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CRTI Annual Project Review CRTI Project 02-0093 RD Thursday, 8 June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CRTI Annual Project Review CRTI Project 02-0093 RD Thursday, 8 June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRTI Annual Project Review CRTI Project 02-0093 RD Thursday, 8 June 2006

2 IntroductionProject Champion Dr Michel Béland –Project –Project Review Committee CRTI secretariat Mr Ted Sykes Project ReviewProject Manager, Richard Hogue –Project Recommendations –Project Background Information –Rolls of Project Partners –Project Status and Accomplishments –Schedule / Milestone Review –Financial Review – Costs to Date –Financial Review – Forecast Project Costs –Review of Constraints and Assumptions –Detailed Risk Review –Recovery Plan Schedule –Recovery Plan Financial –Project Summary and Conclusions –Summary of Actions –Project Recommendations Project Performance Feedback Project Champion Dr Michel Béland Discussion (full Committee)Project Review Committee Core Member Discussion and Decisions PRC Core Members Action ReviewProject Manager CloseProject Champion Dr Michel Béland AGENDA

3 Core Members: Project Champion:Dr Michel Béland Project Manager:Mr Richard Hogue AECL Management Representative:Dr Ken Dortmuth Health Canada Management Representative: Dr Jack Cornett Environment Canada Management Representatives: Mr Michel Jean, Dr Keith Puckett, Dr Gilbert Brunet Defence Research and Development Canada (Suffield) Dr Kent Harding Associate Members: Portfolio Manager:Mr Ted Sykes Deputy Project Manager: Mr Réal D’Amours Recording Secretary: Mr Richard Hogue PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE

4 Proceed with Project on recovery plan to meet Project Charter goals and to modify the Project Charter according to guidance received The recovery plan has three parts: 1. inclusion of PSTP funding that was approved back in July 2005 to extend the current project into 2007-08 2. inclusion of funds that were approved for roll-over in 2003-04 and 2004-05 these additional funds will be applied to i) further improve modeling system and model validation, ii) to perform inverse source determination (source reconstruction) iii) exchange and collaborate with NARAC at LLNL. 3. adjustments to a few milestone completion dates and the addition to a few schedule tasks to breakdown the work until the end of the project There are also several minor changes to the charter. PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS Questions/Decisions that the Project Team is requesting of the PRC: Strategy to pursue project using funds for CRTI-2 other ? PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE DECISIONS

5 The objective of this project is to develop and validate an integrated, state-of-the-art, high-fidelity multi-scale modeling system for the accurate and efficient prediction of urban flow and dispersion of CBRN materials. Prototype to be ready in early 2007 Development of this proposed multi-scale modeling system will provide the capability to perform real-time modeling and simulation tool to predict injuries, casualties, and contamination and to make relevant decisions (based on the strongest technical and scientific foundations) to minimize the consequences based on a pre- determined decision making framework. PROJECT BACKGROUND

6 Component 1: development of a “building aware” model for urban flow prediction (UrbanSTREAM) Component 2: inclusion of subgrid-scale urban parameterization in meso-scale NWP model (GEM-LAM) Component 3: coupling of microscale flow model with “urbanized” GEM-LAM. Component 4: development of a lagrangian stochastic model for prediction of urban dispersion (UrbanLS). Component 5: validation of fully coupled multi-scale modeling system for urban flow using field study verification data. Component 6 (new): in the context of PSTP, collaboration work with US NARAC center (LLNL) and development of methodologies for determination of emission source distribution (source reconstruction). PROJECT COMPONENTS

7 Mesoscale Urban scale Building scale Mesoscale Urban scale Building scale Source Type Defines Flow Defines Dispersion Chemical agent Biological agent Fluid Dynamics Models Plume Dispersion Models BCs GEM/LAM “Urbanized” GEM/LAM urbanSTREAM MLPD urbanLS urbanEU urbanLS CBR releases induces impacts over many spatial scales Need multi-scale approach where flow and dispersion are performed within “nested” domains Multi-scale CBRN Hazard Prediction Model for the Urban Environment Radiological agent

