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TF-NGN TERENA General Assembly Roberto Sabatino Copenhagen, 23 October 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "TF-NGN TERENA General Assembly Roberto Sabatino Copenhagen, 23 October 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 TF-NGN TERENA General Assembly Roberto Sabatino Copenhagen, 23 October 2003

2 The context related to the technical developments of GEANT influences GN1 yearly technical roadmaps related to national networking development interests NRENs Universities Joint DANTE + TERENA task force Chaired by DANTE staff, secretarial support from TERENA Open to any individual who can make a voluntary contribution Moving to a forum for discussion on technical developments actual work carried out in sibling projects (SEQUIN, SERENATE, 6NET..) or GEANT specific WGs (GEANT-v6 )

3 Activities QoS Premium IP (Mauro -done) LBE/scavenger (Tiziana, Tim, Nicolas- done) monitoring and management (Victor, Nicolas - ongoing) AF based services (Tiziana, Octavio - stalled) Multicast (Lada - ongoing) IPv6 (Tim, Stig, Janos.. - ongoing) Flow analysis (Simon - stalled) MPLS (Dimitrios..- revived) Optical Networking (Victor, Michal, Stanislav.. - ongoing) Router Testing (Ioannis..- done/stalled)

4 Performance monitoring Initiative to specify and build an interdomain monitoring infrastructure To monitor QoS parameters and others (tbd) on an end-to-end basis using a choice of existing tools Principle of each domain making their own choice of tools used front-ended by domain servers and communication modules users (NOC personnel) can retrieve existing performance data or request a measurement to be made co-operation with I2 initiative

5 PERT Network of people to help improve performance, proactively must be cross-disciplinary (network, applications, OS) provide a repository of information of known issues and solutions provide ad-hoc expertise when needed structure quite well defined but not yet in place and not verified with a user-case

6 Premium IP management Premium IP is available in GEANT but how does a pair/group of users get it ?? AAA+resource managers for the future Focus on tools for automating information collection and scheduling clarifies roles and responsibilities of DANTE and NREN staff gives immediate feedback on availability of GEANT resources

7 IPv6 Multicast ipv6 pioneered within TF-NGN Discussion of broad issues covered - or not - in 6NET m6net, application porting/development status, multihoming, monitoring tools,…. Discussion of issues specific to GEANT IPv6 deployment routing, addressing, interconnections, DNS

8 Optical Networking Exchange of knowledge and experiences national initiatives: CH, CZ, PL SERENATE study on equipment information from vendors (wavium, No joint development or hands-on yet

9 Multicast Beacon gateway between ipv4 and ipv6 SSM support per-group monitoring

10 Multi-domain layer-2 VPNs MPLS technology is still single-domain requirements for circuit emulation services to be carried interdomain is there and growing Atrium, Datatag, DEISA,… Currently these are “hacked together” by engineers in the various domains Looking to test manageable solutions for interdomain operation - drafts martini and kompella are of interest Confirmed effort from DANTE and GRNET

11 Router Testing Focussed on Alcatel OBX 7770 to co-operate in the development of European technology and to develop a product targeted at the needs of the European research community Involvement of DANTE + GRNET Extensive training, testing, feedback sessions goal of deployment on GEANT testbed Recent sudden death, just before deployment on GEANT testbed !

12 Issues Large attendance but not many active people a few usual suspects Large attendance does not encourage focussed detailed discussion Alternative arrangements tested (break-outs) - but attendees preferred one single plenary too often too ambitious in yearly goals set out ideas not followed up by effort from participants

13 Input to GN1 Year-4 technical roadmap Performance monitoring PERT technology evaluation multidomain Layer2 VPNs state of art of AAA and resource managers deployment

14 What next ? Tackle year-4 targets Prepare for GN2 (an NA6 activity) end-to-end Service Quality (SA3 - provisioning + PERT) interdomain performance monitoring (JRA1) BW allocation and reservation, covering network techniques and AAA servers and resource managers deployment (JRA3) Liaise with TF-AACE Serve as a forum for discussion of GN2 developments in a wider context Propose new JRAs for GN2 in year-2,3,4

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