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Presentation on theme: "THE CURRENT STATE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY IN TOURISM CZECH REPUBLIC (research of 2009)"— Presentation transcript:


2 1.PROFILE OF THE COUNTRY AS TOURIST DESTINATION Geografical position Czech Republic is a landlocked country situated in Central Europe. It borders on Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austria. With a total area of almost 79,000 square kilometers, the Czech Republic is a midsize European country. Fig. 1 Czech Republic’s position in Europe

3 1.PROFILE OF THE COUNTRY AS TOURIST DESTINATION Relief Waters and mountains are the dominant elements that constitute the variety of the Czech Republic's terrain. Mountain ranges surround the country on almost all sides. Two of the four Czech national parks protect the border mountain ranges – Šumava and the Krkonoše. The sources of the most important Czech rivers can also be found in these ranges – the Elbe in the Krkonoše and the Vltava in Šumava. Other important rivers are Morava located in Moravia and Oder in Silesia. Fig. 2 Relief of the country

4 1.PROFILE OF THE COUNTRY AS TOURIST DESTINATION Climate The Czech Republic has a temperate continental climate, with relatively hot summers and cold, cloudy and snowy winters. The temperature difference between summer and winter is relatively high, due to the landlocked geographical position. Within the Czech Republic, temperatures vary greatly, depending on the elevation. Another important factor is the distribution of the mountains; therefore, the climate is quite varied.

5 1.PROFILE OF THE COUNTRY AS TOURIST DESTINATION Population The Czech Republic had in 2009 10 480 000 inhabitants. According to the 2001 census, the vast majority of the inhabitants are Czech (94,24%). The most numerous national minorities are Slovaks (1,89%), Poles (0,51%), Germans (0,38%), and Ukrainians (0,22%). Fig. 3 The density of population of the Czech Republic

6 1.PROFILE OF THE COUNTRY AS TOURIST DESTINATION Main towns The biggest city of the Czech Republic is the capital - Prague with nearly 1,3 million inhabitants. Another important cities are Brno (405.337), Ostrava (344.054), and Plzeň/Pilsner (169.935). Fig. 4 Main towns within Czech Republic

7 Fig. 5 The Czech Sights on the UNESCO List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage Culture Czech culture has firm roots in a rich and plentiful history. Tourists can marvel at some of the most beautiful and oldest pieces of architecture, literature and fine arts. There are 12 UNESCO monuments in Czech Republic, most famous of them are historical downtowns of Prague, Český Krumlov, Telč and Kutná Hora or Lednice-Valtice area. Well-known are also Czech literature, music, cuisine, science or architecture. 1.PROFILE OF THE COUNTRY AS TOURIST DESTINATION

8 2.CONTRIBUTION OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY TO THE COUNTRY AND ITS ECONOMY Country incomes from tourism sector per year: 5,25 billion EUR Income from foreign tourists: Inbound tourism consumption in the Czech Republic in 2007 was 128.6 billion CZK Expenditure on tourism by citizens both in Czech Republic and abroad: Domestic tourism consumption in the Czech Republic in 2007 was 105.6 billion CZK and outbound tourism consumption in the same period was 80.6 billion CZK.

9 2.CONTRIBUTION OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY TO THE COUNTRY AND ITS ECONOMY Expenditure on tourism and travel by the government and administration: Budget of Ministry for Regional Development, budget of Czech National Tourism Board, budgets of Regions and the budget for coo-financing European structural funds from the National budget in 2008 was 53.5 million EUR (1.5 billion CZK). Budget of Czech National Tourism Board – CzechTourism in 2008 was 13 million EUR (364 million CZK). The percentage of the country Gross National Product generated by the tourism sector: Tourism ratio on gross domestic product in 2007 was 2.9 %.

10 2.CONTRIBUTION OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY TO THE COUNTRY AND ITS ECONOMY People directly engaged in tourism sector: 168 815 people in 2006 People employed in tourism-related branches: 57 625 people in 2006 People hired on a seasonal basis: There are no statistical data about the number of the workers employed in the tourism sector on a seasonal basis. Unemployed people with experience in tourism: The number of unemployed people who in recent 8 years worked in hotels and restaurants was in the first quarter of 2009 13 400. Specific data for people with experience in tourism are not available.

11 2. CONTRIBUTION OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY TO THE COUNTRY AND ITS ECONOMY The investments in the sector: Gross fixed capital formation in tourism in the Czech Republic in 2006 was nearly 38 billion CZK, which is 4.8 % of the gross fixed capital formation in the national economy. Number of tour operators and travel agents: There is no exact statistic about the real number. However, the Association Travel Agents in Czech Republic has 168 members. The Association of Czech Travel Agents and Agencies has 240 members.