8 urbanSTREAM urbanGEM/LAM Component 2 Component 1 1-way interaction urbanLS urbanEU Component 4 urbanBLS urbanAEU Bayesian inference for inverse source determination Component 5 (whole system validation) Component 3 Adaptive sampling strategy PSTP supplementary funding CRTI funding Relationship between components Collaboration with NARAC, etc. Component 6 (new)

9 Project Partners Environment Canada / Meteorological Service of Canada –Canadian Meteorological Centre (Hogue et al. + MSC Quebec Region (Benjamin) –Atmospheric and Climate Sciences Directorate (Bélair/Mailhot et al.) DRDC Suffield (Eugene Yee et al.) University of Waterloo (F.S. Lien et al.) University of Alberta (J.D. Wilson et al.) AECL (Phil Davis et al.) Health Canada – Radiation Protection Bureau

10 Components 1 and 4: PROJECT STATUS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS since November 2004 (last PRC) Urban flow model (UrbanSTREAM): ready Parallelization and optimization: work underway Being gradually implemented in CMC environment Validation with Oklahoma City database: work underway Some preliminary tests using GEM-LAM inflow conditions Urban flow model (UrbanLS): ready Parallelization and optimization: work underway Being gradually implemented in CMC environment Adaptation underway to generate concentration fields and visualisation issues Validation with Oklahoma City database: work underway

11 Joint Urban 2003 campain (Oklahoma City) 3-D rendering from ARCVIEW shape file satellite photograph Portion of OK City

12 Source #1 Wind from SSW, Source #1

13 Modeled and Predicted Mean Winds ANL Minisodar (Botanical Gardens) ANL Minisodar FRD Sodar PNNL Sodar used to inflow conditions for urbanSTREAM

14 Concentration Field C N Source Location: South side of Park Avenue 35.46871667 ° N, 97.51556667 ° W urbanEU

15 Component 2: “urbanized” version of GEM-LAM PROJECT STATUS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS since November 2004 (last PRC) (cont’d) TEB in GEM-LAM: ready Satellite derived methodology to produce land-use classification: ready Cascade strategy and tests (2.5km to 1km to 250m) :work underway Anthropogenetic heat flux: work underway 3D turbulence kinetic energy: in MC-2 but work underway to include in GEM Validation with Oklahoma City database: work underway MUSE-1 (March-April 2005) and MUSE-2 (Febuary-March 2006) field studies : completed with great success. Data analysis work underway.

16 High buildings Mid-high buildings Low buildings Very low buildings Sparse buildings Industrial areas Roads and parkings Road mix Dense residential Mid-density residential Low-density residential Mix of nature and built Soils Crops Short grass Mixed forest Mixed shrubs Water Excluded Oklahoma City 60-m resolution classification N

17  Anthropogenic heat sources computed for summer  Temporal disaggregating based on Sailor’s works  Spatial disaggregating based on:  Population density and road network for traffic sources  Industrial land use for industrial sources Anthropogenic heat database Application to Oklahoma City 0 2 4 6 8 3691215182124 3 4 5 3691215182124 Electricity consumption (summer) Vehicular traffic (work day) Time (LST) Fraction 17:00 LST

18 Joint Urban 2003 Experiments GEM-LAM 2.5 km GEM-LAM 1 km GEM-LAM 250 m OKC Incoming flow 15-km Regional model IC + LBC TEB is used in 2.5 km, 1 km, and 250-m models

19 IOP6 (Daytime): Urban Heat Island (1-km Results) Rural Stations Heat Island Index Obs Urban Crops In red, PWIDS stations used for model verification City Center Stations TEB does not make much differences over rural areas (expected!) Significant improvement in the city (cooler in the day, warmer in the night)

