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Sacrament of Reconciliation & Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist What does it celebrate? It celebrates Jesus’ death and resurrection and experiencing.

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Presentation on theme: "Sacrament of Reconciliation & Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist What does it celebrate? It celebrates Jesus’ death and resurrection and experiencing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sacrament of Reconciliation & Holy Eucharist

2 The Holy Eucharist What does it celebrate? It celebrates Jesus’ death and resurrection and experiencing his real presence Why is it important? The Holy Eucharist deepens our relationship with Christ and becomes spiritual nourishment

3 Old Testament vs. New Testament OLD TESTAMENT The Passover in the Old Testament foreshadows Jesus’ future sacrifice as the “Lamb of God” whose death “takes away the sins of the world.” During Passover, a lamb was ritually sacrificed in the Old Testament and its blood was sprinkled upon the doorposts of the homes of the faithful Jews, who under Moses’ leadership, were waiting their release from captivity they suffered in Egypt

4 Old Testament vs. New Testament NEW TESTAMENT The image of the slain lamb, becomes Jesus Christ himself, the “Passover Lamb” in the New Testament. He dies to take away the sins of the world, and whose blood sheds for us on the cross. CONNECTION: Just like in Passover where God commanded people to consume the slain lamb, Christians today are commanded to consume Christ’s own body and blood in the Eucharist

5 The Seder Meal The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist traces its roots to the Judaic practice of The Seder Meal The Seder Meal is a Jewish ritual that marks the beginning of Passover. This meal represents the story of the liberation of Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt, under the command of Moses. Main components of Seder: Lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs, washing of the cups

6 The Seder Meal

7 The Last Supper Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the night before He died. At the Last Supper, His 12 disciples were present. Christ took the bread, blessed it, broke it and giving it to His disciples, and said, “Take and eat, this is My Body” and He took a cup of wine, blessed it, and giving it to them, said, “All of you drink of this for this is My Blood of the covenant which is being shed for you and for all, and for the forgiveness of sins.” Finally, He gave it to his disciples and said: “Do this is memory of Me” (Luke 22: 19-20)

8 Last Supper, Da Vinci (Milan: Santa Maria Del Grazia Museo)

9 Transubstantiation Transubstantiation is the belief that Christ’s body and blood is present in the bread and wine during the celebration of the Eucharist. During the Last Supper, Jesus Christ was able to change bread and wine into His body by the power of the Holy Spirit. Today, the body and blood of Christ continues to be made in Church by Jesus Christ, through the ministry of His priests

10 The Body and Blood of Christ “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you shall have no life in you” (John 6:53) In order to receive the Holy Eucharist, one must be absolved of their sins, which is why we are called to receive reconciliation to free us of sin. If one receives the Eucharist unworthily or does not believe in what the Eucharist presents, then one is committing a great sacrilege (misusing something that is sacred).

11 The Holy Eucharist & Other Faiths Almost all Protestants have a reverence (respect or honour) for the Lord’s Supper. However, many Christian denominations such as Lutherans and Episcopalians do not believe in transubstantiation. Instead they believe in consubstantiation, which is the belief that bread and wine symbolize Jesus Christ. They do not believe that the bread and wine become His body and blood. Note: Only Catholics and Eastern Orthodox believe in transubstantiation.

12 Did You Know? 0 You can receive the Holy Eucharist more than once a day as long as it takes place during the celebration of the Eucharist at Mass 0 Other terms for the word Eucharist are: Communion, body and blood of Christ, Lord’s Supper, Breaking of the Bread

13 Video The Last Supper

14 Sacrament of Reconciliation Reconciliation is one’s confession of sins to God. We confess our sins to be forgiven, to get rid of our weaknesses in order to grow in holiness, and to live a life of virtue Penance is assigned by a priest at the end of one’s confession which consists of specific prayers that are prayed alone after confession. These prayers are meant to provide absolution (release from guilt or punishment) Penance can also be acts to correct the wrongs you committed.

15 Jesus has the power to forgive sins Mark 2: 9-11 “9 Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? 10 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, 11 “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” What does this passage teach us about Jesus and his forgiveness of sins?

16 Jesus and The Church’s Mission Jesus has the power to heal the spiritually sick as well as the physically sick. He has the power to forgive sins. Jesus also entrusted his power to his Apostles to forgive sins in his name. Jesus’ mission to forgive sins is an integral part to the Church’s life and purpose. It is carried out primarily through preaching the gospel message and through the administration of the sacraments. Christ entrusted his Church with his own priestly power of forgiving sins. This power is exercised by the priest, who acts in persona (In the person of Christ), in the confessional. (Source: Where Is That In The Bible, Patrick Madrid)

17 Mortal & Venial Sins St. John mentions in 1 John 5:16-17, that there are two categories of sin: 1. Venial Sins = Sins that weakens the soul (These sins are more common amongst us, such as gossip, laughing at others, being mean to others, etc. These sins are humanly reparable with God’s guidance) 2. Mortal Sins = Kills the soul (These sins are very serious and require a person’s full knowledge and full consent when committing the sin. Mortal sins go against the Ten Commandments, “Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, etc.)

18 Confession of All Sins The Church requires confession of mortal sins at least once a year. It is recommended that venial sins should also be confessed, however they are not mandatory. The Church teaches that sins must be confessed in the sacrament of reconciliation in which formal absolution is received from the priest.

19 Consolidation What is the connection between the Eucharist and Passover? Hint:

20 What is the difference between Catholics and other forms of Christianity when it comes to transubstantiation? Hint: Vs.

21 Which of these two images are examples of penance?

22 Debate(s) So what do you think? Based on what you learned today, should we confess our sins to another human being (priest) or not? or Do you think that the Eucharist is really the body and blood of Jesus? *make sure we are backing up our arguments with information, not just blind belief

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