12 2.CONTRIBUTION OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY TO THE COUNTRY AND ITS ECONOMY Comparison between the total number of counties in the Czech Republic and the number of those possessing a tourism potential: Czech Republic is divided into 14 territorial regions. The most visited region is the capital city Prague. Between other favorite regions we can find Jihočeský, Jihomoravský or Karlovarský or Královéhradecký. However in almost all regions in Czech Republic there is some tourism potential.

13 A current trend in the travel and tourism industry is the provision of services for active tourism. Since 2002, tourism to the Czech Republic has been on the increase. This trend is confirmed by the number of people accommodated in the country. In 2007 6,680,400 foreign tourists traveled to the Czech Republic. Czech Republic is most attractive to Germans, Brits and Russians. Italians are in fourth place, followed by Poles in fifth. Local tourism is also growing at a dynamic rate. The Czech Republic is the favorite destination for Czechs to spend their holidays. A significant trend in recent years has been active tourism (primarily stays in the mountains and cycle tourism). The Czech Republic has also recorded some qualitative changes to the travel industry, mainly in the form of new types of tourism and a broader range of offers, including trips for sports and education. 2.CONTRIBUTION OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY TO THE COUNTRY AND ITS ECONOMY Main directions and trends

14 3.POSSIBILITIES FOR TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN THE TOURISM SECTOR AND DEVELOPMENT OF A SKILLED WORKFORCE Vocational and high schools, colleges and universities in tourism area  In the Czech Republic there are a lot of tourism high schools, colleges and universities.  There are 18 high schools which offer the study of tourism in the Czech Republic. They are both public and private and we can find them in nearly all regions of the country.  The number of colleges with this specialization is almost the same, there are 15 colleges where students can learn about tourism. These schools are often private and sometimes they are specialized only for tourism.  There are also 15 universities where students can study tourism or tourism related branches. This field of study can be studied especially in economic faculties of some universities.

15 3.POSSIBILITIES FOR TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN THE TOURISM SECTOR AND DEVELOPMENT OF A SKILLED WORKFORCE The average number of graduates of colleges and universities in tourism area per year The number of graduates of high schools for gastronomy, accommodation and tourism is about 2 500 per year. The number of graduates of colleges for the same area is about 500 per year. The statistics for universities are not available.

16 3.POSSIBILITIES FOR TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN THE TOURISM SECTOR AND DEVELOPMENT OF A SKILLED WORKFORCE System for informal vocational training and certification of competences in tourism area The recognition of different forms of education in Czech Republic is based on verification of knowledge and skills through a standardized exam. After fulfillment of the exam one receives a certificate about recognition of the partial qualification. This system is set by the law about recognition of results of further education. Important is real knowledge and skills, not the form of gaining them. There are already several recognized partial qualifications concerning tourism. The ways how to acquire necessary knowledge and skills are varied. A lot of national and also European projects were dedicated to further education in the field of tourism. The Ministry for Regional Development and the Czech National Tourism Board – CzechTourism were mainly involved. These projects aimed for example at information in tourism, event marketing, destination management or vocational courses for civil servants in regional public service.

17 3.POSSIBILITIES FOR TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN THE TOURISM SECTOR AND DEVELOPMENT OF A SKILLED WORKFORCE The accordance of Training Safety and Security in the vocational and high schools, colleges and universities in the tourism area with the existing needs of the country I Czech Republic is a safe destination in a long term. There are no major risks and Czech Republic is safe to visit. The criminality in big cities is comparable with the criminality in other European cities. Tourists are informed about main safety problems such as pickpockets, taxis or unsafe exchange of money on public places and also by their travel agents. Mainly the capital Prague, which is also the most visited place in Czech Republic, attends to the safety of tourists a lot. There was for example a project called “Security as a factor for further growth of tourism in Prague” focused on the security in Prague, especially on the relationship between security and tourism, the significance of security for the growth and development of tourism and usage of security as a competitive advantage on the international tourism market.

18 3.POSSIBILITIES FOR TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN THE TOURISM SECTOR AND DEVELOPMENT OF A SKILLED WORKFORCE The accordance of Training Safety and Security in the vocational and high schools, colleges and universities in the tourism area with the existing needs of the country II However, the safety and security aspect is missing in the study programs and curricula in Czech high schools, colleges and universities. Tourism safety is not included as an independent issue; it is only a part of general courses focused for example on Destination Marketing, Actual Problems of the Tourism Development, Organization and Management of Travel Agencies, Organization and Management of Hospitality and Accommodation or Travel Agencies Business. It is therefore necessary to introduce independent study courses focused on tourism safety, especially in Czech colleges and universities.

19 4.RESULTS OF CONTROLLED INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERTS – SUMMARY, GENERALIZATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS In order to have a more comprehensive picture of the situation and perception of the safety and security issue in tourism, managers in tourism SME’s and academic personnel were interviewed. The analysis of their answers indicate that their opinion is the same.

