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By: Jessica, Jacob, Emily, Ludjina. The name of the tribes in the Northwest Coast are: Kwakiult, Tsimsham, Tinglit, Nootka, Chinook, Makah, Haida, Okanagoh,

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jessica, Jacob, Emily, Ludjina. The name of the tribes in the Northwest Coast are: Kwakiult, Tsimsham, Tinglit, Nootka, Chinook, Makah, Haida, Okanagoh,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jessica, Jacob, Emily, Ludjina

2 The name of the tribes in the Northwest Coast are: Kwakiult, Tsimsham, Tinglit, Nootka, Chinook, Makah, Haida, Okanagoh, Spokane, Quinault, Kalapuya, Kalispel, and Shuswap

3 The type of environments that the Northwest coast Indians near/on are: Coast ranges, Puget sound basin, Cascade range, Colombia plateau, Rocky mountains.

4 For the Northwest Coast Indians some of their customs and beliefs are that there history was passed down orally. Also they belived that they were surrounded by supernatural beings

5 The Northwest Coast Indians wore very little clothing in warm weather, but when it was cold they wore fur clothing to stay warm. Also they made jewelry made out of shells, beaver teeth, and clam shells.

6 If you were a Northwest Coast Indian and you lived on the coast you ate fish, acorns, and camas root. If you lived inland you ate fish, meat, berries, nuts, and roots.

7 If you were a Northwest Indian you would have lived in a long house made out of cedar planks.

8 As a Northwest Indian Canoe travel was your main source of transportation besides walking Your travel canoes were 11 to 17 feet long and your hunting canoes were 20 to 50 feet long.

9 The Northwest Indians ate fish so that means that they lived near a place surrounded with water. Since some of them lived in warm n cold weather they had to create clothing that would fit the weather. Also since they lived in a place surrounded by water they had to go to places using a canoe. Since the trees n food were plentiful they would go and find some wood to make there homes. If some of them lived Inland there camps were only temporary.


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