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Ancient Civilizations

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1 Ancient Civilizations
History Club

2 Ancient Civilizations
The four ancient civilizations included Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China.

3 Mesopotamian Civilizations
The first major Mesopotamian Civilization was the Sumerian Civilization. Start The city-states of Ur, Erech, and Kish made up the Sumerian Civilization. Innovations and Inventions The Sumerian Civilization developed cuneiform (a type of writing), the wheel, a twelve month calendar, sixty math (sixty seconds, 360 degrees), land surveillance geometry, and architectural enhancements. Religion The Sumerians were polytheistic, meaning they worshiped multiple gods, however, each city state had its own god that was unique to its people. Other Ziggurats (temples) were built to appease the gods, and whenever a natural disaster occurred, it was believed to have been due to the anger of the gods. End The Sumerian Civilization fell to the city of Akkad to the north, which was in turn overrun by Babylon. An important thing to remember about Akkad is that is created the first code of laws.

4 Mesopotamian Civilizations
Babylon Start The Babylonian Civilization rose to power after the Akkadians. Innovations and Inventions The Code of Hammurabi took the concept of law one step further by distinguishing between major and minor offenses. It also extended equal justice to almost all peoples. Religion Polytheistic Other End The Babylonian Civilization fell to the invasions of the Kassites, which in turn fell to the Hittites.

5 Mesopotamian Civilizations
Hittites Start The Hittites came into power after conquering the Kassites. Innovations and Inventions The Hittites dominated the region largely due to their use of iron rather than bronze. Religion Polytheistic Other End The Hittites were conquered by the Assyrians, who had mastered iron weapons and military discipline.

6 Mesopotamian Civilizations
Assyria Start The Assyrian Civilization started after conquering the Hittites. Innovations and Inventions The Assyrian Civilization adopted the technologies of its predecessors. Religion Polytheistic Other The Assyrians, in response to uprisings, sent large groups of people into exile, thus encouraging cultural diffusion. End The Assyrians fell to the Medes and the Chaldeans. The Chaldean king, Nebuchadnezzar, rebuilt Babylon “as a showplace of architecture and culture” (The Princeton Review). However, this empire also fell, this time to the Persian Empire.

7 Ancient Egypt Obelisk Start
King Menes united the river valley and built a capital at Memphis. Innovations and Inventions The Egyptians not only constructed things such as obelisks and pyramids, but they also developed a system of writing known as hieroglyphics and took an interest in astronomy which led to the development of a “fairly reliable calendar” (The Princeton Review). Religion Polytheistic Other Unlike in the Mesopotamian Societies which relied on the Tigris and Euphrates, Egyptian Farmers could rely on the predictable flooding of the Nile. End N/A

8 Ancient Egypt: Social Structure
In the afterlife, people were believed to play the same role in society that they had in their previous existence. Pharaoh Priests Nobles Merchants and Artisans Did you know that because the Pharaoh owned the kingdom (and thus all the land inside the kingdom), peasants were required to give him half of what they grew because it was grown on his land? Peasants Slaves

9 The Harappan Civilization/ Indus River Valley Civilization
Start The specifics on the start of this civilization are unknown. Innovations and Inventions The Harappan Civilization developed cities that were “master-planned, uniformly constructed, and had sophisticated wastewater systems” (The Princeton Review). Religion Polytheistic Other When a group of people known as the Aryans invaded the Indus River Valley, they brought with them the Vedas and the Upanishads, which acted as the basis for Hinduism. End There are various theories as to why the Harappan Civilization ended, which are included in the link above.

10 Ancient China Shang Dynasty Start
The Shang Dynasty rose to power along the Hwang Ho River Valley (also known as the Yellow River Valley). Innovations and Inventions “Bronze workers…horse drawn chariots, the wheel… pottery…silk production…a decimal system and a highly accurate calendar” (The Princeton Review). Religion Polytheistic Other The Shang were so isolated from other civilizations that they believed themselves to be the center of the world. Ancient Chinese Society was also heavily patriarchal, with the eldest male acting as the head of the family. End The Shang Dynasty was replaced by the Zhou dynasty around 1100 BC.

11 Ancient China Zhou Dynasty Start
The Zhou Dynasty replaced the Shang Dynasty circa 1100 BC. Innovations and Inventions The Zhou Dynasty adopted the technological developments of the Shang Dynasty. Religion The Zhou Dynasty held that rulers were subject to the Mandate of Heaven, which held that the heavens would only extend the position of emperor to strong and wise leaders. Other (On the next slide) End “Eventually, though, fighting and warfare among the feudal kingdoms brought an end to the Zhou Dynasty in 256 BC” (The Princeton Review).

12 Ancient China Power Pyramid of Zhou China The Emperor: Ruler of China
Peasants The Emperor: Ruler of China Nobles: Controlled Small Pieces of Land

13 More Resources

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