20 Incoming and outgoing radiation CNR1 radiometer Kipp & Zonen Radiative surface temperatures IR camera in heated case Turbulent fluxes by eddy covariance 10Hz 3D sonic anemometer CSAT3 H 2 O/CO 2 analyzer Li-Cor 7500 Fine wire thermocouple ASPTC Air temperature and humidity in canyons Radiative temperature of walls Montreal Urban Snow Experiment (MUSE-2005) Montreal Urban Snow Experiment (MUSE-2005) (17 March to 14 April 2005) 20 m tower

21 Energy Budget Analysis With snowNo snow RNRN Residue H LE RNRN Residue H LE SS SS LL LL SS SS LL LL Residue = Storage + snow melt – Anthropogenic heat fluxes

22 Components 3: coupling work … underway Component 5: validation work…. underway PROJECT STATUS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS since November 2004 (last PRC) (cont’d) Scientific & Technical face-to-face meeting was held with all team members 24-25 August 2005. 2 project teleconferences were held with all team members Regular meetings/teleconferences were held within each main components of the project Following the resignation of Claude Pelletier last fall, Yufei Zhu was hired to work on the 3D- turbulence. Also, Cathy Xie was hired to work on the generation of geophysical fields Many presentations at conferences, technical notes and some peer-reviewed articles (list attached)

23 Project related publications and presentations on CFD and dispersion modeling: Refereed Journal Papers (published or accepted): H. Ji, F.S. Lien and E. Yee, “An Efficient Second-Order Accurate Cut-Cell Method for Solving the Variable Coefficient Poisson Equation with Jump Conditions on Irregular Domain”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (in press, January, 2006). Refereed Journal Papers (submitted): K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien and E. Yee, “Numerical Modeling of Scalar Dispersion in an Urban Canopy”, submitted to Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics in May, 2005. F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Ji, A. Keats and K.J. Hsieh, “Progress and Challenges in the Development of Physically-Based Numerical Models for Prediction of Flow and Contaminant Dispersion in the Urban Environment”, submitted to International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Special Issue) in October 2005. A. Keats, E. Yee and F.S. Lien, “Bayesian Inference for Source Determination With Applications to a Complex Urban Environment”, submitted to Atmospheric Environment in May, 2006. Conference Papers: F.S. Lien, E. Yee and H. Ji (2005), “Modelling Wind Flow and Turbulence in Complex Urban Canopies”, 9th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modelling, July 18-20, George Mason University, Fairfax, VG, USA. K.J. Hsieh, A. Keats, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2005), “Scalar Dispersion and Inferred Source Location in an Urban Canopy”, 9th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modelling, July 18-20, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Ji, A. Keats and K.J. Hsieh (2005), “Development of a High-Fidelity Numerical Model for Hazard Prediction in the Urban Environment” (Keynote Address), Proc. 13th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, July 31-August 3, 2005, St. John’s, Canada. H. Ji, F.S. Lien and E. Yee (2006), “Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Combined With Multigrid for a Poisson Equation”, Proc. 14th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, July 16-July 18, 2006, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. A. Keats, F.S. Lien and E. Yee (2006), “Source Determination in Built-Up Environments Through Bayesian Inference With Validation Using the MUST Array and Joint Urban 2003 Tracer Experiments”, Proc. 14th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, July 16- July 18, 2006, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. F.S. Lien, E. Yee and H. Ji (2006), “Modeling Wind Flow and Turbulence in Oklahoma City”, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, July 16-July 19, 2006, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan. E. Yee, F.S. Lien, A. Keats, K.J. Hsieh and R. D’Amours (2006), “Validation of Bayesian Inference for Emission Source Distribution Retrieval Using the Joint Urban 2003 and European Tracer Experiments”, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, July 16-July19, 2006, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan.