20 4.RESULTS OF CONTROLLED INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERTS – SUMMARY, GENERALIZATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 1.Tourism safety – for whom it is the most important: tourism operators, tourism agencies, clients, other? On the basis of collected answers can be considered that security and safety factors are very important for all groups involved in a tourism area. Also, if clients have a sense of security, they have bigger interest in traveling. This can raise profit of tourism agencies and operators. 2.Are the aspects of tourism safety considered in programs of the charter tourism operators? Most of interviewed persons provide positive answer, especially bearing in mind the air transport. There is increased emphasis on security and flights are not organized to dangerous areas. Almost all agreed that aspects of tourism safety are considered. 3. What knowledge and skills are required for sales agents to inform the clients properly about tourism safety? Sales agents should be informed about significant and important circumstances in order to provide relevant information to clients as knowledge of trip destination, security risks or availability of terrorists activities. Some of our respondents refer to the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs where clients could find more actual data about dangerous or insecure localities and situations.

21 4.RESULTS OF CONTROLLED INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERTS – SUMMARY, GENERALIZATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 4.How would you describe the interest of clients about the aspects of safety of their trip: their physical security, formalities regarding the trip etc.? Clients require all information (including standards as physical safety and formalities concerning the trip and generally the tourism area. They also intent to visit safety areas and take journey without any difficult transaction. Even though, clients expect the security assurance from the tourism company which organize the trip. 5.Which client groups should be particularly consulted about the aspects of safety of their trip? All experts have agreed that all groups of clients should be consulted anyhow.

22 4.RESULTS OF CONTROLLED INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERTS – SUMMARY, GENERALIZATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 6. Why there is a need for defining new priorities and aspects of tourism safety, in order to ensure the quality of tourism service and products? Quality of provided services and products coheres with safety which is also important factor of client’s satisfaction. Nowadays, clients are more exacting and they require more and more information. The need of defining new priorities and aspects of security in tourism might be caused also by changes of situation in particular destination. There should be immediate and prompt reaction on such circumstances.

23 4.RESULTS OF CONTROLLED INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERTS – SUMMARY, GENERALIZATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 7.What do tourism organizations (tourism agencies, tourism operators, etc.) do for the protection and safety of tourists’ rights? Tourism agencies and other bodies operated in tourism offer and recommend safe areas and destinations and provide the latest and up-to-date information. In case of clients being in any dangerous area and directly face risky and unsafe situation, organization try to get them out of this area. 8.How can the aspect of tourism safety improve the image of the country? Among considerable factors which affect the improvement of country image belong more frequently visit rate and higher demand. Actually, the picture of the country in consideration of tourism safety aspects can be bettered by fundamental way. 9.In what way the contribution of the tourism industry to the country and its economics could be improved? The contribution of the tourism industry to the country and its economics can be improved by advertising of cultural and historical places, habits and traditions of aiming countries. Safety of aiming country ensures increment of tourists’ flow and raise incomes from tourism.

24 4.RESULTS OF CONTROLLED INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERTS – SUMMARY, GENERALIZATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 10.What perspective do you see for Bulgaria as the final destination of a trip? Generally, there are optimistic opinions and reaction on the topic Czech Republic being the final destination. The country offers lot of possibilities for recreation, holiday, sports activities, leisure time, culture and history as well. Everybody can find something interesting, for example visiting several spas with hot mineral water and taking procedure, getting to know beauty of nature, hiking to mountains or simply enjoying the city life. However, the development in some areas should be done. 11.How will tourism destinations and client behavior change in the nearest future, in your opinion? The aspects of client behaviour and tourism destinations are changing permanently. Tourists require better services and tourists utilization. Improvement of infrastructure, high quality and enhancement of service provided, security and safety of health, careful choice of destination are factors which might contribute to changes.

25 4.RESULTS OF CONTROLLED INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERTS – SUMMARY, GENERALIZATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 12. How does the image of the country affect the behavior and the sense of safety of the client when choosing the destination of the trip? Security of the place of staying markedly influences client’s interest about final destination. Clients choose their holiday with regarding price, safety and other aspects and factors. Where there is some affair related with dangerous in some of tourist areas, interest in such area fall. It is only temporary effect. Interest in this area will raise again later. Behavior or sense of safety is also affected by verified and cost-effective offer, advertising, news in media, etc. 13. How do you see the development of the tourism industry in Europe in the current economic situation? Presently there is evident drop of sale of tourism tour in Czech Republic. Supposedly this state is evoked by economical crisis. Some of travel agencies were canceled and there is necessity to put prices down. People look for cheaper holiday and they buy “last minute tour” Some of travel agencies are forced to provide discounts to customers.

26 Thank you for your attention TEMPO TRAINING & CONSULTING s.r.o. Ing. Gabriela Vlckova +420 272 937 187


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