staying there because the protesters offered them food and tents to sleep in.

3 Journal Articles 896.html

4 Journal Article Summaries The first article is from the American Economic Association. This article discusses how little poverty rated have changed over the last three decades. There are four determinants of changes in the poverty rate and those changes are immigration, government antipoverty programs, changes in family structure, and impact of labor market opportunities. The Second article is from CHIP about childhood poverty. This article talks about what childhood poverty is and how to tackle this problem. Childhood poverty is growing up without access to nutritional and financial needs for development and survival, lack of education, growing up without a family to care for them. Some policies that help to try and decrease childhood poverty are the social sector investment and social protection. The social sector investment gives access to good quality health care, education, and preventative health services. The third journal article is from WCE this article focuses on the racism, sexism, and capitalism of poverty.

5 Journal Summaries Continued The fourth article is from global issues website. This article was the most interesting to me. Did you know that over 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. I can’t imagine living on that amount. I also read that there is one billion children living in poverty. 400 million don’t have access to water and 10.6 million died in 2003 before they turned 5 years old. The fifth and last article is from the Wall Street Journal. The article stated that the amount of children living below poverty line is at the highest its been since 1993. The Census report in 2011 showed that 5.9 million Americans between 25-34 were living with their parents. The Census Bureau for 2011 showed that 15.1 percent of Americans were living below the poverty line. During 2011 the income for American families dropped more and was where it was in 1996. That is very disturbing.

6 This is an estimation of the poverty rate in America from 1980 to 2010. This chart is the percentage of people in poverty in America during 2010

7 Race20092010 White12.313 Black25.927.4 Asian12.512.1 Hispanic25.326.6 As you can tell by the chart and graphs, the percentage of people in poverty by race has increased (except for the asian population).

8 Reflection after my research I was quite shocked after my research on poverty. I knew very little about it and was surprised to see that it affect so many people in America and around the world. I learned about so many projects that are out there to help to end poverty. CHIP is a great organization to ensure children are taken care of medically if their parents are unable to afford health insurance. I have known people that are on CHIP and it has been great to keep their babies healthy and strong. You are constantly seeing commercials on TV asking for money to help the people living in poverty, I would watch them but never realized how bad it really was for people out there. I do not have children yet but I can’t imagine not being able to give my future children the necessities of life like food, water, education, and a roof over their heads. I will use this new information I have gained to try and help others in poverty. I will look for an organization to volunteer at to assist those in need and will try to work and give extra money to the less fortunate. This was a great topic for me to research because I was somewhat oblivious to the poverty of the world.

9 Table of Content http://www.examiner.com

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