24 Others F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Ji, A. Keats and K.J. Hsieh (2006), “Application of CFD to Security Science: Progress on the Development of a High- Fidelity Numerical Model for Hazard Prediction and Assessment in the Urban Environment”, to be published in CFD Society of Canada Bulletin #17. Refereed Journal Papers (in preparation): A. Keats, E. Yee and F.S. Lien (2006), “Efficiently Locating and Characterizing the Source of an Active Tracer Through Bayesian Inference”, to be submitted to Ecological Modelling. H. Ji, F.S. Lien and E. Yee (2006), “Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Combined With Multigrid for a Poisson Equation”, to be submitted to International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. H. Ji, F.S. Lien and E. Yee (2006), “A Robust and Efficient Cartesian Grid Method Combined With Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Moving Boundary Problems on Irregular Domains”, to be submitted to Journal of Computational Physics. K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien and E. Yee (2006), “Partially Resolved Numerical Simulation for Turbulent Flow Over an Array of Obstacles”, to be submitted to Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. E. Yee and R. D’Armours (2006), “Application of Bayesian Probability Theory to Source Inversion for European Tracer Experiment”, to be submitted to Theoretical and Applied Geophysics The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) E. Yee (2005) “Recent Progress on Modeling of Flows and Dispersion: From Canonical to Complex Flows”, TTCP CBR Group, Technical Panel 9, Defence Science and Technology Organization, Melbourne, Australia, 31 January – 4 February 2005. E. Yee (2005) “Probabilistic Inference: An Application to Inverse Source Function Estimation”, TTCP CBR Group, Technical Panel 9, Defence Science and Technology Organization, Melbourne, Australia, 31 January – 4 February 2005. E. Yee (2006) “Advances in Development of Emergency Response System for CBRN Prediction and Assessment in the Urban Environment”, TTCP CBR Group, Technical Panel 9, US Army Dugway Proving Ground, 13-17 February 2006. E. Yee and R. D’Armours (2006) “Application of Bayesian Inference to Source Function Retrieval for European Tracer Experiment (ETEX)”, TTCP CBR Group, Technical Panel 9, US Army Dugway Proving Ground, 13-17 February 2006. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on CB Defence E. Yee (2006) “Advanced Emergency Response System for CBRN Hazard Prediction and Assessment in the Urban Environment”, International Task Force 49 Meeting (Battlespace Information Management Systems), Directorate of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defence, Ottawa Ontario, July 11, 2006. Other Presentations E. Yee, “A Bayesian Approach for Reconstruction of the Characteristics of a Localized Pollutant Source by Spatially Distributed Electronic Noses”, Moscow Colloquium, Science and Innovations Agency of the Russian Federation/Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, June 19-21, 2006.

25 Publications and presentations on urban meteorological modeling Refereed Journal Papers (published or accepted): Two short papers entitled “Country Report – Urban modeling at the Meteorological Service of Canada” by Mailhot et al. and “Urban Project Report – The Montreal Urban Snow Experiments (MUSE)” by Bélair et al. have been puslished the April issue of the IAUC (International Association for Urban Climate) Newsletter. Refereed Journal Papers (submitted): A paper entitled “Methodology of urban cover classification for atmospheric modeling” (Lemonsu, Leroux, Bélair, Trudel and Mailhot) has been submitted to the journal “Remote Sensing of Environment”. Conference or workshop Papers: Four presentations related to the CRTI Project have been done at the Coastal and Mountain Lab Workshop in Vancouver (25-27 January 2005) in the session on Urban Meteorology and Impacts. Five presentations related to the CRTI Project have been done at the 39th Annual CMOS Congress (31 May-3 June 2005 in Vancouver). The presentations dealt with: 1) Parameterization of urban covers for mesoscale models (Lemonsu et al.); 2) Methodology of urban cover classification for atmospheric modeling (Lemonsu et al.); 3) Numerical simulations of the urban boundary layer observed during Joint Urban 2003 (Pelletier et al.); 4) Overview of the 2005 Montreal Urban Snow Experiment (MUSE-2005) (Benjamin et al.); 5) Computational modeling of 3D turbulent flows with MC2 (Pelletier et al.). A presentation has been done at the RMetS 2005 Conference (11-16 September 2005 in Exeter UK): Urban modelling at the Meteorological Service of Canada (Lemonsu et al.). Five presentations related to the CRTI Project have been done at the 89th AMS Annual Meeting (29 Jan-2 Feb 2006 in Atlanta, GA), in the “6th Symposium on the Urban Environment” dealing with: 1) An overview of urban modeling at the Meteorological Service of Canada (Mailhot et al.); 2) Application of meso-scale atmospheric modeling to the comparison of urban processes above North-American and European cities (Lemonsu et al.); 3) Methodology of urban cover classification for atmospheric modeling (Lemonsu et al.); 4) Numerical simulations of the urban boundary layer observed during Joint Urban 2003 (Mailhot et al.); 5) Preliminary results of the 2005 Montreal Urban Snow Experiment (MUSE-2005) (Benjamin et al.).

