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SUGAR Shocker What’s in YOUR breakfast cereal?. Sensory Evaluation Which has more SUGAR.. The cereal or the chocolate bar?

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Presentation on theme: "SUGAR Shocker What’s in YOUR breakfast cereal?. Sensory Evaluation Which has more SUGAR.. The cereal or the chocolate bar?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SUGAR Shocker What’s in YOUR breakfast cereal?

2 Sensory Evaluation Which has more SUGAR.. The cereal or the chocolate bar?

3 One teaspoon of sugar = 4 grams!! A package that lists 26 grams of sugar for one serving means you are really getting 6 teaspoons of SUGAR!

4 Less Sugar, More Fruit U.S. researchers randomly assigned 91 children aged 5 to 12 to choose one of three low-sugar cereals (Cheerios, Corn Flakes or Rice Krispies) or one of three high-sugar cereals (Cocoa Puffs, Fruit Loops or Frosted Flakes). The kids also had unlimited access to low-fat milk, orange juice, bananas, strawberries, and packets of sugar.

5 Less Sugar, More Fruit Roughly half (54%) of the children who got a low-sugar cereal -- but only 8 percent of those who got a high sugar cereal – put fresh fruit on top.

6 Less Sugar, More Fruit Those who ate a high-sugar cereal ended up downing twice as much added sugar per breakfast than those who ate a low-sugar cereal, even when researchers added in the sugar that the kids got from any sugar packets they used.

7 Less Sugar, More Fruit Children who ate a high-sugar cereal also ended up eating MORE cereal (about two servings, vs. slightly more than one serving for children who ate a low-sugar cereal).

8 What Do You Think? Why should parents be concerned about the amount of sugar in their children’s breakfast cereal?

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