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Larry A. Floyd Feng Xu Ryan Atkins Cam Caldwell.

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2 Larry A. Floyd Feng Xu Ryan Atkins Cam Caldwell


4 Neglect research Neglect development Neglect reputation of the firm Focus on ‘‘the short-term share price” Neglect the future of the business and the community It is a common practice within business schools to marginalizie ethics by scattering ethics topics superficially and incoherently across the curriculum.

5 “Ethical issues are often complex and that business faculty are often unprepared to teach the nuances of ethical choices in their disciplines” 46 % indicated that at the under- graduate level there is a shortage of faculty expertise, 44 % indicated that faculty lacked adequate expertise at the graduate level

6 I. Foundations of Decision Making II. Clarifying Rules for Academic Publications III. Motivating Others to Understand Values IV. Examining the Pressures of the Current Business Environment Establishing a Culture that Reinforces Integrity VI. Creating Better Monitoring Systems VII. Identify the Benefits of Virtuous Conduct VIII. Foster Dialogue About Ethics and Values IX. Increasing Communication Between Academics and Practitioners X. V. Identifying Consequences of Unethical Behavior identify the importance of these ten ethically related outcomes

7 I. Foundations of Decision Making III. Motivating Others to Understand Values Creating Better Monitoring Systems VII. Identify the Benefits of Virtuous Conduct VIII. Foster Dialogue About Ethics and Values IX. Increasing Communication Between Academics and Practitioners X. This result is consistent with the recommendations of several scholars who have identified the importance of creating an ethical culture to sustain an environment of academic integrity

8  Revisit the implications of the current practice of teaching  The Academy of Management should expand the responsibilities of its Ethics Education Committee  Ceate a more effective culture of academic integrity on business school campuses  Consider opportunities to raise the focus of business students on applying the principles and values taught in order to increase students’ understanding of the application of those principles and values.  Subject matter experts and faculty who teach and conduct research in business ethics should expand their research, particularly in applied research fields, that address how important ethical outcomes can be more effectively achieved on business school campuses and in society. Decision making Examine pressures Motivate others to understand values Clarify rules for academic publication

9 -L.S.Paine

10 ethics-actually-make-business-people-more-ethical/ ethics-actually-make-business-people-more-ethical/

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