26 One presentation at the 17th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence (22-26 May 2006 in San Diego CA) dealing with Numerical simulations of the urban boundary layer observed during Joint Urban 2003 (Mailhot et al.). Four abstracts related to the CRTI Project have been submitted for presentation at the coming 6th International Conference on Urban Climate (12-16 June 2006 in Goteborg, Sweden) dealing with: 1) An overview of urban modeling at the Meteorological Service of Canada (Mailhot et al.); 2) Description of the new Canadian urban modeling system (Lemonsu et al.); 3) Application of the new Canadian urban modeling system to a North American city (Lemonsu et al.); 4) Preliminary results of the 2005 Montreal Urban Snow Experiment (MUSE-2005) (Benjamin et al.). Two extended abstracts (for papers 1 and 4) have been written and submitted for distribution at the Conference. An internal seminar has been given on 24 February 2006 by J. Mailhot in the RPN/CMC series describing the various components of the CRTI project (“Development of a modeling system at the urban scale”). a presentation will be given by Richard Hogue at the CRTI annual meeting (12-15 June 2006). Refereed Journal Papers (in preparation): Lemonsu et al., the paper “Methodology of urban cover classification for atmospheric modeling” will be submitted this summer to the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climate. Lemonsu et al., general article on MUSE-2005 including preliminary data analysis. Will be submitted in early fall. Journal to be determined. Chagnon et al., article on the analysis of energy budgets during MUSE-1 (2005) campaign. Will be submitted in early fall. Journal to be determined. Lemonsu et al., article on the modeling work on JU2003 (Oklahoma City dataset). Will be submitted in early 2007. Journal to be determined. Lemonsu et al., article on the modeling work with TEB for MUSE field studies. To be submitted in early 2007. Journal to be determined. Bélair et al. article on the coupling issues between meso-scale meteorological models and CFD micro scale flow models in the urban environment. Will be submitted in early 2007. Journal to be determined.

27 PROJECT STATUS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS since November 2004 (last PRC) (cont’d) CRTI-01-0080TA Information Management and Decision Support System for R/N (ARGOS) CRTI-02-0041RD Real-Time Determination of Area of Influence of CBRN Releases CRTI-04-0127TD CHIRP – Canadian Health Integrated Response Platform CRTI-03-0018RD Experimental Characterization of Risk for Radiological Dispersion Devices (RDDs) CRTI-05-0014RTD Experimental and Theoretical Development of a Resuspension Database to Assist Decision Makers during an RDD Event. And, since Monday June 5 following kick-off meeting in Vancouver: CRTI-05-0058TD Unified Interoperability Solution set to Support CONOPS Framework Development -Municipal-Provincial-Federal Collaboration to CBRN Response : To provide dispersion scenarios to the project using the capacity developped in 0093… Linkages with many CRTI projects has continued…

