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DRILL: Take a sheet from your table called: “The Basics of Drawing” 1.Title sketchbook Page- “The Basics of Drawing” 2.Draw the 3 pictures on the front.

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Presentation on theme: "DRILL: Take a sheet from your table called: “The Basics of Drawing” 1.Title sketchbook Page- “The Basics of Drawing” 2.Draw the 3 pictures on the front."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRILL: Take a sheet from your table called: “The Basics of Drawing” 1.Title sketchbook Page- “The Basics of Drawing” 2.Draw the 3 pictures on the front USING SHAPES. (Follow along with Miss Gauger.) 3.Draw the dog on the back. 4.Write down the homework from next slide. The Basics of Drawing: Drawing Objects Using Shapes Objective: You will learn to construct objects using shapes in order to draw realistic animals.

2 Homework Due next Wednesday. One week. Trace large circle. If at home, use a plate and copy paper. Make art in circle. Look at Zentangle packet on Miss Gauger’s website or search Zentangles on your own. Include Zentangle designs. Add value. Grade will be based on the amount of detail and effort, not just doing it. Extra points if you draw outside the circle.

3 Zentangle Mandala

4 Add color and value:

5 Homework Due next Wednesday. One week. Trace large circle. If at home, use a plate and copy paper. Make art in circle. Look at Zentangle packet on Miss Gauger’s website or search Zentangles on your own. Include Zentangle designs. Add value. Grade will be based on the amount of detail and effort, not just doing it. Extra points if you draw outside the circle.




9 We will learn with this lesson: 1.Mandalas 2.Drawing objects using shapes- animals, natural objects. 3.Shading 4.Collage 5.Print-making 6.Zentangle- doodle designs.

10 DRILL: Take a sheet from your table called: “The Basics of Drawing” 1.Title Page- “The Basics of Drawing” 2.Draw the 3 pictures on the front USING SHAPES. (Follow along with Miss Gauger.) 3.Draw the dog on the back. 4.If you finish early – work on mandala day 1, value shapes, and flower with shading. The Basics of Drawing: Drawing Objects Using Shapes Objective: You will learn to construct objects using shapes in order to draw realistic animals.

11 How to use use shapes to draw animals Objective: You will learn to construct objects using shapes in order to draw realistic animals. DRILL: 1.Draw the dog that is on the back of yesterday’s sheet. (If you already drew one, draw the other- there are 2) 2.Which shapes would you use to draw this bird?

12 Homework Due next Wednesday. One week. Trace large circle. If at home, use a plate and copy paper. Make art in circle. Look at Zentangle packet on Miss Gauger’s website or search Zentangles on your own. Include Zentangle designs. Add value. Grade will be based on the amount of detail and effort, not just doing it. Extra points if you draw outside the circle.


14 Today: Finish these pages: 1.Mandala day one 2.Value with shapes 3.Applying value to the flower. 4.The Basics of drawing

15 Proportions Objective: You will use size measurements in order to use proportions when drawing animals. DRILL: 1.What did you learn on Friday with the bird? 2.What are proportions? 3.What does a caricature artist draw? 4.How many heads tall is a person? 5.How many eyes wide is the face? 6.Wrist to elbow equals what other body parts?


17 Title the deer section- Proportion Proportions are size measurements used to draw parts to scale. How many head tall? 7 1/2 How many eyes wide? 5 Caricature artist? Out of proportion. Head is larger. Wrist to elbow is _foot____ and __head___.


19 Drawing Using Shapes Objective: You will learn to construct objects using shapes in order to draw realistic animals. DRILL: 1.What steps did we do yesterday? The order. 2.List any tips or things Miss Gauger said (next to your drawing)

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