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Crude Oil Upgrading with Hydrodynamic Cavitation

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Presentation on theme: "Crude Oil Upgrading with Hydrodynamic Cavitation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crude Oil Upgrading with Hydrodynamic Cavitation
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 INCREASING THE VALUE OF HEAVY CRUDE OIL Crude Oil Upgrading with Hydrodynamic Cavitation Dr. Max I. Fomitchev-Zamilov, President Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

2 Objectives API↑ Viscosity↓

3 HOW? Hydrodynamic Cavitation
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

4 QVI Hydrodynamic Siren
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 350 psi peak-to-peak 500 psi peak-to-peak Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

5 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
QVI Hydrodynamic Reactor Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

6 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
QVI Demo Plant Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

7 Materials: Residue & Bitumen
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Heavy Crude (DilBit) Kendex ® 0842 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

8 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
Method Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

9 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
Sample Testing 4/19/2017 40°C: ASTM D445 60°F: ASTM D4052 Simulated Distillation: ASTM D7169 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

10 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
Bitumen API Increase Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

11 Bitumen Viscosity Reduction
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

12 Distillate Yield Increase
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

13 Bitumen Upgrading Summary
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

14 Atmospheric Residue SimDist
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

15 Residue Upgrading Summary
Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

16 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
What Next? Field Testing Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

17 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
Pilot Plant Diagram Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

18 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
What Else? Water Treatment Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

19 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
Accelerated Separation Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

20 Cavitation Technology: Increasing the Value of Heavy Crude
Questions? 4/19/2017 Quantum Vortex, Inc. 236 S. Potter St, Bellefonte, PA 16823 (814) Quantum Vortex, Inc. |

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