28 SCHEDULE / MILESTONE REVIEW: General milestones MilestoneEventCompletion Date 1Project Approval 2003 April 2Project Charter Approved 2003 July 3RFP Release 2003 August 4Contract Award 2003 September 5Hire EC-CMC RES 2003 November 6Hire EC-CMC PDF 2003 November 7Development and implementation of high-resolution microscale urban flow model 2004 October 8Development and implementation of microscale urban flow model using distributed drag force approach for prediction of spatially-averaged time mean wind and turbulence 2005 June 9Development, implementation, and coupling of microscale Lagrangian Stochastic model with urban microscale flow model for prediction of short-range dispersion 2005 June 10Development and implementation of urban parameterizations for mesoscale model (GEM-GEM LAM) 2005 June

29 11Coupling of urban microscale flow models with “urbanized” mesoscale flow model 2006 November (vs June 06) 12Development and implementation of multiscale Lagrangian Stochastic model prediction of atmospheric (and, urban) dispersion at all ranges 2006 October (vs June 06) 13Full integration of multiscale Lagrangian Stochastic model with coupled urban microscale and “urbanized” mesoscale model 2006 December (vs August 06) 14QA/QC data from Montreal Urban Snow Experiments (MUSE), and make data available to US collaborators through password protected website 2007 March (new) 15Development of adjoint of Eulerian and Lagrangian dispersion models required for rapid computation of likelihood function 2006 December (new) 16Verification and Validation of fully integrated flow and dispersion modelling system 2007 March 17Development of inverse source determination methodology based on Bayesian inference, and implementation of Monte Carlo sampling schemes required to extract information from posterior distribution of source parameters 2007 June (new) 18Verification and validation of inverse source determination methodology using available concentration data sets (e.g., JU2003, ETEX, Project Prairie Grass, Sensor data fusion experiment at Dugway Proving Grounds, etc.). 2008 March (new) 19Project Complete (Close Project)2008 April (vs April 07)

30 SCHEDULE / MILESTONE REVIEW: Detailed milestones (tasks) See detailed milestone (tasks) document

31 FINANCIAL REVIEW – PROJECT COSTS See document extracted from project charter revision

32 PartnerProject Charter Current Budget (A) Actual Cost to Date Total Fiscal Year End Cost Forecast (B) % Delta (A-B)/A Environment Canada $ 2,181,000$ 1,716,000 (78.7%) $ 465,0000 % DND DRDC $ 1,260,000$ 890,000$ 350,0000.0016% (20K) AECL $ 44,000$ 33,000$ 11,0000% Project Total $ 3,485,000$ 2,639,000$ 826,000 FINANCIAL REVIEW – PROJECT COSTS Without considering the PSTP (240K) or roll-over funds (105K)

33 PartnerProject Charter Current Budget (A) Actual Cost to Date Total Fiscal Year End Cost Forecast (B) % Delta (A-B)/A Environment Canada $ 2,181,000$ 1,716,000 (78.7%) $ 595,000 DND DRDC $ 1,260,000$ 890,000$ 430,000 AECL $ 44,000$ 33,000$ 11,000 Project Total $ 3,485,000$ 2,639,000$ 1,036,000 FINANCIAL REVIEW – PROJECT COSTS Including the PSTP (240K) or roll-over funds (105K)

34 3.3 Project Assumptions The Project Plan assumes that: Funding as approved under the project will remain available and disbursed on time: OK. Start date of research and development for components 1 and 4 is based on having a contract in place with PWGSC by August 1, 2003…: OK New and qualified personnel will be hired ….: OK Key existing personnel will be available throughout the project. We were able to react relatively quickly when Claude Pelletier left the project last fall. A new employee was hired. Otherwise we have been able to maintain the right level of required staff to advance the project. Key equipment (computing infrastructure) and key datasets will be available: Generally speaking main computing infrastructures and datasets have been available. However, there has been some slow downs and risk associated with the significant delays of the IBM supercomputer upgrade and associated systems. This is a file which we are monitoring closely. To minimize this risk we have purchased a set of high performance front end nodes (40 node InfinitiBand cluster) which should be available for our use by August 2006. We expect to be able to run our tests on this machine. 3.4 Project Constraints A significant component of the Validation phase of the project (component 5) is constrained by the availability of flow and dispersion data sets to be acquired during JUT 2003 in Oklahoma City: OK. We have access to OKC datasets and as well to MUSE1-2 datasets. Unfortunately, no access is expected to the New-York City Tracer experiment for some years. PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSTRAINTS

35 RISK REVIEW For all Federal Departments involved in the project · Risk: A national or international crisis or other immediate events triggering emergency response will delay the conduct of the project Mitigation: CRTI secretariat to be advised immediately. Components of the project to be delivered by private companies will not be affected. Project plan for deliverables will be modified accordingly, financial impacts will be assessed and the Charter will be adjusted. Defence R&D Canada -- Suffield · Risk: Transfer of mathematical urban flow models to Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. in a format understood by all is problematic Mitigation: Ongoing communication with project partners at Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. (e-mail, teleconference, and meetings as needed) to allow for smooth transfer of DRDC Suffield mathematical models to Waterloo for numerical solution coding --- Modelling Group at DRDC Suffield will collaborate closely with the CFD Modelling Group at Waterloo to ensure fidelity in the model transfer and in the implementation of the proposed flow models · Risk: Delay in obtaining data from the Joint Urban Trial (JUT) 2003 Mitigation: Ensure that all appropriate security clearances are granted · Risk: IP issues and disputes Mitigation: Pass information to IP office as soon as possible for resolution

36 Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. (Dr F.S. Lien) · Risk: Difficulty in the implementation of numerical algorithms to solve the model equations developed by DRDC Suffield Mitigation: Close collaboration with DRDC Suffield to ensure that a working solution is developed. This close collaboration should involve project leads from the Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. (Dr Fue-Sang Lien) and DRDC Suffield (Dr Eugene Yee) and various members of the project leads’ staff. A productive working relationship will be maintained through regular teleconferencing, correspondence, and meetings as required. Mitigation: Ensure that model approaches developed by DRDC Suffield and numerical implementation of these approach by Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. are fully documented. · Risk: Incompatability of numerical microscale code developed with EC-CMC’s meso-gamma scale GEM- GEM LAM code Mitigation: Ongoing communication with EC-CMC GEM-GEM LAM code developers (meteorological modelers and software engineers) Mitigation: Access to GEM-GEM LAM Graphical User Interface (GUI) for all project team members from Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. Mitigation: Access to GEM-GEM LAM documentation and source code We have found a good process to work together where Waterloo and DRDC-Suffield coordinate with staff in CMC to exchange code and tests in their respective environments. Ultimately, the code and scripts need to be adjusted to be able to run in an operational set-up.

37 Environment Canada – Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) · Risk: Availability of qualified technical staff to undertake certain phases of the project. Mitigation: One Research Scientist (RES) and one Post-doctoral Fellow (PDF) with the required expertise are in the process of being hired to support work on this project full time. · Risk: Availability of staff for Project Management and Coordination Mitigation: New staff member to aid project manager (Mr Michel Jean) with project coordination has been hired. · Risk: Difficulty in the implementation and/or porting of code to the new IBM massively parallel supercomputing platform (which is currently being brought on-line at Canadian Meteorological Centre). Mitigation: New RES to be hired with strong parallel computing background. Mitigation: Resources have been set aside at CMC to manage this issue. · Risk: Difficulty in coupling the micro and meso-gamma scale model. Mitigation: Maintain close on-going collaboration with Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. microscale model development and implementation team. Mitigation: Provide Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. Implementation Team with full documentation for the GEM-GEM LAM model. Mitigation: Employment of a common GUI between EC-CMC and Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. (CMC Modeling Toolbox will provide the common interface). · Risk: Lack of attention to needs of end users (first responders). Mitigation: Work with CMC to understand existing emergency response system and FNEP TAG requirements. Our strong involvement with CRTI project 05-0058TD (inoperability framework in the Vancouver area) will be our main initial connection with the first responders. · Risk: Tracer data from Oklahoma test site is delayed. Mitigation: Consultation with project team members from AECL and HC-RPB who have extensive experience in model validation. Mitigation: Additional data from AECL and/or HC-RPB could be used for model validation in place of the expected comprehensive urban flow and dispersion data sets to be acquired in JUT 2003. · Risk: Oklahoma City vector format GIS data not compatible with EC-CMC software Mitigation: Consult with team members from DRDC Suffield and Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc. Mitigation: Ensure that the necessary graphics packages are available at EC-CMC. Mitigation: Ensure that qualified staff are available to manipulate the vector format GIS data. · Risk: Model predictions do not agree with experimental data within acceptable margins (defined in the literature) Mitigation: Allow time for model revisions based upon initial testing. Mitigation: Allow time for a documented discussion of project limitations.

