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Your own company: A dream come true! Starterscursus.

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Presentation on theme: "Your own company: A dream come true! Starterscursus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your own company: A dream come true! Starterscursus

2 Administration for creatives 1 Short introduction 2 Start of a company 3 Set up your administration 4 Calculate your rate 5 Taxes 6 Questions? 7 Closing

3 Your own company: A dream come true! 1. Introduction My name is Ron van der Vorst Who are you?

4 Your own company: A dream come true! 2. Start of your company: –Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce) –Bank –Fiscus (Taxes) –Accountant/ administration office

5 Your own company: A dream come true! 3. Set up the administration A. The account book/ cashbook (kasboek) –What does the account book look like? –A difference in the account book –Negative account B. Keeping your account book organised –Account book ----- transactions –Order chronologically –The importance of a complete account book

6 Your own company: A dream come true! C. The bank book - What does a bank book look like? - Organizing your bank book D. Accounts receivable/ accounts payable folder (debiteuren/crediteuren klapper)

7 Your own company: A dream come true! This should be on your invoice (factuur): –Each invoice should have a unique and consecutive number –Date of the invoice –Your VAT-identification (BTW-identificatienummer) –Name and address of your company –Name and address of your client –VAT-identification of your client (only in the case of VAT reverse charge (BTW verleggingsregeling) and/or deliveries abroad). –The amount and description of the services or products you delivered. –Price exclusive VAT and inclusive VAT (exclusief BTW en inclusief BTW) –The total amount of VAT –Chamber of Commerce registration number of your company (KvK nummer)

8 Your own company: A dream come true! 4. Calculate your rate - Any competitors? - What is a normal rate in your discipline? - What are your fixed costs? - What is the buying price or prime costs?

9 Your own company: A dream come true! 5. Tax matters (fiscale zaken) –Declaration VAT (aangifte BTW) monthly/ quarter monthly/ per year –Declaration income tax (aangifte loonheffing) –VAT rate: 0%, 6% or 21%

10 Your own company: A dream come true! 6. Questions? 7. Closing

11 Your own company: A dream come true? Thank you and good luck!

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