38 J.D. Wilson & Associates (Dr J.D. Wilson) · Risk: Delay in the coupling of the micro and meso-gamma scale model to delay Lagrangian Stochastic (LS) model verification and validation. Mitigation: Offline model testing with in house data sets until coupled code complete --- LS model validation (primarily urban dispersion model validation can begin immediately by coupling model to the urban microscale flow model to investigate predictive accuracy of the model at short range [up to about 2 km]). Atomic Energy Canada Limited (AECL) · Risk: Access to classified information is denied. Mitigation: Reliance on other team members already having obtained the necessary security clearance. · Risk: Access to sensitive measurements at AECL CRL is denied to project members. Mitigation: An agreement with the responsible body at AECL describing the use that project members will make with the data and a review of material to be published by AECL to eliminate sensitive information Health Canada (Radiation Protection Bureau) · Risk: Availability of data sets for verification and validation of the modelling system. Mitigation: Preparation of data sets in parallel as modelling system is being developed. Work is currently underway along those lines through the joint work between HC RPB and EC CMC for assessment of a noble gas analyzer in the context of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

39 RECOVERY PLAN - SCHEDULE AND FINANCIAL Included in the schedule and financial plans in the project charter. Adjustments to the end time of some of the milestones and tasks. FY 05-06 funds were all used (except 20K) FY 06-07 and FY 07-08: context of modifications : 1 - PSTP funding approved of $310K: 70K for 2005-06 : this was not used and is therefore "lost“ 170K for 2006-07 : this was added in the revised charter 70K for 2007-08 : this was added in the revised charter. 2- Use of roll-over funds from first two years of the project $53K from 2003-04 $50K from 2004-05 These additional funds will be applied to i) further improve modeling system and model validation, ii) to perform inverse source determination (source reconstruction) iii) exchange and collaborate with NARAC at LLNL and others.

40 Project well underway and advancing well. Scientific challenges are being addressed one by one through extensive testing and validation. Implementation of prototype is done within an operational environment : currently addressing some very practical near-real time feasability issues Meeting at NARAC June 1-2 opens the door to collaboration and exchange on the validation of OKC cases and on issues of common interest (surface processes, coupling between met model and CFD model, etc.). Excellent leverage on operational issues such as trans-boundary event coordination as well ascollaboration with HC/RPB on ARGOS dataset exchange. Project well linked to other CRTI projects (Argos, 0041, 0018, 0014, 0127,0058, etc.) PROJECT SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

41 Linking to the EE community through: CRTI project 05-0058TD (inoperability framework in the Vancouver area) meeting in early 2007 with representative 1st responder community… Project generates significant leverage on scientific issues within NWP development at MSC: high resolution meso-scale modeling surface processes at high resolution urban and land-use characterization Important to start working on CRTI-2 follow-up project (within or outside current 0093…?): application of prototype to all main Canadian cities obtain “shape files” of building topography interact with appropriate responders and plan for tests and exercises, improvement to the system plan for a tracer experiment in a Canadian city… to further validate the system etc. PROJECT SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (cont’d)

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